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The Beman Standard

This document specifies rules and recommendations for Beman project libraries. Its goal is to create consistency facilitating the evaluation of, and contribution to Beman libraries.


Core principles

This standard is driven by four core principles:

  1. [CORE.QUALITY] Highest quality. Standards track libraries impact countless engineers and, consequently, should be of the highest quality.
  2. [CORE.PRODUCTION_READY] Production-ready. Production feedback necessitates reliable, well-documented software.
  3. [CORE.INDUSTRY_STANDARD] Industry standard technology. Where there's industry consensus on best practices, we should take advantage. Innovation in tooling and style is not our purpose.
  4. [CORE.INCLUSIVE] Welcoming and inclusive community. Broad, useful feedback requires an unobstructed path for using, reviewing, and contributing to Beman libraries. This principle encompasses ergonomics, cross-industry participation, and cultural accommodation.

Changing this document

This is a living document that adapts to evolving best practices and community needs. To make changes:

  1. Create a discourse topic detailing the change and how it aligns with the core principles.
  2. After some community discussion, create a PR with the actual change on GitHub and apply the Beman leads label. The PR should also link to the discourse topic.
  3. Continue discussions on the PR and discourse topic.
  4. Await a leads a decision based on the community feedback.

Note: When making minor changes such as fixing typos, correcting grammar mistakes or improving clarity, some of the previous steps may be skipped - a PR can be directly created.


This standard consists of entries that include an all-caps, dot-separated identifier for referencing.

With the exception of the core principles, these entries are either rules or recommendations.

  • Requirements must be followed in order to conform to this standard. These entries are prefixed by "REQUIREMENT:".
  • Recommendations should be followed in general, but specific circumstances may make this a less-than-ideal choice. Libraries not following a specific recommendation can still conform to this standard. These entries are prefixed by "RECOMMENDATION:".


[LICENSE.APPROVED] REQUIREMENT: All Beman libraries must be licensed under an approved license. These are:

  1. Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions
  2. Boost Software License 1.0
  3. The MIT License

[LICENSE.APACHE_LLVM] RECOMMENDATION: All Beman libraries should be licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.

[LICENSE.CRITERIA] REQUIREMENT: All approved licenses must meet the following requirements:

  1. Simple to read and understand.
  2. Permission without fee to copy, use and modify the software for any use (commercial and non-commercial).
  3. Requires that the license appears on all copies of the software source code.
  4. Must not require that the license appears with executables or other binary uses of the library.
  5. Must not require that the source code be available for execution or other binary uses of the library.


[LIBRARY.NAMES] RECOMMENDATION: Beman libraries names begin with beman. followed by a snake_case short name. It should not contain a target C++ version.

Examples: beman.smart_pointer and beman.sender_receiver.

Bad examples: smart_pointer or beman.smartpointer or beman.optional26.

[REPOSITORY.NAME] RECOMMENDATION: The repository should be named after the library name excluding the beman. prefix. It should not contain a target C++ version.

Examples: A beman.smart_pointer library's repository should be named smart_pointer. A beman.optional library's repository should be named optional.

Bad examples: smartpointer or optional26.

[REPOSITORY.CODEOWNERS] REQUIREMENT: There must be a .github/CODEOWNERS file with a relevant set of codeowners.

[REPOSITORY.DISALLOW_GIT_SUBMODULES] RECOMMENDATION: The repository should not use git submodules. Check CMAKE.USE_FIND_PACKAGE for alternatives.

Known exceptions:


The top-level of a Beman library repository must consist of, CMakeLists.txt, LICENSE, and files.

[TOPLEVEL.CHANGELOG] REQUIREMENT: There must be a file at the repository's root that describes the high level changes in each version of the library (e.g., library status change, new paper implementation addition, paper implementation removal etc).

[TOPLEVEL.CMAKE] REQUIREMENT: There must be a CMakeLists.txt file at the repository's root that builds and tests (via. CTest) the library.

[TOPLEVEL.LICENSE] REQUIREMENT: There must be a LICENSE file at the repository's root with the contents of an approved license that covers the contents of the repository.

