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rocSOLVER Matrix Inversion Example


This example showcases computing the inversion $A^{-1}$ of a rectangular matrix $n\times n$ matrix $A$ using rocSOLVER. The inversion operation is divided in two steps: first, an LU factorization is computed from the input matrix $A$ by use of the getrf operation, which yields the lower triangular matrix $L$, upper triangular matrix $U$, and permutation matrix $P$. The results of this operation satisfy $A = PLU$. Next, the inverted matrix $A^{-1}$ is computed from $L$, $U$, and $P$ by using the getri operation.

Application flow

  1. Parse command line arguments for the dimension of the input matrix.
  2. Declare and initialize a number of constants for the input and output matrix.
  3. Allocate and initialize the to-be-inverted input matrix.
  4. Allocate device memory and copy input data from host to device.
  5. Create a rocBLAS library handle.
  6. Invoke the rocSOLVER getrf operation with double precision.
  7. Copy the getrf info output back to the host, and check whether the operation was successful.
  8. Invoke the rocSOLVER getri operation with double precision.
  9. Copy the getri info output back to the host, and check again whether the operation was a success.
  10. Validate the solution by checking if $A\cdot A^{-1} = I$ holds. This is done by computing $1\cdot A \cdot A^{-1} + -1 \cdot I$ using the gemm operation from rocBLAS, and comparing the elements of the result to 0.
  11. Free device memory, release rocBLAS handle.

Key APIs and Concepts


  • rocsolver_[sdcz]getrf computes the LU-factorization of an $m\times n$ matrix $A$, and optionally also provides a permutation matrix $P$ when partial pivoting is used. Depending on the character matched in [sdcz], the factorization can be computed with different precision:

    • s (single-precision: float)
    • d (double-precision: double)
    • c (single-precision complex: rocblas_float_complex)
    • z (double-precision complex: rocblas_double_complex).

    Double precision is used in the example. In this case, the function accepts the following parameters: -rocblas_handle handle is a handle to the rocBLAS library, created using rocblas_create_handle.

    • rocblas_int m is the number of rows in $A$.
    • rocblas_int n is the number of columns in $A$.
    • double* A is a device-pointer to the memory of matrix $A$. It should hold at least $n\times lda$ elements. The getrf operation is performed in-place, and the resulting $L$ and $U$ matrices are stored in the memory of $A$. Diagonal elements of $L$ are not stored.
    • rocblas_int lda is the leading dimension of matrix $A$, which is the stride between the first element of the columns of the matrix. Note that the matrix is laid out in column-major ordering.
    • rocblas_int* ipiv is a device-pointer to where the permutation matrix used for partial pivoting is written to. Note that the permutation matrix can be represented using a single array, and so this parameter requires only min(n, m) ints of memory. If ipiv[i] = j, then row j was interchanged with row i. Note that row indices are 1-indexed. Partial pivoting enables numerical stability for this algorithm. If this is undesired, the fucntion rocsolver_[sdcz]getrf_npvt can be used to omit partial pivoting.
    • rocblas_int* info is a device-pointer to a single integer that describes the result of the operation. If *info is 0, the operation was successful. Otherwise *info holds the first non-zero pivot (1-indexed), and means that $A$ was not invertible.

    The function returns a rocblas_status value, which indicates whether any errors have occurred during the operation.

  • rocblas_[sdcz]getri inverts a batch of $n\times n$ matrix using the LU-factorization previously obtained using getrf. As with the previous operations, different operations for getri are available, depending on the character matched in [sdcz].

  • rocblas_[sdcz]getri inverts an $n\times n$ matrix using the LU-factorization previously obtained using getrf. As with getrf, getri can be computed with a different precision based on the character matched in [sdcz]. In the case for double precision, the function accepts the following parameters:

    • rocblas_handle handle is a handle to the rocBLAS library, created using rocblas_create_handle.
    • rocblas_int n is the number of rows and columns of the matrix.
    • double* A is a device-pointer to an LU-factorized matrix $A$. The matrix should have at least $n\times lda$ elements. On successful exit, the values in this matrix are overwritten with the inversion $A^{-1}$ of the original matrix $A$.
    • rocblas_int lda is the leading dimension of $A$, which is the stride between the first element of the columns of the matrix. Note that the matrices are laid out in column-major ordering.
    • rocblas_int* ipiv is a device-pointer to the permutation matrix of the LU-factorization of $A$. If no permutation matrix is available, the rocsolver_[sdcz]_getri_npvt function can be used instead.
    • rocblas_int* info is a device-pointer to a single integer that describes the result of the inversion operation. If *info is non-zero, then the inversion failed, and the value indicates the first zero pivot in $A$. If *info is zero, then the operation was successful and A holds the inverted matrix $A^{-1}$ of the original matrix $A$.

    The function returns a rocblas_status value, which indicates whether any errors have occurred during the operation.


  • rocblas_[sdcz]gemm performs a general matrix multiplication in the form of $C = \alpha\cdot op_a(A)\cdot op_b(B) + \beta\cdot C$. This function is showcased in the rocBLAS level 3 GEMM example.

Used API surface


  • rocsolver_dgetrf
  • rocsolver_dgetri


  • rocblas_create_handle
  • rocblas_destroy_handle
  • rocblas_dgemm
  • rocblas_int
  • rocblas_handle
  • rocblas_set_pointer_mode
  • rocblas_pointer_mode_host
  • rocblas_operation_none

HIP runtime

  • hipFree
  • hipMalloc
  • hipMemcpy
  • hipMemcpyDeviceToDevice
  • hipMemcpyDeviceToHost
  • hipMemcpyHostToDevice