Eventyay features a wide variety of currencies from US Dollars, Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars. To check whether the country's currency in which you want to provide for your event on Eventyay, follow these steps:
First, log into Eventyay using your account username and password, if you haven't had an account, create your account here Register
** If you have already created an event, follow step 2 onwards.
** If you haven't created an event yet, select Create an event
first, then follow from step 4.
Op the top right hand corner, select Manage Event
Select the event which you want to select the currency, select edit
You are now on the main event setup page, scroll down you will see ticketing systems
. In order to check or select your required currency, you must select paid ticket.
After you choose paid tickets, you can see the select country
box and select currency
You can select the country of your choice by clicking the box, and countries are arranged alphabetically.
Then, you can also select the currency for your ticket sales. Similarly, currencies are also arranged from A - Z.