[TOPLEVEL.README] REQUIREMENT: There must be a markdown-formatted file at the repository's root that describes the library, explains how to build it, and links to further documentation.

[CHANGELOG.TITLE] REQUIREMENT: The must begin with a level 1 header with the name "Changelog".

[CHANGELOG.FORMAT] RECOMMENDATION: The should be formatted using the Keep a Changelog format.

Use the following style:

# Changelog

SPDX-License-Identifier: 2.0 license with LLVM exceptions

## [Unreleased]
### Added
- [LIBRARY_STATUS]: Library status updated to [Production ready. Stable API.]( as it is production ready and the API was adopted into the C++ 26 standard.

### Removed
- Removed optional range support as P3456R3 was rejected.

### Changed
- Added optional ref support as proposed in P1234R0.

[CHANGELOG.LIBRARY_STATUS] REQUIREMENT: The must contain a line for each previous library status with respect to the Beman library maturity model.

Use one of the following styles:

- [LIBRARY_STATUS]: Library status updated to [Under development and not yet ready for production use.]( It is not ready yet for production use.


- [LIBRARY_STATUS]: Library status updated to [Production ready. API may undergo changes.]( It is production ready but the API may undergo changes.


- [LIBRARY_STATUS]: Library status updated to [Production ready. Stable API.]( It is production ready and the API was adopted into the C++ 26 standard.


- [LIBRARY_STATUS]: Library status updated to [Retired. No longer maintained or actively developed.]( It was rejected from ISO standardization.

[README.TITLE] RECOMMENDATION: The should begin with a level 1 header with the name of the library optionally followed with a ":" and short description.


# beman.sender_receiver: Scalable Asychronous Program Building Blocks

[README.BADGES] REQUIREMENT: Following the title, the must have a one-line badge list. Examples: library status ([README.LIBRARY_STATUS]), CI status, code coverage.


![Library Status]( ![Continuous Integration Tests]( ![Lint Check (pre-commit)](

Use exactly one of the following entries for the library status badge:

![Library Status](


![Library Status](


![Library Status](


![Library Status](

[README.PURPOSE] RECOMMENDATION: Following the badges list and a newline, the should contain a one line summary describing the library's purpose.

[README.IMPLEMENTS] RECOMMENDATION: Following the purpose and a newline, the should indicate which papers the repository implements. Use the following style:

**Implements**: [`std::optional<T&>` (P2988R5)]( and
[Give *std::optional* Range Support (P3168R1)](

[README.LIBRARY_STATUS] REQUIREMENT: Following the implements section and a newline, the must indicate the current library status with respect to the Beman library maturity model; also, check An extra badge must be added to the to visually indicate the library status - check [README.BADGES].

Use exactly one of the following entries for the status line:

**Status**: [Under development and not yet ready for production use.](


**Status**: [Production ready. API may undergo changes.](


**Status**: [Production ready. Stable API.](


**Status**: [Retired. No longer maintained or actively developed.](


[CMAKE.DEFAULT] RECOMMENDATION: The root CMakeLists.txt should build all targets by default (including dependency targets).

[CMAKE.USE_FIND_PACKAGE] RECOMMENDATION: The root CMakeLists.txt should fetch all dependency targets via CMake find_package.

Use the following style:

find_package(<PackageName> [REQUIRED])

See [CMAKE.SKIP_TESTS] in this document for a working example or exemplar/blob/main/CMakeLists.txt.

[CMAKE.PROJECT_NAME] RECOMMENDATION: The CMake project name should be identical to the beman library name.

[CMAKE.PASSIVE_PROJECTS] REQUIREMENT: CMake projects must not adjust user-specified compilation flags.

User-provided compilation flags, whether specified via presets, command-line options, or toolchains, must not be modified by CMake projects. Therefore, CMake projects may not set variables that impact compilation flags such as CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD, as this would override user settings.

For common compiler/flag combinations, it is recommended to provide CMake presets as a convenient alternative for users.

