Lecture notes, projects and various resources on the courses I attended at Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science.
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- General resources
- Master's
- Bachelor's
Master thesis guidelines:
More courses notes:
- C. Baldi (Bachelor's)
Some theses I appreciated and used as examples for the graduating students I advised:
- M. Rota - Rilevamento di elementi testuali in immagini digitali - Fully convutional networks. Advisors: R. Schettini, M.Buzzelli.
- L. Soligo - Generazione di reti Bayesiane a partire da ontologie - Advisors: F. Stella, G. Sottocornola.
- R. Pozzi - Aggiornamento e ripristino delle funzionalità in sistemi Linux Embedded - Advisors: L. Mariani, A. Vivace.
- Course project: kalman2d - Interactive 2D simulation of the Kalman Filter (LQE) in use to reduce (statistical) input noise.
- Course project: Amazon Reviews Analytics - Data exploration, Analytics, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Analysis (LDA) and a web demo exposing the ML trained models.
- Notes, definitions and solved questions
- Unbalaced data: Survey of resampling techniques for improving classification performance in unbalanced datasets
- Community Detection approaches: Web Structure Mining: Community Detection and Evaluation
- Spectral Clustering:
- Course project: Physarum - Final course project. Physarum polycephalum slime mould computing simulations.
- Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems - Afternotes by Antonio E. Cinà from the course at University Ca' Foscari of Venice, master in Computer Science - Data Management and Analytics.
- Cambridge - Concurrent and Distributed Systems
- Course Project: Cervical Cancer - Exploratory study on Cervical Cancer: verifying known causal relations and assessing risk factors from women medical history datasets.
- Course project: Smart Home Automation - A Rasberry Pi integrated domotic solution with MQTT supporting sensors, actuators and a thermostat. Controllable from a fancy web application, smart speakers or a basic SMS interface. Documentation (Software Requirements Specification, Software Architecture, Testing, Deploy and Implementation) and a software implementation in Connexion (OpenAPI 3) and VueJS.
- Axiomatic semantics solved exercises (Hoare triples)
- Paolo Mancarella (Università degli studi di Pisa) - Note di semantica assiomatica
- Luca Aceto - Reactive Systems: Modelling, Specification and Verification
- Linear Temporal Logic examples
- Course project: Basket Shots - Predicting Basket Shots outcomes using Suppor Vector Machines (documentation).
- Course project: pokemon-fights - Predicting Pokèmon fights outcomes with decision trees.
- Notes: Introduction to non-centralized DBMSs, Data Quality dimensions.
- Course project: VHDLtrafficlights - Implement a semaphore with a Xilinx FPGA.
- Elementi di Programmazione Logica
Final course projects:
- MSC1-SparseMatrix - Comparing open source and propetary solvers for sparse matrices.
- MSC2-DCT - Comparing naïve and scipy implementations of Discrete Cosine Transform 2 (and its inverse) and exposing the scipy implementation on a web appplication allowing to apply it on user provided images (BMP format).
- DNA Recombination. Approaching a Computational Biology problem with integer linear programming tools.
- Theory: Pattern Matching, Suffix Trees and Alignment
- Final project: scripts, final PR. Add a method to compare sequence graphs to the RGFA library (Ruby).
- Theory: Functional Programming and Lisp
- Final project. Two libraries (Prolog and Common Lisp) to manipulate multivariate polynomials. Available predicates allows parsing, sorting, operations(sum, product), evaluating and printing polynomials.
Final Project. Implement in C, on a Silicon Labs C8051F020 board (and an additional board driven via SMBus):
- continuos detection of the inclination and the temperature,
- continuos display of the value on the LCD display,
- LCD controls (turn on, off, backlight intensity) with an hardware button.
Using interrupts and PWM techniques.
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