Unknown: 0x0
If Unknown is encountered on a known trigger ID, EI needs to be updated
Unsupported: 0x010000
Unsupported encounters are safe to ignore.
Vale Guardian: 0x020101
Gorseval: 0x020102
Sabetha: 0x020103
Slothasor: 0x020201
Bandit Trio: 0x020202
Matthias: 0x020203
Escort: 0x020301
Keep Construct: 0x020302
Twisted Castle: 0x020303
Xera: 0x020304
Cairn: 0x020401
Mursaat Overseer: 0x020402
Samarog: 0x020403
Deimos: 0x020404
Soulless Horror: 0x020501
River of Souls: 0x020502
Broken King: 0x020503
Soul Eater: 0x020504
Eye of Judgement/Eye of Fate: 0x020505
Dhuum: 0x020506
Conjured Amalgamate: 0x020601
Twin Largos: 0x020602
Qadim: 0x020603
Adina: 0x020701
Sabir: 0x020702
Qadim the Peerless: 0x020703
MAMA: 0x030101
Siax: 0x030102
Ensolyss: 0x030103
Skorvald: 0x030201
Artsariiv: 0x030202
Arkk: 0x030203
Ai, Elemental and Dark: 0x030301
Ai, Elemental Only: 0x030302
Ai, Dark Only: 0x030303
Kanaxai, Scythe of House Aurkus: 0x030401
Freezie: 0x040101
Icebrood Construct: 0x040201
Fraenir of Jormag: 0x040202
Freezie: 0x040203
Boneskinner: 0x040204
Whisper of Jormag: 0x040205
Varinia Stormsounder: 0x040206
Aetherblade Hideout: 0x040301
Xunlai Jade Junkyard: 0x040302
Kaineng Overlook: 0x040303
Harvest Temple: 0x040304
Old Lion's Court: 0x040305
Cosmic Observatory: 0x040501
Temple of Febe: 0x040502
Soo-Won: 0x050401
Mordremoth: 0x060201
Eternal Battlegrounds: 0x070100
Green Alpine Borderlands: 0x070200
Blue Alpine Borderlands: 0x070300
Red Desert Borderlands: 0x070400
Obsidian Sanctum: 0x070500
Edge of the Mists: 0x070600
Armistice Bastion: 0x070700
Massive Golem 10M: 0x080101
Massive Golem 4M: 0x080102
Massive Golem 1M: 0x080103
Vital Golem: 0x080104
Average Golem: 0x080105
Standard Golem: 0x080106
Condition Golem: 0x080107
Power Golem: 0x080108
Large Golem: 0x080109
Medium Golem: 0x08010A