This folder contains unit tests for Azure AD B2C login-NonInteractive technical profile. For more information, check out the Local and social accounts sign-up or sign-in user journey overview article.
As an administrator, you can reset a user's password if the user forgets their password. Or you would like to force them to reset the password. When an administrator resets a user's password, the value of the forceChangePasswordNextLogin
claim is true. The unit test reads and renders this claim.
To check out the user experience of this policy, follow these steps:
If you don't have an account, create a local account with your email address.
Run the B2C_1A_TP_LNI_PasswordExpiration policy to check the value of the forceChangePasswordNextLogin claim. At this point it should be false.
At this step you need to simulate a force password reset flow. Since you don't have access to the live demo tenant. We've prepared a helper policy that changes the value of the forceChangePasswordNextLogin to true. Run the helper policy. Sign-up or sign-in and provide a new password. This policy will simulate an admin changing the password for the user. Sign-in with the same account from step 1, and provide a new password. After you run this step, that account will be force to reset the password.
Run the B2C_1A_TP_LNI_PasswordExpiration policy again. It will check the value of the forceChangePasswordNextLogin claim. This time it should be true.
The unit test defines the following components:
- continueOnPasswordExpiration - input claims of the login-NonInteractive technical profile. It instructs Azure AD B2C to continue upon password expiration.
- forceChangePasswordNextLogin - output claims of the login-NonInteractive technical profile. It indicates whether the user needs to reset the password.
Technical profiles: -login-NonInteractive - The technical profile that validates the credentials. It customizes the one in the base policy, adding the input and output claims.
- SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignIn-Email - The technical profile that renders the sign-up and sign-in page. It customizes the one in the base policy, adding a call to the AAD-UserReadUsingSignInName technical profile to get the user attributes.
- AAD-UserReadUsingSignInName - If the forceChangePasswordNextLogin claim is true, other claims don't return. So, it gets the user objectId by the sign-in name.
- ResultTechnicalProfile - Shows the result of this unit test.