This platform helps to address an issue with applying and getting the right degree program to to at university more so public universities in Uganda. Choosing the right program to do at university can help one get their dream job as well do something they love.
- Javascript/Typescript Full Stack
- Node JS Backend
- Express Js Framework
- Jest Testing Framework
- Postgres Database
- Sequelize
clone repo using
git clone
cd into project using
cd bdirs-authentication
. -
install dependencies using yarn
yarn or npm install
create a
file and copy content fromenv-example.txt
file with appropiate values -
Run migrations using
yarn db:migrate
Run seeders using
./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all
start dev server using
yarn start:dev
Run tests using
yarn test
docker-compose up -d
Run migration using
docker-compose exec api yarn db:migrate
docker-compose exec api export SUPER_ADMIN_EMAIL=anyemail
to add super admin email -
docker-compose exec api export SUPER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password
to add super admin password -
Run Seeders using
docker-compose exec api ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all
Please find the full project report attached to repo. Some diagrams got mixed up but will be fixed soon