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205 lines (149 loc) · 9.42 KB


File metadata and controls

205 lines (149 loc) · 9.42 KB


License Agreement

By contributing changes to this repository, you agree to license your contributions under the MIT license. This ensures your contributions have the same license as the project and that the community is free to use your contributions. You also assert that you are the original author of the work that you are contributing unless otherwise stated.

Submitting an Issue

We use the issue tracker on GitHub associated with this project to track bugs and features (i.e., issues). We very much appreciate the time and effort you take to report an issue.

Before submitting an issue, make sure it hasn’t already been submitted by using the search feature. Please be sure to check closed issues as well as the issue may have been recently fixed.

If you’ve determined that your issue has not already been reported, please follow these guidelines when submitting an issue:

  1. Use an actionable title that identifies the behavior you want, such as “Allow attributes to be defined per list item”.

  2. Add a description that explains your use case and why this behavior will help you achieve your goal.

  3. If your change involves AsciiDoc syntax, please provide a sample AsciiDoc document that can be used to better understand the scenario and for use in testing. Also include any details that may help reproduce the bug, including your gem version, Ruby version, and operating system.

    Since Asciidoctor is a text processor, it’s really important that you submit a sample document so we can reproduce the scenario. If the sample document or code sample is very long, you can put it in a Gist and link to it.

  4. An ideal bug report would also include a pull request with at least one failing spec. However, we recognize that not everyone who uses Asciidctor is a Ruby programmer, or even a programmer. So we do not expect you to include a pull request with your issue.

Condescending or disparaging remarks have no place in this issue tracker and will result in your issue being rejected. You can be critical, but keep it positive and constructive. Stick with actionable language that describes what you would like the software to do.

Be mindful of the fact that this project is maintained by volunteers and built on a foundation of trust. Please respect the work of those who have volunteered their time and effort to develop this project, and we will respect the time and effort you have taken to file an issue.

Submitting a Pull Request

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Run bundle config --local path .bundle/gems to configure Bundler to install development dependencies inside the project.

    • If the bundle command is not available, run gem install bundler to install it.

    • If the libxml2 and libxslt development libraries are available on your system (Ubuntu: sudo apt install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev, Fedora: sudo dnf install libxml2-devel libxslt-devel), you can speed up installation of the nokogiri gem by linking directly against these libraries by running bundle config --local build__nokogiri --use-system-libraries first.

  3. Run bundle to install development dependencies.

  4. Create a topic branch (preferably using the pattern issue-XYZ, where XYZ is the issue number).

  5. Add tests for your unimplemented feature or bug fix. (See Writing and Executing Tests)

  6. Run bundle exec rake to run the tests. If your tests pass, return to step 4.

  7. Implement your feature or bug fix.

  8. Run bundle exec rake to run the tests. If your tests fail, return to step 6.

  9. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.

  10. If your changes are not 100% documented, go back to step 8.

  11. Add, commit, and push your changes.

  12. Submit a pull request.

For ideas about how to use pull requests, see the post Useful GitHub Patterns.

Background Knowledge

As Asciidoctor is built using Ruby some basic knowledge of Ruby, RubyGems and Minitest is beneficial. The following resources provide a good starting point for contributors who may not be completely comfortable with these tools:

While these resources don’t cover everything needed they serve as a good starting off point for beginners.

Writing and Executing Tests

Tests live inside the test directory and are named <topic>_test.rb. For instance, tests for the different types of blocks can be found in the file test/blocks_test.rb.

Within a test file, individual test cases are organized inside of contexts. A context is type of logical container that groups related tests together.

Each test case follows the same structure:

test 'description of test' do
  # test logic

At the moment, the tests are quite primitive. Here’s how a typical test operates:

  1. Defines sample AsciiDoc source

  2. Renders the document to HTML or DocBook

  3. Uses XPath and CSS expressions to verify expected output

Here’s how we might test the open block syntax:

test 'should render content bounded by two consecutive hyphens as an open block' do
  input = <<-EOS
This is an open block.
  result = render_embedded_string input
  assert_css '.openblock', result, 1
  assert_css '.openblock p', result, 1
  assert_xpath '/div[@class="openblock"]//p[text()="This is an open block."]', result, 1

As you can see, several helpers are used to facilitate the test scenario. The render_embedded_string invokes Asciidoctor’s render method with the header and footer option disabled. This method is ideal for unit-level tests. If you need to test the whole document, use render_string instead. The assert_css and assert_xpath assertion methods take a CSS or XPath selector, respectively, the rendered result and the number of expected matches. You can also use built-in assertions in Ruby’s test library.

To run all the tests, execute rake:

$ rake
The tests should only take a few seconds to run using Ruby 2.1.

If you want to run a single test file, you can use ruby:

$ ruby test/blocks_test.rb

To test a single test case, first add the string "wip" to the beginning of the description. For example:

test 'wip should render ...' do

Then, run ruby again, but this time pass a selector argument so it finds matching tests:

$ ruby test/blocks_test.rb -n /wip/

You can also turn on verbose mode if you want to see more output:

$ ruby test/blocks_test.rb -n /wip/ -v

Once you are done with your test, make sure to remove wip from the description and run all the tests again using rake.

We plan on switching to a more elegant testing framework in the future, such as RSpec or Cucumber, in order to make the tests more clear and robust.

Running Asciidoctor in Development Mode

Asciidoctor is designed so that you can run the script directly out of the cloned repository. Execute the asciidoctor command directly (referencing it either by relative or absolute path). There’s no need to install it using the gem command first.

For example, to convert the README file, switch to the root of the project and run:

$ ./bin/asciidoctor README.adoc
You’ll need to make sure you reference the correct relative path to the asciidoctor command.

If you want to be able to execute the asciidoctor command from any directory without worrying about the relative (or absolute) path, you can setup the following Bash alias:

alias asciidoctor-dev="/path/to/asciidoctor/bin/asciidoctor"

Now you can execute the asciidoctor command from any folder as follows:

$ asciidoctor-dev README.adoc

Building the API Documentation

The API documentation is written in the TomDoc dialect and built using Yard.

The options for Yard are configured in the .yardopts file at the root of the project.

To build the API documentation locally, run the following command:

$ bundle exec yard

The documentation will be built into the rdoc folder.

Supporting Additional Ruby Versions

If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you may volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making sure all tests run and pass on that implementation. When something breaks on your implementation, you will be expected to provide patches in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a particular implementation exist at the time of a major release, support for that Ruby version may be dropped.