Here you can find example code for the Bastli Led Strip Contest 2015/2016 ( You might use it for reference or as a starting point for your code.
If you have working code in some funny programming language like Haskell, please make a merge request.
This Windows VJ software has very broad capabilities for interactive performances. It is based on a realtime data-graph approach, meaning you can interconnect Audio, Textures, Images, UI, and 3D in one consisting and fast way. On top of that you can script everything with Python. You get a non-commercial version of TouchDesigner at
Just start the touchdesigner/main.toe
file and it should work.
The C example can be compiled with:
bash gcc -std=gnu99 -pedantic *.c -lm -o app
switch is required for the wavefunction, which usessin(x)
bash clang -pedantic -std=gnu99 *.c -lm -o app
bash mingw32-gcc *.c -lwsock32 -lm -pedantic -std=gnu99 -o app
- Visual Studio has not been tested yet. May very well need some love.
Documentation is available through doxygen.
cd c/
doxygen doxyfile
(Or alternatively just read the headerfiles)
Compile with
dmd2 main.d barco/*.d -ofapp
Or any other D-Compiler(See
A Python (version 3) example is available in the python/
directory. No
external dependencies are required to run the code.
The example can be run with:
cd python/
python3 <IP> <port>