The Beman Project is dedicated to providing the guidance and facilities to ensure the highest quality libraries in ISO standard C++. We help library authors with development best practices, peer review, and contributing to the C++ standard. We distribute the libraries proposed for standardization to facilitate early usage and feedback.
The Beman project is named in memory of Beman Dawes - co-founder of Boost.
Membership in the Beman Project is open to individuals and organizations actively contributing to the development of libraries proposed to the WG21 C++ Standard. Contributors must adhere to the organization's code of conduct. Members are individuals who fill a role in the project structure.
Members are expected to contribute positively to the organization, uphold its values, and respect fellow members.
The Beman Project Leads are responsible for maintaining the Library Acceptance and Incubating process. This includes strategic planning, setting goals, and ensuring the organization's objectives are met. This team should broadly understand both the Standardization process, the needs of library developers, and the concerns from Committee Members. The Beman Project Leads ultimately approve or change the process that we use for exposing Beman Libraries to the wider community.
Beman Leads are currently: Jeff Garland, Inbal Levi, and David Sankel.
Any member of Beman Project Leads may step down or be replaced when they are no longer able to contribute effectively. The Beman Project Leads can nominate and decide on adding, removing, or replacing members by a majority decision.
The Beman Project Contributors are individuals who help execute the facilities provided by the Beman Project.
The Beman Project Leads may accept new members or remove members to the Beman Project Contributors by majority decision. There is no restriction to the number of Project Contributors.
The Beman Project Library Authors are the Library authors who are maintaining and improving the libraries that are part of the Beman Project.
Beman Project Library Authors apply for acceptance into Beman Project when they have reached the point of path toward standardization. This would be the submission of a Paper to the Committee, request to have a library to help write their paper, or a similar path.
Removal as a Beman Project Library Author may be done when the library no longer becomes part of the Beman Project.
Beman Project strives to make decisions through consensus among the Project Contributors and the Project Leads.
Proposals on the best way to proceed should be discussed in good faith.
Beman Project Leads ultimately decide the direction of the Project.
Please refer to our Code of Conduct.
All members must conduct themselves respectfully and professionally in all interactions within the Beman Project.
Discrimination, harassment, or any form of disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
Conflicts should be addressed privately and respectfully between parties involved.
If resolution cannot be achieved, mediation by the Beman Leads may be requested.