constructor({ apiUrl = '',
authorization = ''
}: RdviewServiceConfig = { })
authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN'
Before usage service must be inited by coordinates or road id and km:
initByRoad(idRd: number, km: number): Promise<CurrentPosition>
initByCoordinates(lat: number, lon: number): Promise<CurrentPosition>
// coordinates format - decimal degrees
rdviewService.initByCoordinates(52.34, 28.9)
// 30000001 = M1 E30
rdviewService.initByRoad(30000001, 150)
Resolved promise after initialization contains CurrentPosition on road.
When inited, current position can be changed by methods
getNextView(): Promise<CurrentPosition>
getPreviousView(): Promise<CurrentPosition>
setPassage(passageId, rdKm?): Promise<CurrentPosition>
Current position information can be fetched by methods:
getCurrentView(): View
getCurrentPassage(): Passage
getAllPassages(): Passage[]
getSegment(): Segment
getCurrentPosition(): CurrentPosition
constructor({ apiUrl = '',
authorization = ''
}: RoadServiceConfig = { }) {
authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN'
Search roads by name:
getRoads(search: string): Promise<Road[]>
interface Road {
id: number; //30000001
name: string; //М-1 Е30 Брест (Козловичи)-Минск-граница Российской Федерации (Редьки)
code: string; //М-1 Е30
title: string; //Брест (Козловичи)-Минск-граница Российской Федерации (Редьки)
export interface View {
azimuth: number;
date: Date;
id: string;
lat: number;
lon: number;
rdKm: number;
imgUrl: string;
viewType: ViewType;
export enum ViewType {
TwoDimensional = 'twoDimensional',
EquirectangularPanorama = 'equirectangularPanorama'
export interface Passage {
id: string;
date: Date;
direction: Direction;
viewType: ViewType;
views: View[];
rdKmFrom: number;
rdKmTo: number;
export enum Direction {
Backward = 'backward',
Forward = 'forward'
interface Segment {
road: Road;
rdKmFrom: number;
rdKmTo: number;
passages: Passage[];
export interface CurrentPosition extends Segment {
currentPassage?: Passage;
currentView?: View;
closeToCurrentRdKmFrom?: number;
closeToCurrentRdKmTo?: number;
closeToCurrentPassages?: Passage[];
isPassageChanged?: boolean;
isNoNewPhoto?: boolean;
isEmptyResult: boolean;