a collection of nice aliases and dotfiles I have chosen to share with the internet. No private methods allowed sorry n00bs >_<
just source aliases_public.sh and merge whatever you want in the configs. this repo was not meant to be used as a template for your setup, anon!!!!
what you can do:
- learn from my bash mistakes and make better scripts
- get some pussy by telling ladies you have aliases_private.sh
- port it to zsh
- draw a painting of a sailboat
- chat with cats
thanks to the following people for helping with the scripts:
- snowfag for improving pw()
if you want to use the ssh alias generator, place all your hosts in hosts.txt. an sample hosts.txt can be found in hosts.sample rebuild hosts.sh with the alias rebuild_hosts or use ./rebuild_hosts.sh
syntax: <server_name> :[port] [kwargs]
....this is purely optional and probably unnecessary.