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File metadata and controls

153 lines (118 loc) · 6.43 KB


🚀 Super fast JSON encoding and decoding for PHP that utilise simdjson project.

This is a fork of crazyxman/simdjson_php with new optimisations and encoding support.

Build Status

How fast is simdjson_php?

  • Decoding is 3× faster compared to PHP's json_decode()
  • Encoding is 2.5× faster compared to PHP's json_encode()
  • Validation is 6× faster compared to PHP's json_validate()
Method Original simdjson_php Speedup
Decode to array 1.48 ms 0.49 ms 3.0×
Decode to object 1.59 ms 0.69 ms 2.3×
Encode 0.67 ms 0.26 ms 2.5×
Encode pretty print 0.83 ms 0.31 ms 2.6×
Validate 1.37 ms 0.22 ms 6.2×

Using PHP 8.3 on Apple M1 Max, for test specification see TwitterDecodeBench.php and TwitterEncoderBench.php. Memory usage is also reduced when decoding JSON compared to json_decode(), as array keys are deduplicated. When decoding twitter.json, memory usage decrees from 3.01 MB to 2.47 MB.


  • PHP 8.0+ (PHP 8.2+ recommended for maximum performance)
  • Prerequisites: g++ (version 7 or better) or clang++ (version 6 or better), and a 64-bit system with a command-line shell (e.g., Linux, macOS, FreeBSD).

Compile simdjson_php in Linux

$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make test
$ make install

Add the following line to your php.ini


$jsonString = <<<'JSON'
  "Image": {
    "Width":  800,
    "Height": 600,
    "Title":  "View from 15th Floor",
    "Thumbnail": {
      "Url":    "",
      "Height": 125,
      "Width":  100
    "Animated" : false,
    "IDs": [116, 943, 234, 38793, {"p": "30"}]

// Check if a JSON string is valid:
$isValid = simdjson_validate($jsonString); //return bool
var_dump($isValid);  // true

// Parsing a JSON string. similar to the json_decode() function but without the fourth argument
try {
    // returns array|stdClass|string|float|int|bool|null.
    $parsedJSON = simdjson_decode($jsonString, true, 512);
    var_dump($parsedJSON); // PHP array
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo "Failed to parse $jsonString: {$e->getMessage()}\n";

// Encode to JSON string

// note. "/" is a separator. Can be used as the "key" of the object and the "index" of the array
// E.g. "/Image/Thumbnail/Url" is recommended starting in simdjson 4.0.0,
// but "Image/Thumbnail/Url" is accepted for now.

// get the value of a "key" in a json string
// (before simdjson 4.0.0, the recommended leading "/" had to be omitted)
$value = simdjson_key_value($jsonString, "/Image/Thumbnail/Url");
var_dump($value); // string(38) ""

$value = simdjson_key_value($jsonString, "/Image/IDs/4", true);
array(1) {
  string(2) "30"

// check if the key exists. return true|false|null. "true" exists, "false" does not exist,
// throws for invalid JSON.
$res = simdjson_key_exists($jsonString, "/Image/IDs/1");
var_dump($res) //bool(true)

// count the values
$res = simdjson_key_count($jsonString, "/Image/IDs");
var_dump($res) //int(5)


Most of available options of default json_encode() method are not supported by simdjson_encode() as they are usually useless.

simdjson_encode($value) method has very similar behaviour as json_encode($value, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)

Supported options are:

  • SIMDJSON_PRETTY_PRINT - use whitespace in returned data to format it.
  • SIMDJSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE - convert invalid UTF-8 characters to \0xfffd (Unicode Character 'REPLACEMENT CHARACTER' �)
  • SIMDJSON_APPEND_NEWLINE - append new line character (\n) to end of encoded string. This is useful when encoding multiple objects to JSONL format as PHP strigns are immutable.

Differences are:

  • uses different algorithm to convert floating-point number to string, so string format can be slightly different
  • even when JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE is enabled, PHP json_encode() escapes some Unicode chars that do not need to be escaped. simdjson_encode() escape just Unicode chars that needs to be escaped by JSON spec.
  • simdjson_encode_to_stream() method allows you to write encoded string directly to PHP stream

Base64 encoding

JSON format do not support binary data. Common way how to transfer binary data in JSON encoding is using base64 encoding. If you need to include base64 encoded value into JSON, you can use SimdJsonBase64Encode class that offers optimised converting to base64 value into JSON and use less memory. As creating new object in PHP is relatively slow, this approach make sense for string longer than 1 kB.

$fileContent = file_get_contents("example.jpg");
$fileContentEncoded = new SimdJsonBase64Encode($fileContent);
simdjson_encode(['image' => $fileContentEncoded]); // returns {"image":"TWFueSBoYW5kcyBtYWtlIGxpZ2h0IHdvcmsu..."}

Decoder edge cases

There are some differences from json_decode() due to the implementation of the underlying simdjson library. This will throw a RuntimeException if simdjson rejects the JSON.

Note that the simdjson PECL is using a fork of the simdjson C library to imitate php's handling of integers and floats in JSON.

  1. The maximum string length that can be passed to simdjson_decode() is 4GiB (4294967295 bytes). json_decode() can decode longer strings.

  2. The handling of max depth is counted slightly differently for empty vs non-empty objects/arrays. In json_decode, an array with a scalar has the same depth as an array with no elements. In simdjson_decode, an array with a scalar is one level deeper than an array with no elements. For typical use cases, this shouldn't matter. (e.g. simdjson_decode('[[]]', true, 2) will succeed but json_decode('[[]]', true, 2) and simdjson_decode('[[1]]', true, 2) will fail.)


See the benchmark folder for more benchmarks.