These are the Jupyter notebooks for the UW ESS 412/512 winter quarter introduction to seismology class.
These are intended to be run with Python 3.x where x can be 4 or 5. These should also be accessible via Microsoft Azure.
These are Python3.5 notebooks. They will subsequently require
- Python version 3.5. Version 3.6 may also work. The 2.x series is being deprecated so I'm trying to avoid it.
- ObsPy.
- [Jupyter] notebooks.
- Git.
- basemap
Optional - I strongly recommend installing Python with Anaconda. In this instance you'll end up with Python3.6 and have to add
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Alternatively, you can use these notebooks in a cloud environment via Microsoft Azure. However, this will require that you register with Microsoft.
This repository will be populated as the class unfolds.
To stay up to date change your working directory to where the git repository is downloaded, e.g.,
cd /path/to/ess412_introToSeismo
Then type
git pull
This should pull the latest notebooks and you'll up-to-date.
To stay up to date on Azure open a "Terminal." Then type
cd library
git pull
This should pull the latest notebooks and you'll be up-to-date.
You probably modified a file without changing the name/copying it to your local directory. In git's complaints will likely be offending file names. Let's say nisqually.ipynb is causing issues. You can do a few things here.
(1) Change the offending file names
mv niqually.ipynb to nisqually_myName.ipynb
(2) Commit your change. This may ultimately lead to a merge conflict but git can be pretty clever so give it a try.
git add nisqually.ipynb
git commit -m "I've modified this file while doing my homework. Maybe I'll follow the directions next time."
Here are some ideas on usage for those working at a terminal and those working on Azure.
In this option locate the notebook in the git repo structure. Change directories to where you are doing your work, e.g.,
cd /path/to/my/seismology/homework
Now copy it to your working directory, e.g.,
cp /path/to/ess412_introToSeismo/directory/notebook.ipynb ./notebook_myName.ipynb
Renaming the file will prevent git from destroying your file during a git pull phase.
Then run the notebook
/path/to/anaconda3/bin/jupyter notebook
In a web-browser you will see notebook_myName.ipynb. Select it and click "Run".
In this option locate the appropriate notebook in the library structure. For example, let's call it notebook/notebook.ipynb. Then rename notebook.ipynb by right-clicking and entering notebook_myName.ipynb. This will prevent git from destroying your work during a git pull phase.
Now select the renamed notebook and type "Run".
This is an overview directories and files contained within are described.
- introToPython contains a very simple introToPython.ipynb notebook which provides a very brief overview of Python.
- nisqually contains nisqually.ipynb - This is the Nisqually 2001 event recorded at station KEV. It is an introduction to waveform interpretation and major seismic signals that we'll discuss in the class.
- reflectionCoeffs contains reflectionAndTransmissionCoefficients.ipynb and does simple solid-solid interface reflection coefficient calculations.