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PyLFPPL Compiler

This compiler is part of the Pyfo-project. As the compiler here provides only the frontend to compile a probabilistic program to a graphical model, you might want to use it together a backend to do the actual inference.


The current project has been used in some limited research projects, but has not yet been extensively tested. It might not be ready for full production use, i.e. expect some parts to be still missing, especially in corner cases.


It is best practice to install all libraries in a virtual environment, like conda, or equivalent.

To install machine wide run the following in the command line or terminal.

git clone
pip install .


git clone
pip install -e PyLFPPL

Basic Usage

The project requires at least Python 3.4, and has been tested mostly under Python 3.6.


See pylfppl walkthrough 1 notebook and pylfppl walkthrough 2 notebook for an interactive experience.

In order to compile a model from a program (either Python- or Clojure-based), import the package and use compile_model() or compile_model_from_file(), respectively. The returned object is an instance of the Model-class, containing the graphical model, as well as methods for sampling and computing probabilities according to the model (see below).

from pyppl import compile_model

my_program = """
x1 = sample(normal(0, 2))
x2 = sample(normal(0, 4))
if x1 > 0:
observe(normal(x2, 1), 1)
observe(normal(-1, 1), 1)

model = compile_model(my_program)

If you have the packages networkx, matplotlib, and, ideally, graphviz installed on your system, you can easily get a picture of the graph displayed:


You may want to use compile_model_from_file() to compile them directly to a model, i. e.:

from pyppl import compile_model_from_file

model = compile_model_from_file("examples/")

Function compile_model(source, *, language, namespace)

Takes a program as input, compiles the entire program, produces a Model-class and then returns an instance of this class. The input program is provided as a string and can be based on Python, Clojure, or basically any language for which there is a frontend (function get_supported_languages()). If the language is not specified, the system tries to detect the language from the the first characters in the provided input.

The compiler transforms the provided model into a graphical model and creates a Model-class, which is based on base_model (see module The last step of compilation consists in creating an instance of this Model, which is then returned as model-object.

The returned model contains, among other field, lists of the vertices (random variables) and arcs (edges between the vertices) of the graphical model as specified by the input program. Moreover, the methods gen_prior_samples() and gen_log_pdf(state) can be used to sample for the graphical model (returned as a 'state' dictionary mapping the vertex names to their respective values), and to compute the log probability of a given 'state' (mapping of values for each vertex), respectively.

Input Languages

The system currently supports the following languages as input:

  • Python
  • Clojure


During the compilation process, the names of almost all variables are changed, and the compilation relies on heavy inlining, eliminating a lot of names. Your input language or DSL, however, might contain predefined names, which should either remain unaltered, or be mapped to a specific name of function in the output program. As an example, you might want to provide a function select(...), which should be mapped to dist.categorical(...) during compilation. In order to achieve this, provide a namespace argument to the compile-function like:

compile_model(..., namespace = {'select': 'dist.categorical'})

If a name should remain unaltered altogether, use {'name': 'name'}.

The Model Class

The model-class provides a set of methods, of which the most important ones are described here. More information can be found in the modules and, respectively.

get_vertices() -> Set[Vertex]
Returns a set of all the vertices/random variables in the model. The elements of the set are instances of the Vertex-class (see

get_vertices_names() -> List[str]
Returns a list of the names of the vertices (cf. get_vertices()above).

get_arcs() -> Set[Tuple[Vertex, Vertex]]
Returns a set of all arcs/edges between vertices in the model. Each arc is given as a tuple leading from one vertex to another.

get_arcs_names() -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
Return a list of the arcs/edges between vertices, where each arc is given as a tuple of two names (cf. get_vertices_names() and get_arcs()).

gen_prior_samples() -> Dict[str, Any]
Samples from the graphical model and returns a dictionary that provides a value for each vertex/random variable in the model. The returned dictionary might contain additional values beside the random variables, and it can be used as input state in gen_log_pdf().

gen_log_pdf(state: Dict[str, Any]) -> float
The state argument must be a dictionary that provides values for each random variable in the graphical model (see gen_prior_samples()). The function then computes the log probability of the given mapping of values.

get_conditions() -> Set[Condition]
Returns a set of all conditions used in the graphical model, where each element is an instance of the ConditionNode-class (see

The Graph

The graphical model is represented by a graph comprising vertices (standing for sampled values and observations) and arcs (directed edges from one vertex to another). The vertices are instances of class Vertex (to be found in

The basic graphical model is adorned with additional auxiliary nodes that are not strictly part of the graphical model. On the one hand, there are ConditionNodes, representing conditions inside the probabilistic program. On the other hand, a DataNode might contain some static data in form of a list. The latter are simply an optimisation to avoid repetitively putting large lists/data-sets into the generated code (consider, e. g., a large list x with accesses like x[i], x[j-1] etc. sprinkled through the program. According to its inlining policy, the compiler would rewrite those accesses to something [1, 2, 3][i], which does not make sense if the list is large).

The conditions associated with a specific vertex can be accessed through its field condition_nodes, which is a set of all conditions directly used for this vertex.

Each node (both vertices and conditions) have the fields name: str and ancestors: Set[Node], the latter being the set of parents, this node directly depends on. The arcs/edges are not stored separately, but expressed through the ancestors-fields.


Vertices play the crucial and central role in the graphical model. Each vertex represents either the sampling from a distribution, or the observation of such a sampled value.

You can get the entire graphical model by taking the set of vertices and their ancestors-fields, containing all vertices, upon which this vertex depends. However, there is a plethora of additional fields, providing information about the node and its relationship and status.

The generated name of the vertex. See also: original_name.

