diff --git a/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/files/person-info-1.csv b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/files/person-info-1.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..64e141c3ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/files/person-info-1.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+First name,Last name,Address,Email,Country,Zip
+Ralph,Padilla,"571-1430 Vulputate, Rd.",auctor.ullamcorper@icloud.edu,Chile,35528
+Colton,Cobb,3010 Ligula. Av.,eu.ligula.aenean@google.org,Austria,9351-5888
+Orlando,Sheppard,622-8030 Litora St.,egestas.a.dui@google.edu,Russian Federation,134388
+Fiona,Fleming,Ap #913-8067 Sociis Rd.,lacus.ut@icloud.net,Austria,28748
+Tatum,Chen,"P.O. Box 390, 3345 Eleifend Av.",et.pede.nunc@hotmail.org,Austria,28555
diff --git a/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/files/person-info-2.csv b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/files/person-info-2.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3c19659f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/files/person-info-2.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Street Address 1,Country Name,Postal/Zip,Name Last,Name First,Email Address,Day Of Birth
+Ap #253-2158 Iaculis Av.,South Africa,54760,Barry,Elton,nulla.semper.tellus@yahoo.couk,1993-08-13
+Ap #143-6408 Id Rd.,Netherlands,54655,Hodge,Gray,hendrerit.consectetuer.cursus@outlook.com,1984-06-10
+9730 Mi St.,Philippines,423468,Hicks,Zenaida,sit.amet@aol.net,1972-04-12
+Ap #335-4745 Eu Street,Nigeria,6011,Vargas,Pamela,nunc.ullamcorper.velit@yahoo.edu,2001-07-26
+Ap #669-7751 Placerat Avenue,Costa Rica,5424,Jennings,Rhoda,et.magnis@google.edu,1989-01-22
diff --git a/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi-template.hpl b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi-template.hpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14148e4a95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi-template.hpl
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ template-file-input
+ Y
+ Normal
+ N
+ 1000
+ 100
+ -
+ 2024/05/07 09:54:50.069
+ -
+ 2024/05/07 09:54:50.069
+ Text file input
+ Select values
+ Y
+ Select values
+ Text file output
+ Y
+ Select values
+ SelectValues
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ N
+ 464
+ 176
+ Text file input
+ TextFileInput2
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ N
+ N
+ ;
+ "
+ N
+ 1
+ 1
+ N
+ 1
+ N
+ 80
+ 0
+ Y
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ mixed
+ Y
+ None
+ 0
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ warning
+ error
+ line
+ Y
+ en_US
+ 256
+ 176
+ Text file output
+ TextFileOutput
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ ;
+ "
+ N
+ N
+ None
+ N
+ Y
+ file
+ N
+ Y
+ txt
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ Y
+ N
+ N
+ 672
+ 176
diff --git a/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi.hpl b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi.hpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ee73976b8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/transforms/metainject/src/main/samples/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi.hpl
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+ process-files-with-mdi
+ Y
+ Normal
+ 0
+ 1
+ N
+ 1000
+ 100
+ -
+ 2024/05/07 09:56:06.810
+ -
+ 2024/05/07 09:56:06.810
+ 210
+ 136
+ 15
+ 250
+ 231
+ 200
+ N
+ 250
+ 231
+ 200
+ N
+ .AppleSystemUIFont
+ 13
+ 170
+ 118
+ 52
+ This sample pipelines reads person information from 2 files with different layouts.
+The data is written to a unified file format through metadata injection.
+To run this sample, run this pipeline with the default PRM_TYPE value of 1, then run it again with 2 as the parameter value.
+This will read ${PROJECT_HOME}/files/person-info-1.csv and ${PROJECT_HOME}/files/person-info-2.csv respectively.
+The unified output file is written to ${PROJECT_HOME}/output/unified-person-data.csv.
+To learn more about metadata injection: https://hop.apache.org//manual/latest/pipeline/metadata-injection.html
+ 749
+ Get file names
+ File Metadata
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ ETL metadata injection
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ keep filename
+ Y
+ keep filename
+ sort unique filename
+ Y
+ sort unique filename
+ ETL metadata injection
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ rename fields
+ Y
+ rename fields
+ keep fields
+ Y
+ keep fields
+ field position
+ Y
+ field position
+ sort fields
+ Y
+ sort fields
+ ETL metadata injection
+ Y
+ ETL metadata injection
+ MetaInject
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ ${PROJECT_HOME}/metadata-injection/process-files-with-mdi-template.hpl
+ local
+ Y
+ N
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ precision
+ Text file input
+ N
+ ,
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ mask
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ grouping_symbol
+ Text file output
+ Y
+ both
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ decimal_symbol
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ length
+ Text file input
+ N
+ "
+ Text file output
+ N
+ ${PROJECT_HOME}/output/unified-person-data
+ Select values
+ Y
+ sort fields
+ name
+ Text file input
+ N
+ UTF-8
+ Select values
+ Y
+ sort fields
+ name_new
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ type_1
+ Text file output
+ Y
+ sort fields
+ name_new
+ Text file output
+ N
+ csv
+ Text file input
+ N
+ Text file output
+ Y
+ sort fields
+ type_1
+ Text file input
+ N
+ mixed
+ Text file input
+ N
+ Y
+ Text file output
+ N
+ ,
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ sort unique filename
+ filename
+ Text file output
+ N
+ "
+ Text file output
+ N
+ Y
+ Text file input
+ Y
+ File Metadata
+ name
+ Text file input
+ N
+ 1
+ 928
+ 352
+ File Metadata
+ FileMetadataPlugin
+ N
+ 1
+ none
+ ISO-8859-1
+ ;
+ ,
+ "
+ '
+ filename
+ Y
+ 10000
+ 288
+ 352
+ Get file names
+ GetFileNames
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ N
+ N
+ N
+ person-info-${PRM_TYPE}.csv
+ N
+ ${PROJECT_HOME}/files
+ N
+ all_files
+ Y
+ 0
+ N
+ N
+ 128
+ 352
+ field position
+ ValueMapper
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ name_new
+ first_name
+ 1
+ last_name
+ 2
+ primary_email
+ 3
+ address_street
+ 4
+ address_zip
+ 5
+ address_country
+ 6
+ field_position
+ 720
+ 464
+ keep fields
+ FilterRows
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ name_new
+ N
+ -
+ N
+ -1
+ constant
+ -1
+ first_name;last_name;address_stress;address_zip;address_country;primary_email
+ String
+ 560
+ 464
+ keep filename
+ SelectValues
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ filename
+ N
+ 400
+ 256
+ rename fields
+ ValueMapper
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ name
+ First name
+ first_name
+ Last name
+ last_name
+ Name First
+ first_name
+ Name Last
+ last_name
+ Address
+ address_street
+ Street Address 1
+ address_street
+ Country
+ address_country
+ Country Name
+ address_country
+ Zip
+ address_zip
+ Postal/Zip
+ address_zip
+ Email
+ primary_email
+ Email Address
+ primary_email
+ Day Of Birth
+ dob
+ name_new
+ 400
+ 464
+ sort fields
+ SortRows
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ ${java.io.tmpdir}
+ out
+ 1000000
+ N
+ N
+ field_position
+ Y
+ N
+ N
+ 0
+ N
+ 848
+ 464
+ sort unique filename
+ SortRows
+ Y
+ 1
+ none
+ ${java.io.tmpdir}
+ out
+ 1000000
+ N
+ Y
+ 848
+ 256