- Create a working blueprint for a TS project with jest, testing-library, redux, router
- Split the blueprint and create two base blueprints: JavaScript and TypeScript
- Create a blueprint for PWA support
- Create a blueprint for Router support
- Create a blueprint for Redux support
- Create a blueprint for ESLint + Prettier support
- Create a blueprint for Jest support
- Create a blueprint for Cypress support
- Create a deps file for PWA support
- Create a deps file for Router support
- Create a deps file for Redux support
- Create a deps file for ESLint + Prettier support
- Create a deps file for Jest support
- Create a deps file for Cypress support
- Add support for ESLint with Prettier and Airbnb config + Typescript
- Consider adding PropTypes feature to JS base
- Consider adding additional CSS Frameworks
- Consider adding Storybook feature
- Consider preferred "Streamed imports"