If specific compiler flags are essential for project functionality (e.g., C++ standard features), use utilities like check_cxx_source_compiles to detect support and provide a helpful error message suggesting appropriate flags for the user's compiler.

[CMAKE.LIBRARY_NAME] RECOMMENDATION: The CMake library target's name should be identical to the library name.


add_library(beman.smart_pointer STATIC)

[CMAKE.LIBRARY_ALIAS] REQUIREMENT: The CMake code must create an alias of the library target named beman::<short_name>. This target is intended for external use.


add_library(beman::smart_pointer ALIAS beman.smart_pointer)

[CMAKE.TARGET_NAMES] RECOMMENDATION: All targets, aside from the library target, should begin with a <library_name>. prefix


[CMAKE.PASSIVE_TARGETS] REQUIREMENT: External targets must not modify compilation flags of dependents.

Therefore, target_compile_features (e.g., cxx_std_20) must not be used because it modifies the compilation environment of dependent targets. Compiler support for required features should be determined at CMake configuration time using check_cxx_source_compiles.

Furthermore, target_compile_definitions with PUBLIC or INTERFACE visibility must not be used, as these definitions are also propagated to dependent targets. Preprocessor definitions intended for external use should be generated into a config.hpp file at CMake configuration time. This config.hpp should then be included by public headers.

[CMAKE.CONFIG] REQUIREMENT: At install time, a <library_name>Config.cmake must be created which exports a beman::<short_name> target.

[CMAKE.SKIP_TESTS] RECOMMENDATION: The root CMakeLists.txt should not build tests and their dependencies when BEMAN_<short_name>_BUILD_TESTS is set to OFF (see CTest docs - similar to cmake's BUILD_TESTING). The option is prefixed with the project so that projects can compose. Turning on testing for the top level project should not turn on testing for dependencies. Since testing is part of the normal development workflow it is appropriate to set the option on by default for the top level project.

Use the following style:

# File: <repo>/CMakeLists.txt
# ...
    "Enable building tests and test infrastructure. Default: ON. Values: { ON, OFF }."
# ...

The CMakeLists.txt in the test directory can declare any test-only dependendencies that are required. For instance:

# File: <repo>/tests/CMakeLists.txt
# ...
find_package(GoogleTest REQUIRED)

# ...

[CMAKE.SKIP_EXAMPLES] RECOMMENDATION: The root CMakeLists.txt should not build examples and their dependencies when BEMAN_<short_name>_BUILD_EXAMPLES is set to OFF. The option is prefixed with the project so that projects can compose. Turning on examples for the top level project should not turn on examples for dependencies.

Use the following style:

# <repo>/CMakeLists.txt
# ...
    "Enable building examples. Default: ON. Values: { ON, OFF }."

# add actual code to be build here

# ...

[CMAKE.AVOID_PASSTHROUGHS] RECOMMENDATION: Avoid CMakeLists.txt files consisting of a single add_subdirectory call.

In other words prefer,

# <repo>/CMakeLists.txt
# ...


# <repo>/CMakeLists.txt
# ...
add_subdirectory(src) # Don't do this

# <repo>/src/CMakeLists.txt
add_subdirectory(beman) # Don't do this

# <repo>/src/beman/CMakeLists.txt
add_subdirectory(optional) # Don't do this

Directory layout

[DIRECTORY.INTERFACE_HEADERS] REQUIREMENT: Header files that are part of the public interface must reside within the include/beman/<short_name>/ directory.


└── beman
    └── exemplar
        └── identity.hpp
        └── ...
        └── ...

[DIRECTORY.IMPLEMENTATION_HEADERS] REQUIREMENT: Header files residing within include/beman/<short_name>/ that are not part of the public interface must either begin with detail_ or reside within a subdirectory of include/beman/<short_name>/ called detail or begins with detail_.


└── beman
    └── optional
        ├── detail                           # Private implementation subdirectory.
        │   ├── iterator.hpp
        │   └── stl_interfaces
        │       ├── config.hpp
        │       ├── fwd.hpp
        │       └── iterator_interface.hpp
        └── optional.hpp                     # Public interface.