In contrast to the name-field, this field either contains the name attributed to this value in the original code, or None.

The set of all parent vertices. This contains only the ancestors, which are in direct line, and not the parents of parents. Use the get_all_ancestors()-method to retrieve a full list of all ancestors (including parents of parents of parents of ...).

The set of ancestors used for the distribution/sampling, without those used inside the conditions.

The set of ancestors, which are linked through conditionals.

The name of the distribution, such as Normal or Gamma.

Either "continuous" or "discrete". You will usually query this field using one of the properties is_continuous or is_discrete.

A dictionary that maps each of the parameters of the distribution used to a string representing the Python code for its argument. For the Normal-distribution with the parameters loc and scale, for instance, you might get something like: {'loc': "state['x1'] + 3", 'scale': 'math.sqrt(2)'}.

The individual arguments can also be accessed by position through the field distribution_args, which is a list of strings.

The observation as a string containing Python-code.

The set of all conditions under which this vertex is evaluated. Each item in the set is actually a tuple of a ConditionNode and a boolean value, to which the condition should evaluate. Note that the conditions are not owned by a vertex, but might be shared across several vertices.

The set of all conditions that depend on this vertex. In other words, all conditions which contain this vertex in their get_all_ancestors-set.

The dimension of the samples drawn from this distribution.

Basic Structure of the Compiler

The compiler comprises three major parts:

  • A Frontend (i.e. Python or Clojure) is responsible for taking a source program (as a string) and to generate an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  • Several Transformations use techniques such as inlining, loop unrolling, and variable renaming to simplify the input program. The objective of these transformations is to simplify the program so as to extract the graphical model, not to optimise the code computationally.
  • The Backend takes the simplified AST, and generates the code for the Model-class. This code is assembled to a module, so that various imports can be added, and compiled by Python (using the builtin compile-function). The last step includes creating a new instance of this Model-class and adding some additional information about the graph to this instance.


As input, we have a probabilistic program as a description of the model. In order to perform further analysis as well as inference, this probabilistic program needs to be transformed into a graph, where each node/vertex represents either a sample- or an observe-statement.

Hence, the objective of the compiler is to rewrite the given probabilistic program so that is basically just a linear set of assignments of random variables, i. e.:

x1 = sample(...)
x2 = sample(...)
x3 = sample(...)
observe(..., ...)

Each of these sample- or observe-statements could, of course, depend on any previously sampled value, leading to the graphical structure of dependencies. But once we have obtained this simplified form, it is rather easy to extract all vertices from, and transform the given program into the graphical model.

In addition to these statements, the compiler also supports conditionals, so that an observe-statement, for instance, might actually have a guard:

cond3 = x1 > 0
observe(..., ...) if cond3 else None
observe(..., ...) if not cond3 else None


To reliably extract the vertices and edges of the graphical model from the probabilistic model, the compiler needs to make sure of two things. First, it must make sure that each sample- or observe-statement is called exactly once (i.e., a given statement is not called repeatedly inside a loop, say), so that the correct number of vertices is extracted from the program. Second, it must make sure the dependencies between the vertices is expressed correctly.

When an interpreter executes a program, it actually executes one line after another, possibly jumping forth and back, and thereby executing some lines several times. Our compiler tries to mimic this behaviour, and records each line as it is executed - where a line in the code might actually end up several times in the recording due to loops, of course. The result is then a sequence of lines, where loops that repeat a piece of code, are replaced by the effective repetition of the code lines. Take, for instance, the following trivial example:

a = 3
for i in range(a):
y = i*i

The interpreter will execute lines 3 and 4 a total of three times. Hence, our compiler should transform this piece of code to:

a = 3
y = 0*0
y = 1*1
y = 2*2

In this simple case, it is easy to see that i takes on the values 0 to 2. But what happens if we cannot easily deduce the exact values i takes on? Well, for starters, we always need to know the exact number of iterations, otherwise there is nothing we can reliably do. But the values of i might come from some yet unknown list b. This is then expressed as:

a = 3
i = b[0]
y = i*i
i = b[1]
y = i*i
i = b[2]
y = i*i

Loops are not the only case the compiler must take care of. A few examples of what the compiler must look out for...

  • a = sample(normal(4, sample(uniform(1.0, 4.0)))) needs to be rewritten into two separate sample-statements: x1 = sample(uniform(1.0, 4.0)) and x2 = sample(normal(4, x1)) (note that the variable names inside the original program have no influence on the naming of the vertices).

  • for y in [2, 4, 3.5, 5]: observe(normal(4, 1), y) needs to be unrolled, since there are actually four separate observe-statements involved here, each of which represents its own vertex or node in the graphical model.

Note that this unrolling can only be done if at least the length of the list is known to the compiler. Otherwise, the linearisation cannot be done properly. On the other hand, we do not strictly need to unroll every loop - only those that have sample- or observe-statements inside the body.

  • When a function contains a sample- or observe-statement, like, say, def foo(a, b): return sample(normal(a+b, 1.0)), we need to inline the function each time it is called, since each call actually stands for a sampling, which is expressed as a separate vertex/node in the graph.

In order to keep the compiler's code manageable, the different transformations have been mostly split into various passes. Each transformation is thereby implemented using the visitor-pattern.


This project is released under the GNU GPL 3-license. See LICENSE.


If you use this code, or ideas described in our paper please cite the following:

  title={LF-PPL: A Low-Level First Order Probabilistic Programming Language for Non-Differentiable Models},
  author={Zhou, Yuan* and Gram-Hansen, Bradley J* and Kohn, Tobias and Rainforth, Tom and Yang, Hongseok and Wood, Frank},
  journal={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2019},
