A proof-of-concept implementation of the RRC-7755 protocol for standardized, permissionless, and decentralized cross-chain calls.
This is a proof-of-concept implementation and has not been audited for production use. Use at your own risk.
make install-foundry
forge install
forge build
make test
make coverage
Create a .env
file in this directory with the following:
Create a cast wallet with the following command (you'll need a private key ready - if you don't have one, you can create one with cast wallet new
cast wallet import testnet-admin --interactive
Enter the private key of the account you want to use. Note, this account needs to be funded on all chains you'd like to submit requests to.
Base Sepolia -> Arbitrum Sepolia
make submit-base-to-arbitrum
Base Sepolia -> Optimism Sepolia
make submit-base-to-optimism
Arbitrum Sepolia -> Base Sepolia
make submit-arbitrum-to-base
Arbitrum Sepolia -> Optimism Sepolia
make submit-optimism-to-arbitrum
Optimism Sepolia -> Base Sepolia
make submit-optimism-to-base
Base Sepolia -> Arbitrum Sepolia
make userop-base-to-arbitrum
Base Sepolia -> Optimism Sepolia
make userop-base-to-optimism
Arbitrum Sepolia -> Base Sepolia
make userop-arbitrum-to-base
Arbitrum Sepolia -> Optimism Sepolia
make userop-arbitrum-to-optimism
Optimism Sepolia -> Arbitrum Sepolia
make userop-optimism-to-arbitrum
Optimism Sepolia -> Base Sepolia
make userop-optimism-to-base
To fulfill a cross-chain request:
make fulfill-request
To recover funds from the paymaster:
make recover-paymaster-funds
The RRC-7755 protocol implementation consists of the following key contracts:
- RRC7755Base: Contains helper functions and shared message attributes for RRC-7755 used by both Inbox and Outbox contracts.
- RRC7755Inbox: An inbox contract that routes requested transactions on destination chains and stores record of their fulfillment.
- RRC7755Outbox: An abstract Outbox contract containing common logic for sending messages and facilitating reward redemption for fulfillers.
- Paymaster: Used as a hook for fulfillers to provide funds for requested transactions when the cross-chain calls.
- NonceManager: Manages the nonce for the RRC7755 protocol.
The exact proof verification used by an Outbox depends on the destination chain that Outbox is designed for. We have three options at this point in time:
- RRC7755OutboxToArbitrum: An outbox meant for an ERC-4788 compliant chain to send messages to Arbitrum.
- RRC7755OutboxToHashi: A flexible outbox that can be deployed to any evm compatible chain. It relies on the Hashi system for sharing block headers from various destination chains.
- RRC7755OutboxToOPStack: An outbox meant for an ERC-4788 compliant chain to send messages to OP Stack chains.
The protocol also includes libraries for handling proofs and validating cross-chain calls:
- GlobalTypes: Utility functions for converting addresses to bytes32 and vice versa.
- StateValidator: Validates storage proofs.
- ArbitrumProver: Utility library for validating Arbitrum storage proofs.
- HashiProver: Utility library for validating storage proofs against state relayed by the Hashi system.
- OPStackProver: Utility library for validating OP Stack storage proofs.
The following contracts are deployed on testnet networks:
- Paymaster:
- RRC7755Inbox:
- RRC7755OutboxToOPStack:
- RRC7755OutboxToHashi:
- Paymaster:
- RRC7755Inbox:
- RRC7755OutboxToArbitrum:
- RRC7755OutboxToOPStack:
- RRC7755OutboxToHashi:
- Paymaster:
- RRC7755Inbox:
- RRC7755OutboxToArbitrum:
- RRC7755OutboxToOPStack:
- RRC7755OutboxToHashi:
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.