[DIRECTORY.SOURCES] RECOMMENDATION: Sources and headers not part of the public interface should reside in the top-level src/ directory, and should use the same structure from include/ - e.g., src/beman/<short_name>/. Check CMAKE.AVOID_PASSTHROUGHS.


└── beman
    └── exemplar
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        └── identity.cpp

└── beman
    └── optional
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── detail
        │   └── iterator.cpp
        └── optional.cpp

[DIRECTORY.TESTS] REQUIREMENT: All test files must reside within the top-level tests/ directory, and should use the same structure from include/. If multiple test types are present, subdirectories can be made (e.g., unit tests, performance etc).


└── beman
    └── exemplar
        └── identity.test.cpp

└── beman
    └── optional
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── detail
        │   └── iterator.test.cpp
        ├── optional.test.cpp
        ├── optional_constexpr.test.cpp
        ├── optional_monadic.test.cpp
        ├── optional_range_support.test.cpp
        ├── test_types.cpp
        ├── test_types.hpp
        ├── test_utilities.cpp
        └── test_utilities.hpp

[DIRECTORY.EXAMPLES] REQUIREMENT: If present, all example files must reside within the top-level examples/ directory. Each project must have at least one relevant example.


├── CMakeLists.txt
├── identity_as_default_projection.cpp
└── identity_direct_usage.cpp

[DIRECTORY.DOCS] REQUIREMENT: If present, all documentation files, except the root, must reside within the top-level docs/ directory. If multiple docs types are present, subdirectories can be made (e.g., dev, public/private etc).


├── debug
│   └──
├── dev
│   └──

[DIRECTORY.PAPERS] REQUIREMENT: If present, all paper related files (e.g., WIP LaTeX/Markdown projects for ISO Standardization), must reside within the top-level papers/ directory.


└── P2988
    ├── Makefile
    ├── abstract.bst

File layout

[FILE.NAMES] RECOMMENDATION: Source code and header should use the snake_case naming convention (similar to LIBRARY.NAMES).

Examples: identity.hpp, identity.cpp, iterator_interface.hpp or optional_range_support.test.cpp.

[FILE.TEST_NAMES] REQUIREMENT: Test source code files must use the *.test.cpp naming convention.

Examples: identity.test.cpp, optional_ref.test.cpp or optional_range_support.test.cpp.

[FILE.LICENSE_ID] REQUIREMENT: The SPDX license identifier must be added at the first possible line in all files which can contain a comment (e.g., C++, scripts, CMake/Makefile, YAML/YML, JASON, XML, HTML, LaTeX, Dockerfile etc).


  • C++ files shall use the following form:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression>
  • CMake files and scripts shall use the following form:
# SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression>
  • Markdown files will use a comment following the title:
# Title

SPDX-License-Identifier: <SPDX License Expression>

[FILE.COPYRIGHT] RECOMMENDATION: Source code files should NOT include a copyright notice following the SPDX license identifier.


[CPP.NAMESPACE] RECOMMENDATION: Headers in include/beman/<short_name>/ should export entities in the beman::<short_name> namespace.

[CPP.NO_FLAG_FORKING] REQUIREMENT: C++ preprocessing must produce identical output regardless of compiler flags.

Therefore, feature test macros such as __cpp_explicit_this_parameter should not be used directly. Instead use the following approach for feature-dependent code generation:

  1. Check for availability at CMake time using, for example, check_cxx_source_compiles.
  2. Create a CMake option (e.g. BEMAN_<short_name>_USE_DEDUCING_THIS) with a default value based on detected support.
  3. Generate a config.hpp with a #define macro set to the selected option.
  4. Use this macro in place of the feature test macro.

See beman.iterator_interface for an example.

[CPP.EXTENSION_IDENTIFIERS] RECOMMENDATION: For functionality that is not being recommended for standardization, but is an extension provided by the library, its identifiers should be prefixed with ext_.