At no other point in my life have I more subscribed to Hal Abelson's classic SICP statement, "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute." The fact that a computer can transform this model into a picture is a wonderful thing for prototyping and explaining. But the purpose of these models is to help a person build the project.
The projects here are simple enough that all of their components can be defined in one file, along with the assembly of those components into the final project. This may not be the case in the future, but for now it keeps the basic model together in one place.
Models are divided into three sections: parameters, components, and assembly.
The parameters section should define all measurements of the project. There are two kinds of parameters to consider: those that are inputs from someone planning to build the project, and those that are derived from the first set. For example, a bookshelf might expect inputs of the width of the unit, and the thickness of its end pieces, and then might derive the length of the shelves from those numbers.
Input parameters break the rule of everything being defined in the
model file. They should instead be defined in params.scad
, and they
should be defined as simple variables. Defining them as variables
makes them easy to override at the commandline
). Placing them in a separate file makes it easier
for view files to use them (include <params.scad>
) while still
allowing the main model file to render objects in the scene.
Derived, or computed, parameters should be the first entries in the
main model file, and they should be derived as functions. Defining
them as functions allows view files to use them (use <project.scad>
while still allowing the main model file to render objects in the
That bookshelf project mentioned earlier might have a params.scad
like so:
And a main bookshelf.scad
like so:
function shelfLength() = width - endThickness * 2;
If common/Makefile.common
is used as the project's Makefile,
arranging parameters in this way has an additional benefit: their
values can be inserted into the project's index.html
by surrounding
the parameter name with two opening and closing curly braces, and
prefixing them with<project name>
e.g. {{}}
In general, it makes sense to define parameters for nearly every value used to construct the model and its components. It makes it possible to create views and instructions that all update automatically to show the correct values.
This section is where the specification of the parts of the project live. In general, components should build on each other, and each of those components should be a separate OpenSCAD module. An example progression for a bookcase might be:
- Modules defining the general pieces of wood to be used - 2x4s, 1x8s, etc.
- Modules defining each piece of shaped wood - end cap, shelf plank, shelf support, shelf rib, etc.
For documenting the build later, I've found that it's useful to think of component modules in terms of the steps needed to build them. Being able to show a view of a component only partially finished can be useful.
This is where the project comes together. In this section, components should be assembled to create the final project.
The line dividing COMPONENTS from ASSEMBLY is a bit fuzzy. A shelf might be made of slats, but a bookcase is made of shelves. The slats not assembly, and the bookcase is not components, but what are the shelves? So far, I've erred on the side of modules in components are subtractive (cutting shapes, drilling holes, etc.), while modules in assembly are additive (gluing or otherwise joining). This won't hold for projects that glue to pieces together, and then cut the assembly, but we'll figure out what that should look like when we have some of those.
As with component modules, it's useful to think of assembly modules in terms of the steps needed to build them. The laundry rack project, for example, shows the arm assembly without one side attached in several views.
Only one view is required in a project, and ony if it's using the
common Makefile and project page template (which it should). That is
. This view should be a 3D perspective view of the
finished object, that would allow someone to get a basic idea of what
the project is.
All other views are up to you. Any view-*.scad
file will be rendered
into a view-*.png
during the common build process.
A view file can specify commandline arguments that should be passed to openscad when building it, by including a comment that starts "//cmdline:". One comment only is allowed, and all arguments must be on that one line of the file. Most views use this to specify the projection type and final image size.
To avoid warnings that will stop the build process, if you set the
viewpoint of the scene using $vpt
, $vpr
, and $vpd
, also add
include <../common/echo-camera-arg.scad>
to the file. This will
allow the common Makefile to append a --camera
commandline argument
to the openscad execution, which silences the warning.
If you'd like to include an animation, create a file named
. This file should have the same structure as a view
file, but crucially it should include an --animate=<frame count>
the cmdline
setting. This file will be turned into a 10
frames-per-second GIF named anim-*.gif
. It will run forward and
backward and loop forever.
I've found it useful for one of the views to be a "key". Like a key on a map, this shows an example of each component. The components name, the number of instances of that component, and some information about its size are displayed as well. This can be a great aid for debugging: looking at a component on its own, with some notes around it, often makes problems clearer.
Tools for creating the key, and adding measurements can be found in
. The sizeLabel
, angleLabel
modules add
markers and text numbers to the scene to display lengths and
angles. The thirdAngle
tool renders three copies of the component,
oriented so that it's possible to see the top of one, the front of
another, and the right side of the third at the same time. When
rendered looking in the direction of the positive Y axis, in
orthogonal projection, this has the effect if creating a third-angle
similar to an architectural drawing.
In addition to rendering components in the key as third-angle drawings, adding a view of the assembled project in third-angle projection can also be useful. It gives a good place to label assembled sizes, as well as distances between pieces.