There are some clients in different languages that provide a higher level API, built on top of gRPC and libuast
These clients make it easier to both parse and analyze the resulting UAST, abstracting from network communication and providing a query language to filter UASTs and can be used both as a library or as command line programs.
There are clients for the following languages:
Language | Status | UAST.v2 / libuast.v3 | URL |
Python | Beta | ✓ | bblfsh/python-client |
Go | Beta | ✓ | bblfsh/go-client |
Scala | WIP | bblfsh/client-scala |
The client API's differ to adapt to their language specific idioms, the following code snippets show several simple examples with the Go, Python and Scala clients that parse a file and apply a filter to return all the simple identifiers:
As a command, using bblfsh-cli:
bblfsh-cli -q [XPath query] -m semantic [file.ext]
As a library:
package main
import (
bblfsh ""
func main() {
client, err := bblfsh.NewClientContext(context.Background(), "localhost:9432")
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
res, _, err := client.NewParseRequest().ReadFile("").UAST()
if err != nil {
it, err := tools.Filter(res, "//*[not(@token = '') and not(@role='Qualified')]")
if err != nil {
for it.Next() {
// Print the internal type
n := it.Node()
fmt.Printf("Type: %q (%T)\n", uast.TypeOf(n), n)
node, ok := n.(nodes.Object)
if !ok {
// Print the positions
pos := uast.PositionsOf(node)
fmt.Println("StartPos:", pos.Start(), " EndPos:", pos.End())
// Print the token
fmt.Println("Token:", uast.TokenOf(node))
// Get the normalized identifiers
it, err = tools.Filter(res, "//uast:Identifier")
if err != nil {
for it.Next() {
node, ok := it.Node().(nodes.Object)
if !ok {
As a command:
python3 -m bblfsh -q [XPath query] -f [file.ext]
As a library:
import bblfsh
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = bblfsh.BblfshClient("")
ctx = client.parse("")
it = ctx.filter("//uast:Identifier")
for n in it:
As a command:
java -jar bblfsh-client-assembly-1.0.1.jar -q [XPath query] -f
As a library:
import org.bblfsh.client.BblfshClient._
class BblfshClientParseTest {
val fileName = "src/test/resources/"
val fileContent = Source.fromFile(fileName) .getLines.mkString
val resp = client.parse(fileName, fileContent)
if (resp.uast.isDefined) {
rootNode = resp.uast.get
val filtered = client.filter(rootNode, "//*[@role='Identifier' and not(@role='Qualified')]")
filtered.foreach{ println }
} else {
// ... handle resp.uast.errors
When using one of the clients that support libuast you can query the UAST result nodes using an xpath-like query language. Check the UAST querying page in this documentation for the details.
The client also allows you to instance an Iterator object and iterate over the tree on several predefined orders:
- Pre-Order
- Post-Order
- Level-Order / Breadth first
- Position-Order (this will retrieve the nodes in the same order as their position in the source code).
To check the exact way to use an iterator you must consult the readme of the specific client you're using, but they're generally easy to use as this Python example shows:
import bblfsh
client = bblfsh.BblfshClient("")
root = client.parse("/path/to/")
for node in bblfsh.iterator(root, bblfsh.TreeOrder.PRE_ORDER):
#... do stuff with the node