For all the beginners that are starting on the portal, this is for you to get started.
Git should come pre-installed in Linux and macOS. For Windows, use this link After you've successfully installed, you can verify the installation using:
git --version
# git version
Portal uses PHP v7.4. You can install it using one of the following ways:
XAMPP (Windows and Linux)
- If you prefer using XAMPP, you can download the full stack with right PHP version from this link
- If you already have XAMPP installed for Windows, refer this link for switching to the correct PHP version.
- If you already have XAMPP installed for Ubuntu, refer this linkfor switching to the correct PHP version.
WAMP (Windows)
- If you prefer using WAMP Windows(64-bit and 32-bit), you can download from this link. A possible error that may arise with openSSL extension. It should be enabled from your 'php.ini' file. To enable it, use the following steps:
- Edit the system environment variables and set the path of your selected PHP version.
- In 'php.ini', uncomment the ";extension=openSSL" by removing ";" before it.
- The WAMP users have to right click on the server icon in the toolbar, and choose ‘Restart all services’ after making changes to the 'php.ini' file.
- Run this command in the root directory of your project:
composer update
- If the user is working in VSCode, possible errors may arise because of path, as may not be able to access the selected PHP version from its terminal.
MAMP (macOS)
After you've successfully installed, you can verify the installation using:
php -v
# output should be something like
# PHP 7.4.21 (cli) (built: Aug 5 2021 15:34:00) ( NTS )
For MacOS:
For Windows:
For Linux:
After you've successfully installed, you can verify the installation using:
composer --version
# output should be something like
# Composer version 2.1.6 2021-08-19 17:11:08
For (Windows, Ubuntu, macOS)
- Nodejs v14 or higher. After you've successfully installed, you can verify the installation using:
npm -v
# output should be something like
# 6.14.15
node -v
#output should be somthing like
Install the following extensions and packages based on the code editor you use:
Visual Studio Code Editor:
Sublime Code Editor:
There are some topics and tools you need to know to prior to work in portal so please make sure to check this out.
Version control, also known as source control, is the practice of tracking and managing changes to software code.
More about version control system
This project uses Laravel Modules, so a basic understanding of the commands is recommended:
This project uses Cypress for automated testing, so a basic understanding of the writing test cases is recommended: