Issues with the AWS Android SDK for (deprecated) Mobile Analytics. Prefer Pinpoint.
Issues with AWS Mobile's client-side Cognito wrapper
Not able to reproduce the issue
Requests for services not yet supported by the AWS Android SDK
Issue is pending response from the issue requestor
Issue is pending response from an Amplify team member
Code has been merged but pending release
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Pinpoint.
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Polly.
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Rekognition.
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Simple Storage Service (S3).
Issues with the Android SDK for Amazon SageMaker.
Issues with the sample applications available at
The issue does NOT exist in the Android SDK, but rather in the AWS backend.
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Simple Email Service (SES)
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Simple Notification Service (SNS)
An issue with the AWS Android Simple Queue Service SDK or its backend components.
AWS Android SDK for Amazon Textract
AWS Android SDK for Transcribe / Transcribe backend
This issue was transferred from another Amplify project
Issues with the AWS Android SDK for Translate
This may be a valid issue but is accepted as a known defect or existing behavior.