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File metadata and controls

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Lazy loaded translation module for Angular using messageformat.

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npm i @qntm-code/ng-lazy-translate

Usage - Standalone Components

1. Create providers

import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { appConfig } from './app/app.config';
import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, appConfig).catch(err => console.error(err));
import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/core';
import { provideLazyTranslate } from '@qntm-code/ng-lazy-translate';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
      defaultLanguage: 'en',
      languages: [
          code: 'en',
          displayValue: 'English',
          code: 'fr',
          displayValue: 'Français',
      translationAssetPaths: {
        'en.common': 'asset/i18n/en/common.json',
        'fr.common': 'asset/i18n/fr/common.json',
      missingTranslationHandler: (language: string, key: string) => console.error(`Custom handler: Could not find ${key} in ${language}`),
      missingFileHandler: (namespace: string, language: string) =>
        console.error(`Custom handler: CFile with namespace ${namespace} not found for language ${language}`),

Usage - Within a Module

1. Import Module

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { NgLazyTranslateModule } from '@qntm-code/ng-lazy-translate';

  imports: [
      defaultLanguage: 'en',
      languages: [
          code: 'en',
          displayValue: 'English',
          code: 'fr',
          displayValue: 'Français',
      translationAssetPaths: {
        'en.common': 'asset/i18n/en/common.json',
        'fr.common': 'asset/i18n/fr/common.json',
export class AppModule {}

2. Import module in component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NgLazyTranslateModule } from '@qntm-code/ng-lazy-translate';

  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgLazyTranslateModule],
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {}

Using pipe in a template

<p>{{ 'common.hello_world' | translate }}</p>

Using the service in a component/service

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { LazyTranslateService } from '@qntm-code/ng-lazy-translate';

export class MyService {
  constructor(private readonly translateService: LazyTranslateService) {}

  public doSomething(): Observable<string> {
    return this.translateService.translate('common.hello_world');

Dynamically adding translation asset paths

You can dynamically add translation asset paths by calling the addTranslationPaths method on the LazyTranslateService:

import { LazyTranslateService } from '@qntm-code/ng-lazy-translate';

export class MyService {
  private readonly translateService = inject(LazyTranslateService);

  constructor() {
      'en.home': 'assets/i18n/en/home.json',
      'fr.home': 'assets/i18n/fr/home.json',

You can also preload all the translation files in the current language by adding the preload paramater to the call:

    'en.home': 'assets/i18n/en/home.json',
    'fr.home': 'assets/i18n/fr/home.json',


Whether you use the standalone components or the module, the LazyTranslateModuleConfig options are the same.

Option Type Description Mandatory Default
defaultLanguage string The default language to use if no language is specified Yes N/A
languages Language[] The list of languages to support Yes N/A
translationAssetPaths TranslationAssetPaths The list of translation assets to load. The key is the language and the translation file name. No N/A
preload boolean Whether to preload all the translation files in the current language. No false
useDefaultLanguage boolean Whether to use the default language if the specified language is not found No true
enableLogging boolean Whether to enable logging of missing translations No true
missingTranslationHandler (language: string, key: string) => void A custom handler to use when a translation is not found. If not specified, the default handler will be used. No Will console.error a message
missingFileHandler (namespace: string, language: string) => void A custom handler to use when a translation file is not found. If not specified, the default handler will be used. No Will console.error a message


Option Type Description
code string The language code.
displayName string The language name.


Option Type Description
key string The language and translation file name. For example: en.common or
value string The path to the translation file. e.g assets/i18n/en.common.json

Translation files

Translation files must be in JSON format and have the following structure:

  "hello_world": "Hello World!"

You can also use nested keys:

  "greetings": {
    "hello_world": "Hello World!"

You can then access this nest value like so:

  • In a template:

    {{ 'common.greetings.hello_world' | translate }}
  • In a component/service:


The translation service uses messageformat to format the translation., which allows you to pass values to your translated text:

  "greetings": {
    "hello_world": "Hello {name}! It is {time}"
  • Template:

    {{ 'common.greetings.hello_world' | translate: { name: 'John', time: '10:00' } }}
  • Component/Service:

    this.translateService.translate('common.greetings.hello_world', { name: 'John', time: '10:00' });

Default value

If you want to provide a default value for when a translation is not found in any language, you can do so by passing it as the last parameter to the translate pipe or function:

  • Template:

    {{ 'common.greetings.hello_world' | translate: { name: 'John', time: '10:00' }: 'Hello, this is my default string' }}

    or without values:

    {{ 'common.greetings.hello_world' | translate: 'Hello, this is my default string' }}
  • Component/Service:

    this.translateService.translate('common.greetings.hello_world', { name: 'John', time: '10:00' }, 'Hello, this is my default string');

    or without values:

    this.translateService.translate('common.greetings.hello_world', undefined, 'Hello, this is my default string');