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File metadata and controls

499 lines (364 loc) · 24.1 KB

Grain Sequence Format

Version 9.0

A Grain Sequence Format (GSF) file contains a sequence of grains from one or more flows. It has the mimetype application/x-ips-gsf and a filename typically uses the suffix .gsf.

The GSF file uses version 2.1 of the SSB format that defines the base file structure and data types.

General File Structure

Each file begins with a 12 octet SSB header:

Name Data Type Size
signature "SSBB" Tag 4 octets
file_type "grsg" Tag 4 octets
major_version 0x0009 Unsigned 2 octets
minor_version 0x0000 Unsigned 2 octets

The current GSF version is 9.0. See the SSB Versioning section for a description of how versioning works from a reader's perspective.

Every GSF file starts with a single head block, which itself contains other types of blocks, followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of grai blocks and finally a grai terminator block.

The grai terminator block has the block size set to 0 (and no content) which signals to readers that the GSF stream has ended. It is typically used by readers when receiving a GSF stream where the sender does not know the duration beforehand and has set count in segm to -1.

As such the overall structure of the file is (count shown in brackets):

  • File header
  • head (1): file identify and creation time
    • segm (0..*): segment info
      • tag (0..*): segment tags
      • flow (0..1): flow metadata
    • tag (0..*): file tags
  • grai (0..*): grain info and data
    • gbhd (1): grain header
      • tils (0..1): time labels
      • vghd (0..1): video grain header
        • comp (0..1): video component info
      • cghd (0..1): coded video grain header
        • unof (0..1): unit offsets in coded data
      • aghd (0..1): audio grain header
      • cahd (0..1): coded audio grain header
      • eghd (0..1): data grain header
    • grdt (1): grain data
  • grai (0..1): terminator block

Concatenated Files

A reader may support concatenated GSF files by handling the occurence of the SSB header when a grai block is expected or after a terminator grai block.

A basic reader implementation could detect the SSBB file signature and skip the file header and the following head block. A reader could also read the head block, replace existing metadata and do some checks to ensure the data is consistent given knowledge of what it acceptable, e.g. if grains are from the same flow. The mediagrains implementation reads the head block, replacing what is stored in the decoder object.

"head" Block

The unique "head" block consists of a standard block header

Name Data Type Size
tag "head" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by some special header fields:

Name Data Type Size
id UUID 16 octets
created DateTime 7 octets

Where id is a UUID identifying the file itself, and created is a timestamp identifying when the file was laid down.

The "head" block then contains any number of segm and tag blocks (with any other blocks in-between).

"segm" Block

Each segm block describes a segment within the file. Each segment contains a number of grains, but the actual grain data is not included in this block, which is more of an index of segments.

It begins with a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "segm" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by some special header fields:

Name Data Type Size
local_id Unsigned 2 octets
id UUID 16 octets
count Signed 8 octets

where local_id is a numerical identifier for the segment, which is unique within the file, id is a UUID for the segment, and count is the number of grains considered part of this segment or -1 to indicate the number of grains is unknown. The id could be used to transfer and persist a global unique identifier for the GSF segment instance, but it is generally not used for that purpose as the GSF segment is a transient representation for the grains.

A segment, which is defined locally by the local_id, always contains grains from a single flow.

The segm block may contain a flow block and any number of tag blocks.

"tag " Block

Each tag block contains a 'tag' used to provide user extensible metadata for the immediate parent block - the segm and grai block. Each such tag is a pair of strings, referred to as the key and val.

It begins with a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "tag " Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by two variable length string fields, one for key and one for val:

Name Data Type Size
key VarString variable
val VarString variable

where the maximum string length for either key or val is 65535 octets. Note that the VarString size includes 2 octets to encode the string length.

A tag block will not have any child blocks.

"flow" Block

A flow block contains the Flow metadata for the grains in the segment. It begins with a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "flow" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the Flow metadata:

Name Data Type Size
src_id UUID 16 octets
flow_id UUID 16 octets
format FixString 64 octets
data VarByteArray variable

The src_id is the source identifier, flow_id is the flow identifier, format is a Flow format URN and data contains the Flow metadata as a UTF-8 encoded JSON string. The src_id, flow_id and format are extractions of the Flow properties contained in data.

The known format values are defined in the FlowFormat enum type and are as follows:

  • "urn:x-nmos:format:video" for video
  • "urn:x-nmos:format:audio" for audio
  • "urn:x-nmos:format:data" for data

"grai" Block

Each grai block contains the actual data for a grain. Every grain in every segment in the file is represented by such a block.

