Changes in GitHub issue/PR templates
Tasks you want help from anyone to move forward
ASP.NET minimal api with Powertools
Tasks that need more feedback before proceeding
PR is missing or has incomplete documentation
PR is missing a related issue for tracking change
Missing information before making any calls
Pull requests that update .net code
New and existing bug reports incorrectly submitted as bug
Fix or implementation already in dev waiting to be released
Pull requests that update Python code
Fix or implementation already in main and released
Maintainer to provide update or revisit prioritization in the next cycle
Blocked issues/PRs that need to be revisited
Technical design documents related to a feature request
Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 500-999 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files.
Denotes a PR that changes 1000+ lines, ignoring generated files.
The scope is clear, ready for implementation