Currently under construction, so may be a mash of stuff
Disclaimer: I did not write most of these (maybe some pro tips), this is a collection of others' resources
These are also collections of maybe lesser known resources, so if there is a ZOMG, WHAI DID YOO FORGET THIS TOOL ?!?, it might be that it is a commonly known tool, but I'll get around to adding anything suggested. It may also be in this Resource Dump I made over here
- Found a giant collection here : META OSINT
- Another collection of GitHub Projects, might pull some featured ones out to specifically call out here: FBI Tools
- Another giant collection: AirTable of OSINT Tools
GitHub Projects
- Awesome OSINT Mentioned numerous times over the years, so check that out.
- Sinwindie OSINT
- s0cm0nkeys OSINT/Passive Recon
- Cypher387 's Collection of Repositories This has Geolocation, Tools, Hastag Searches, Google Dorks...
Blogs and Guides
- A Pentester's Guide - Part 1 (OSINT - Passive Recon and Discovery of Assets)
- 6 Best Facial Recognition Search Engines to Search Faces Online
- How to Find an OSINT Job
- Offensive OSINT - Human trafficking investigation part 1
- How to GMail OSINT like a Boss
- Berkely Protocol for Digital OSINT Investigations
- Skiptracer Certification
- Investigating Google Doc Owners
- Criminal intelligence: manual for analysts (see chapter 6: link analysis)
- Regex and Google dorking: Supercharging Your Google Hacking
- 5 Tips for when stuck in TraceLabs Search Parties I like the GoFundMe angle listed here.
Cheat Sheets
- Nimbus for taking screenshots Why type when you can send videos or screenshots
- OSINT browser extension
- Bellingcat's Online Investigation Toolkit
- VPN Hub For lulz
- Maigret - Collect a dossier on a person by username from thousands of sites
- Google Sheets query tool
- Monitor geotagged social media from multiple platforms in real time Pushpin-web
- Cyber Detective CTF - Wales
- Cyber Investigator CTF - Wales
- TryHackMe OSINT Writeup Potential challenge spoilers!
- Create an IFTTT trigger for your fictitious social media files. Have your profile post something every time it is added to an RSS feed. News articles, whatever you want. The constant stream of activity will help prevent your account from becoming idle, and thus suspended for being suspicious.
- Please only use these accounts for your own protection while gathering OSINT and do not use them for malicious purposes.
- The trick with LinkedIn is to add
Open Networker at LION™
or any variation of LION. Short for Linked In Open Networker to your puppets. Should net you 10 - 100 invites a month. - Learn about the different tools in the TraceLab Virtual Machine
- Learn about Google dorking or Google search operators (through YouTube). Google has so much free information that just mastering Google can be very powerful
When searching for financial connections to follow the money & connecting companies + agents, use open corporates + LiltleSIS. OpenCorporates is “the largest, open database of companies in the world”.
LittleSis is “a free database detailing the connections between powerful people and organizations”.
When used together, one can use OC to gather an organization’s financial info, all agent’s info, and all company/org connections then bring that info into LittleSis to create visualizations of WHO is connected to WHO, following the money. LS offers additional features to focus on the relationships between people and organizations with Oligrapher Map.
When needed financial information on a privately owned airstrip, we did not locate the info WE NEEDED, until we used OC. Then we learned their DBA info and the agents and members included. Brought that info into LS to create a visualization map, after which it retrieved all the financial resources and documentation down to specific flight plans. If you want to check out something in general on LS, try this, visit, and in search field type TED SPEAKERS.
For anyone who wants a more...decentralized mindmap, akin to a red string conspiracy board, i can very much recommend ThinkComposer (I think Win only unfortunately)
You have to distill that pile of data into actionable intel, or it just stays in the info pile. I use a Lego analogy. When you dump the Legos on the floor, they're information. Once you build something from them, they're intel.
Came across this website: It will run a name and displayed image results, Instagram profiles, twitter profiles, public records, email addresses, Facebook profiles, YouTube, LinkedIn, medium, Web results and even generate a list of possible usernames. Be advised, it seems like it publicly indexes all search queries so keep that in mind, although on the plus side it also means you can check their database of searched names to see if anyone has been trying to find out about you