It begins with a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "grai" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by a single field containing the local_id of the segment to which the grain belongs (and a segment contains grains of a single flow, all using the same local_id):

Name Data Type Size
local_id Unsigned 2 octets

It is then followed by a gbhd block and then a grdt block (with any other blocks in-between). Note that an empty grain type still requires a (empty) grdt block.

"gbhd" Block

Each gbhd block contains the metadata for a grain header. It begins with a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "gbhd" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the fields of the common grain header:

Name Data Type Size
src_id UUID 16 octets
flow_id UUID 16 octets
primary_ts Timestamp 11 octets
secondary_ts Timestamp 11 octets
rate Rational 8 octets
duration Rational 8 octets

The src_id is the source identifier for the grains, flow_id is the flow identifier, primary_ts is the primary timestamp (it contained an "origination" timestamp in version <= 7.0.0), secondary_ts is the secondary timestamp (contained a "synchronization" timestamp in version <= 7.0.0), rate is the grain rate and duration is the grain duration.

The source and use of the primary_ts and secondary_ts should be defined as part of the flow.

The gbhd block then contains (in any order and with any other blocks in-between) an optional tils block, and a mandatory block for the non-empty grain types:

  • Video Grain: a vghd block.
  • Coded Video Grain: a cghd block.
  • Audio Grain: an aghd block.
  • Coded Audio Grain: a cahd block.
  • Event Grain: an eghd block.
  • Empty Grain: no block.

"tils" Block

Each tils block contains tagged time labels for the grain it exists in. If the grain has none then this block should be ommitted. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "tils" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the number of time labels:

Name Data Type Size
num_labels Unsigned 2 octets

Then, for each label the following data:

Name Data Type Size
label Timelabel 29 octets

"vghd" Block

Each vghd block contains the header data for a video grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "vghd" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the grain data:

Name Data Type Size
format Unsigned 4 octets
layout Unsigned 4 octets
width Unsigned 4 octets
height Unsigned 4 octets
extension Unsigned 4 octets
aspect_ratio Rational 8 octets
pixel_aspect_ratio Rational 8 octets

followed by an optional comp block (with any other blocks in-between).

The format and layout parameters are enumerated values as defined in The values originated from the COG library. The current set of known formats (from the CogFrameFormat enum class) are:

Name Enumeration
ALPHA_U8_1BIT 0x1080
U8_444 0x2000
U8_422 0x2001
U8_420 0x2003
U8_444_RGB 0x2010
ALPHA_U8 0x2080
YUYV 0x2100
UYVY 0x2101
AYUV 0x2102
RGB 0x2104
RGBx 0x2110
xRGB 0x2111
BGRx 0x2112
xBGR 0x2113
RGBA 0x2114
ARGB 0x2115
BGRA 0x2116
ABGR 0x2117
S16_444_10BIT 0x2804
S16_444_10BIT_RGB 0x2814
S16_422_10BIT 0x2805
S16_420_10BIT 0x2807
ALPHA_S16_10BIT 0x2884
v210 0x2906
S16_444_12BIT 0x3004
S16_444_12BIT_RGB 0x3014
S16_422_12BIT 0x3005
S16_420_12BIT 0x3007
ALPHA_S16_12BIT 0x3084
S16_444 0x4004
S16_444_RGB 0x4014
S16_422 0x4005
S16_420 0x4007
ALPHA_S16 0x4084
v216 0x4105
S32_444 0x8008
S32_444_RGB 0x8018
S32_422 0x8009
S32_420 0x800b
ALPHA_S32 0x8088
UNKNOWN 0xfffffffe
INVALID 0xffffffff

The current set of known layouts (from the CogFrameLayout enum class) are:

Name Enumeration
UNKNOWN 0xfffffffe

The width and height are the video dimensions, extension is the number of pixels to edge extend the frame by, aspect_rate is the display aspect ratio (eg. 4:3 or 16:9) and pixel_aspect_ratio is the pixel aspect ratio (eg. 1:1, 12:11).

"comp" Block

Each comp block contains the component sizes for a video grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "comp" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the number of components (usually either 1 or 3):

Name Data Type Size
num_comps Unsigned 2 octets

Then, for each component the following data:

Name Data Type Size
width Unsigned 4 octets
height Unsigned 4 octets
stride Unsigned 4 octets
length Unsigned 4 octets

where width is the number of samples per line, height is the number of lines, stride is the number of octets between the start of each line and the start of the next, and length is the number of octets from the start of the data for this component to the start of the data for the next component or the end of the grain data.

