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Category:Libraries Category:Libraries::Mollom
Library to integrate CI with Mollom. Mollom is a spam detection/prevention library.
Leverage's the PHP Mollom library from http://mollom.crsolutions.be
Config: [code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
This is the configuration for using Mollom with Codeigniter.
Uses (and requires!) the Mollom PHP class from http://mollom.crsolutions.be.
The library needs to be named mollom.lib.php & kept in the libraries folder.
Most of these entries can be left as they are or left blank. Most map directly to the Mollom PHP class variables.
Private & public keys are required, visit http://mollom.com to get yours! / / the Mollom private key */ $config['mollom_privateKey'] = 'your mollom private key';
/* the Mollom public key */ $config['mollom_publicKey'] = 'your mollom public key';
/* are reverse proxies allowed? */ $config['mollom_reverseProxy'] = false;
/* an array of allowed reverse proxies if the above is set to true */ $config['mollom_reverseProxyAddresses'] = array();
/* the timeout of connection */ $config['mollom_timeout'] = null; // set to a non-zero value to enable
/* how long in minutes to cache the Mollom servers for, leave as 0 to not cache at all */ $config['mollom_cacheServers'] = 30; ?> [/code]
Mollom.php [code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
Mollom Class
@package CodeIgniter
@subpackage Libraries
@category Mollom
@author Cameron Junge
@license public domain, just keep this header
@version 1.0 beta */ class CI_Mollom {
- @type string
- @desc Path to the mollom.lib.php file.
- @access private / var $mollom_lib_path = 'mollom.lib.php'; /*
- @var string
- @desc The Mollom session id
- @access private */ var $mollom_session_id;
- @var array
- @desc Captcha returned by Mollom
- @access private */ var $mollom_captcha;
- @var object
- @access private / var $CI; /*
- @var string
- @access private */ var $cache_path;
Mollom Constructor
@access public */ function CI_Mollom() { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->config->load('mollom'); $this->cache_path = ($this->CI->config->item('cache_path') == '') ? BASEPATH.'cache/' : $this->CI->config->item('cache_path');
$session_id = $this->CI->session->userdata('mollom_session_id'); if (!empty($session_id)) { // load the session_id from session if available $this->mollom_session_id = $session_id; } include_once($this->mollom_lib_path);
Mollom::setPrivateKey($this->CI->config->item('mollom_privateKey')); Mollom::setPublicKey($this->CI->config->item('mollom_publicKey')); if ((int)$this->CI->config->item('mollom_timeout') > 0) { Mollom::setTimeOut($this->CI->config->item('mollom')); }
log_message('debug', "Mollom Class Initialized"); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
- @desc Load the servers for Mollom, only one time!
- @access private */ function _loadServers($force = false) { static $servers_loaded = false; if (!$servers_loaded || $force) { $start_time = microtime(); $cache_path = $this->cache_path.'mollom_servers.cache.php'; $cache_mins = (int)$this->CI->config->item('mollom_cacheServers'); $servers = array(); if ($cache_mins > 0 && file_exists($cache_path)) { // load from cache file $cache = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_path)); if (isset($cache['expires']) && (int)$cache['expires'] >= time()) { // expried? $servers = $cache['servers']; Mollom::setServerList($servers); log_message('debug', sprintf("Mollom servers loaded from cache (%d servers)", count($servers))); } } if (empty($servers)) { // get the servers from Mollom $servers = Mollom::getServerList(); log_message('debug', sprintf("Mollom servers loaded from server (%d servers)", count($servers))); if ($cache_mins > 0 && !empty($servers)) { // save to disk cache $cache_expires = time() + (60 * $cache_mins); $cache = array('saved'=>time(), 'expires'=>$cache_expires, 'servers'=>$servers); $this->CI->load->helper('compatibility'); file_put_contents($cache_path, serialize($cache)); log_message('debug', "Mollom servers cached to disk"); } } $servers_loaded = !empty($servers); $time_taken = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - array_sum(explode(' ', $start_time)); log_message('debug', sprintf('Mollom servers loaded in %0.4f seconds', $time_taken)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
- @desc Validate that the answer for the captcha is correct
- @access public
- @return boolean */ function checkCaptcha($answer) { if (empty($answer)) { return false; } $this->_loadServers(); return Mollom::checkCaptcha($this->mollom_session_id, $answer); }
- @desc Get a captcha from Mollom
- @access public
- @return array / function getCaptcha($type='image') { settype($type, 'string'); $this->_loadServers(); switch ($type) { case 'audio': { $captcha = Mollom::getAudioCaptcha(); log_message('debug', "Mollom audio captcha requested."); break; } case 'image': default: { $captcha = Mollom::getImageCaptcha(); log_message('debug', "Mollom image captcha requested."); break; } } $this->mollom_session_id = $captcha['session_id']; $this->mollom_captcha = $captcha; if (isset($this->CI->session)) { // save the session_id $this->CI->session->set_userdata('mollom_session_id', $this->mollom_session_id); } return $this->mollom_captcha; } /*
- @desc Get an image captcha from Mollom
- @access public
- @return array / function getImageCaptcha () { return $this->getCaptcha('image'); } /*
- @desc Get an audio captcha from Mollom
- @access public
- @return array */ function getAudioCaptcha () { return $this->getCaptcha('audio'); }
- @desc Return the HTML for a captcha
- @access public
- @return string */ function getCaptchaHTML($type='image') { if (!isset($this->mollom_captcha)) { $this->getCaptcha($type); } return $this->mollom_captcha['html']; }
- @desc Verify your Mollom keys
- @access public
- @return boolean */ function verifyKey() { $this->_loadServers(); return Mollom::verifyKey(); }
- @desc Method not implemented yet!
- @access private / function checkContent() { error_log('CI_Mollom::checkContent not implimented yet.', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } function getStatistics() { error_log('CI_Mollom::getStatistics not implimented yet.', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } function sendFeedback() { error_log('CI_Mollom::sendFeedback not implimented yet.', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } /**#@-/ } // END Mollom Class ?> [/code]
To use: [code] $this->load->library('mollom'); $captcha = $this->mollom->getCaptchaHTML(); [/code] Then use $captcha in your view.
To validate: [code] $rules = array( 'captcha' => "trim|required|callback_verify_captcha", }; $this->validation->set_rules($rules); $this->validation->run(); [/code]
Validation callback: [code] function verify_captcha($answer) { $valid = $this->mollom->checkCaptcha($answer); if ($valid) { return true; } else { $this->validation->set_message('verify_captcha', 'The characters entered were incorrect, please try again.'); return false; } } [/code]
Pretty simple & easy!