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reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It enables anyone with a web browser to create beautiful presentations for free. Check out the live demo at

The framework comes with a powerful feature set including nested slides, Markdown support, Auto-Animate, PDF export, speaker notes, LaTeX typesetting, syntax highlighted code and an extensive API.

BBC Fork

This is the BBC fork of reveal.js and includes BBC styling including the Reith fonts and BBC blocks. To be used for BBC presentations only.

Using BBC styling

Include this:

		<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/theme/bbc.css">

Using accessibility helper

Include CSS file in the <head> of index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugin/accessibility/helper.css">
  1. Include JavaScript file as dependency in index.html:
// More info
  dependencies: [
                  { src: 'plugin/accessibility/helper.js', async: true, condition: function() { 
                    return !!document.body.classList; 


Hidden offscreen slides

This plugin adds CSS to "really hide" offscreen slides using display: none; on an element wrapping each slide. This technique was used to avoid issues with transitions and display: none. For this to work, the styles must be loaded in HTML as a <link> tag (as opposed to injecting dynamically with JavaScript).

Dynamically labeled slide sections

HTML <section> elements commonly used for slides will act as landmarks in screen readers. To make them easier to identify, this plugin dynamically adds an aria-label property with a value of "Slide 1", as an example. For nested slides, it will add "Slide 1, child 1" with numbers relative to that slide.

Purpose: uniquely labeled sections are more useful in assistive technology than <section> soup.

Before (your code):

	<section>It might be dated</section>
	<section>But it's still useful</section>

After (dynamically rendered code):

<section aria-label="Slide 1">Reveal.js</section>
<section aria-label="Slide 2">
	<section aria-label="Slide 2, child 1">It might be dated</section>
	<section aria-label="Slide 2, child 2">But it's still useful</section>


Want to create reveal.js presentation in a graphical editor? Try It's made by the same people behind reveal.js.

Upgrading from previous versions

Note that there are breaking changes relative to previous versions. See the Upgrade instructions for more details.


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Getting started

MIT licensed | Copyright © 2011-2023 Hakim El Hattab, BBC specific material is Copyright (C) 2020 BBC