"cghd" Block

Each cghd block contains the header data for a coded video grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "cghd" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the grain data:

Name Data Type Size
format Unsigned 4 octets
layout Unsigned 4 octets
origin_width Unsigned 4 octets
origin_height Unsigned 4 octets
coded_width Unsigned 4 octets
coded_height Unsigned 4 octets
key_frame Boolean 1 octet
temporal_offset Signed 4 octets

The format and layout parameters are enumerated values as defined in The values originated from the COG library. The current set of known formats (from the CogFrameFormat enum class) are:

Name Enumeration
MJPEG 0x0200
DNxHD 0x0201
MPEG2 0x0202
AVCI 0x0203
H264 0x0204
DV 0x0205
D10 0x0206
VC2 0x0207
VP8 0x0208
H265 0x0209
UNKNOWN 0xfffffffe
INVALID 0xffffffff

The layouts are the same as those described in the vghd block. The origin_width and origin_height are the original frame dimensions that were input to the encoder and is the output of the decoder after applying any clipping. The coded_width and coded_height are the frame dimensions used to encode from, eg. including padding to meet the fixed macroblock size requirement.

The key_frame is set to 1 if the video frame is a key frame, eg. an I-frame, or 0 if it is not a key frame. A value >= 2 indicates that the key_frame value is unknown.

The temporal_offset is the offset between display and stored order for inter-frame coding schemes (offset = display - stored). A value 2147483647 (0x7fffffff) indicates the temporal_offset value is unknown.

The cghd block is followed by an optional unof block (with any other blocks in-between).

"unof" Block

Each unof block contains the offsets from the start of the data section for coded units within a coded grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "unof" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the number of unit offset:

Name Data Type Size
num_units Unsigned 2 octets

Then, for each component the following data:

Name Data Type Size
unit_offset Unsigned 4 octets

this information is optional, and not meaningful for all coded formats.

"aghd" Block

Each aghd block contains the header data for an audio grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "aghd" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the grain data:

Name Data Type Size
format Unsigned 4 octets
channels Unsigned 2 octets
samples Unsigned 4 octets
sample_rate Unsigned 4 octets

The format parameter enumerated values are defined in The values originated from the COG library. The current set of known formats (from the CogAudioFormat class) are:

Name Enumeration
S16_PLANES 0x00
S16_PAIRS 0x01
S24_PLANES 0x04
S24_PAIRS 0x05
S32_PLANES 0x08
S32_PAIRS 0x09
S64_INVALID 0x0c
INVALID 0xffffffff

The channels is the number of audio channels, samples is the number of (multi-channel) audio samples and sample_rate is the audio sample rate.

"cahd" Block

Each cahd block contains the header data for a coded audio grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "cahd" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the grain data:

Name Data Type Size
format Unsigned 4 octets
channels Unsigned 2 octets
samples Unsigned 4 octets
priming Unsigned 4 octets
remainder Unsigned 4 octets
sample_rate Unsigned 4 octets

The format parameter enumerated values are defined in The values originated from the COG library. The current set of known formats (from the CogAudioFormat enum class) are:

Name Enumeration
MP1 0x200
AAC 0x201
OPUS 0x202
INVALID 0xffffffff

The channels is the number of audio channels, samples is the number of (multi-channel) audio samples, priming is the number of samples at the start of the grain that were used for encoder priming, remainder is the number of samples at the end of the grain that were required to complete the encoding frame and sample_rate is the audio sample rate. The priming and remainder are additional audio samples used in the encoding and may be discarded after decoding to allow seamless stitching of contiguous audio fragments for example.

"eghd" Block

Each eghd block contains the header data for an event grain. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "eghd" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by an empty octet:

Name Data Type Size
type Unsigned 1 octet

The event payload type identifies the encoding and/or content for the event data. The type 0x00 is currently recognised and defines a JSON encoding following the schema defined in the Content Container library.

"grdt" Block

Each grdt block contains the raw data of a grain of any type. It consists of a standard block header:

Name Data Type Size
tag "grdt" Tag 4 octets
size Unsigned 4 octets

followed by the data components of the grain, copied byte-for-byte from the grain, in order. An empty grain type has size set to 8, ie. there is no data.