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- Definitions
- Why
- Security
- Challenges
denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
Software that is developed collaboratively in a distributed fashion
An open API (often referred to as a public API) is a publicly available application programming interface that provides developers with programmatic access to a proprietary software application or web service.
Essentially OPEN == PUBLIC
in this case.
- We are not a Software Development company
- Software is not a goal, it's a tool
- Forces good practices on us
- No more security by obscurity if we cant obscure anything
- Easier to introduce new collaborators
- There is no need for any additional effort from dev side
- Only sane way to encourage volunteer contributors
- No one has a day to spend chasing leads who to talk to for access A and credential B
- Transparency
- "I want to do something for BCC but I don't know how to start?"
- BCC has that cool system for doing X. I wonder if we could do the same?
- Sharing of ideas
- I want build scoreboard for my local church, can I get XYZ?
- I want to build a bot that automatically turns on my TV, and dims the lights when BTV meeting starts. Do you have an API I can use?
- Because she can't read the code it's harder to exploit
Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already much more than we can teach them. -Alfred Charles Hobbs, 1851
- Anyone determined enough to read code is determined enough to do other things (decompile for ex)
- Exploiting software is "far down" on the list
- Weak passwords and Human error account for well over 70% of information leaks
- has a public list of 613M passwords that are leaked
- There are many positive people out there
- Security issues have been actively reported
- Initial release of existing things
- Access (BCC Login)
- Initial setup / Readme
- Separate media and graphical profile from code
- Nope, the BCC logo is not for anyone to use
- Communication
In the spirit of Open Source, the presentation source will be made available at