- Log into your AWS Account & navigate to the AWS Data Exchange Console
- If you have not used AWS Data Exchange before, we recommend you complete this tutorial before you go to familiarize yourself with exporting data from the service.
- You may find that you have an offer to a no-cost ESG data set from our provider, Arabesque S-Ray in your ‘My product offers’ tab on the Left Nav.
- Subscribe to the offers to get access to the underlying data
- Feel free to subscribe to any of the pre-selected data sets below. All are available at no cost.
- Once subscribed, you can export the data to S3 or premise and began analysis.
- To start experimenting with subscribing to data products, a step-by-step guide to subscribing to data products can be found on this blog, and this blog describes how you can automate the exporting of data from AWS Data Exchange into your own Amazon S3 bucket.
- Subscribing to data user guide
- For a more robust AWS Data Exchange workshop, go here.
- Cloud Carbon Coefficients - Thoughtworks
- C02 emissions (kt) | World Bank Open Data - Rearc
- Eurostat - Greenhouse Gas Emissions- Crux
- OECD - Air Emissions by Source - Crux
- Low Emission Zone Boundaries | OpenStreetMaps - Rearc
- USEEIO | Supply Chain Factors - Rearc
- Eurostat - Electricity Production Capacities for Renewables and Waste - Crux
- Eurostat - Final energy consumption in Household Per Capita - Crux
- [Climate Data] - (https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-3ckj5jix47trk?sr=0-5&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa) - Crux
Before the hack, make sure to complete the subscription verification request for the Arabesque S-Ray Environmental Feature Scores data product to ensure you have access to the data during the day of the event.
- Eurostat - Waste - Crux
- OECD - Food Waste - Crux
- Composting - Solid Waste Management Facilities | Open Data NY - Rearc
- Recyclables Handling & Recovery Facilities (RHRF) | Open Data NY - Rearc
- Eurostat - Water - Crux
- OECD - Freshwater Abstractions - Crux
- 35, Eurostat data products ranging from climate risk losses to living conditions- Crux
- US monthly Air Quality - BreezoMeter
- 32, population-related data products- Rearc
- Social Vulnerability Index | CDC/ATSDR - Rearc
- Social Characteristics Estimate | ACS - Rearc
- OECD - Family Indicators - Crux
- Eurostat - Living Conditions and Welfare - Crux
- UN World Population Estimates- Rearc
- OECD - Real Minimum Wages - Crux
- OECD - Education Statistics- Crux
Additionally, AWS Data Exchange offers access to over 400 no-cost data sets that can be found in the spreadsheet "Free, non-trial Products on ADX" in this repository. Feel free to subscribe to, and use any of them for this hack-a-thon.