use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- bcdavasconcelos
-- Source:
property UseAliases : true
property theFont : "Source Sans Pro"
property MDField : "returnlinks"
on performSmartRule(theSources)
tell application id "DNtp"
show progress indicator "Updating return links"
-- set theSources to the selection
repeat with theSource in theSources
set theSearchString to my prepare_search_string(theSource)
set theName to name of theSource
set theShortName to texts 1 through 4 of theName
on error
set theShortName to texts 1 through 3 of theName
end try
set theShortName to my replaceText(theShortName, " ", "%20")
set theList to my get_list(theSearchString, theShortName)
set theResult to my print_to_DT(theList, theSource)
end repeat
hide progress indicator
display notification "return links updated"
end tell
end performSmartRule
-- Handlers section
on replaceText(theString, old, new)
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, old}
set theStringItems to text items of theString
set text item delimiters to new
set theString to theStringItems as text
set text item delimiters to TID
return theString
end replaceText
on trimtext(theText, theCharactersToTrim, theTrimDirection)
set theTrimLength to length of theCharactersToTrim
if theTrimDirection is in {"beginning", "both"} then
repeat while theText begins with theCharactersToTrim
set theText to characters (theTrimLength + 1) thru -1 of theText as string
on error
-- text contains nothing but trim characters
return ""
end try
end repeat
end if
if theTrimDirection is in {"end", "both"} then
repeat while theText ends with theCharactersToTrim
set theText to characters 1 thru -(theTrimLength + 1) of theText as string
on error
-- text contains nothing but trim characters
return ""
end try
end repeat
end if
return theText
end trimtext
on sortlist(theList)
set theIndexList to {}
set theSortedList to {}
repeat (length of theList) times
set theLowItem to ""
repeat with a from 1 to (length of theList)
if a is not in theIndexList then
set theCurrentItem to item a of theList as text
if theLowItem is "" then
set theLowItem to theCurrentItem
set theLowItemIndex to a
else if theCurrentItem comes before theLowItem then
set theLowItem to theCurrentItem
set theLowItemIndex to a
end if
end if
end repeat
set end of theSortedList to theLowItem
set end of theIndexList to theLowItemIndex
end repeat
return theSortedList
end sortlist
on prepare_search_string(theSource)
tell application id "DNtp"
set theName to name of theSource
set theNameString to "(\"" & theName & "\")"
set theDB to the name of current database
set theAliases to ""
if UseAliases then set theAliases to aliases of theSource
if theAliases is not "" then
set theAliasesString to my trimtext(theAliases, ", ", "end")
set theAliasesString to my trimtext(theAliases, " ", "end")
set theAliasesString to my replaceText(theAliasesString, ", ", "\") OR (\"")
set theSearchString to theNameString & " OR " & "(\"" & theAliasesString & "\")"
end if
if theAliases is "" then
set theSearchString to theNameString
end if
set theSearchString to "name!=" & theName & " content: " & theSearchString & space & "kind: markdown"
return theSearchString
end tell
end prepare_search_string
on get_list(theSearchString, theShortName)
tell application id "DNtp"
set theRecords to search theSearchString in current database
set theNR to count theRecords
-- log message "Found " & theNR & " return links to the record"
set theList to {}
repeat with each in theRecords
set the end of theList to return & quoted form of ("<a id=" & name of each & "\" href=\"" & reference URL of each & "?search=" & theShortName & "&reveal=1" & "\">" & name of each & "</a></br>")
end repeat
considering numeric strings
set theList to my sortlist(theList)
end considering
return theList
end tell
end get_list
on print_to_DT(theList, theSource)
tell application id "DNtp"
set theList to "'<font size=\"6\" color=\"#8080BB\"><font face=\"" & theFont & "\">'" & theList & "'</font></font>'"
-- Convert to RTF
set theRTF to (do shell script "echo " & theList & " | textutil -stdin -stdout -inputencoding utf-8 -format html -convert rtf | pbcopy")
set theRTF to the clipboard
set theRTF to «class RTF » of theRTF
add custom meta data theRTF for MDField to theSource
end tell
end print_to_DT
#Applescript #DEVONthink