diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83d695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Breakout!
diff --git a/script.js b/script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef569f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+const rulesBtn = document.getElementById('rules-btn');
+const closeBtn = document.getElementById('close-btn');
+const rules = document.getElementById('rules');
+const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
+const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+let score = 0;
+const brickRowCount = 9;
+const brickColumnCount = 5;
+// Create ball props
+const ball = {
+ x: canvas.width / 2,
+ y: canvas.height / 2,
+ size: 10,
+ speed: 5,
+ dx: 4,
+ dy: -4
+// Create paddle props
+const paddle = {
+ x: canvas.width / 2 - 40,
+ y: canvas.height - 20,
+ w: 80,
+ h: 10,
+ speed: 8,
+ dx: 0
+// Create brick props
+const brickInfo = {
+ w: 70,
+ h: 20,
+ padding: 10,
+ offsetX: 45,
+ offsetY: 60,
+ visible: true
+// Create bricks
+const bricks = [];
+for (let i = 0; i < brickRowCount; i++) {
+ bricks[i] = [];
+ for (let j = 0; j < brickColumnCount; j++) {
+ const x = i * (brickInfo.w + brickInfo.padding) + brickInfo.offsetX;
+ const y = j * (brickInfo.h + brickInfo.padding) + brickInfo.offsetY;
+ bricks[i][j] = { x, y, ...brickInfo };
+ }
+// Draw ball on canvas
+function drawBall() {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.arc(ball.x, ball.y, ball.size, 0, Math.PI * 2);
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#0095dd';
+ ctx.fill();
+ ctx.closePath();
+// Draw paddle on canvas
+function drawPaddle() {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.rect(paddle.x, paddle.y, paddle.w, paddle.h);
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#0095dd';
+ ctx.fill();
+ ctx.closePath();
+// Draw score oon canvas
+function drawScore() {
+ ctx.font = '20px Arial';
+ ctx.fillText(`Score: ${score}`, canvas.width - 100, 30);
+// Draw bricks on canvas
+function drawBricks() {
+ bricks.forEach(column => {
+ column.forEach(brick => {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ ctx.rect(brick.x, brick.y, brick.w, brick.h);
+ ctx.fillStyle = brick.visible ? '#0095dd' : 'transparent';
+ ctx.fill();
+ ctx.closePath();
+ });
+ });
+// Move paddle on canvas
+function movePaddle() {
+ paddle.x += paddle.dx;
+ // Wall detection
+ if (paddle.x + paddle.w > canvas.width) {
+ paddle.x = canvas.width - paddle.w;
+ }
+ if (paddle.x < 0) {
+ paddle.x = 0;
+ }
+// Move ball on canvas
+function moveBall() {
+ ball.x += ball.dx;
+ ball.y += ball.dy;
+ // Wall collision (right/left)
+ if (ball.x + ball.size > canvas.width || ball.x - ball.size < 0) {
+ ball.dx *= -1; // ball.dx = ball.dx * -1
+ }
+ // Wall collision (top/bottom)
+ if (ball.y + ball.size > canvas.height || ball.y - ball.size < 0) {
+ ball.dy *= -1;
+ }
+ // console.log(ball.x, ball.y);
+ // Paddle collision
+ if (
+ ball.x - ball.size > paddle.x &&
+ ball.x + ball.size < paddle.x + paddle.w &&
+ ball.y + ball.size > paddle.y
+ ) {
+ ball.dy = -ball.speed;
+ }
+ // Brick collision
+ bricks.forEach(column => {
+ column.forEach(brick => {
+ if (brick.visible) {
+ if (
+ ball.x - ball.size > brick.x && // left brick side check
+ ball.x + ball.size < brick.x + brick.w && // right brick side check
+ ball.y + ball.size > brick.y && // top brick side check
+ ball.y - ball.size < brick.y + brick.h // bottom brick side check
+ ) {
+ ball.dy *= -1;
+ brick.visible = false;
+ increaseScore();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Hit bottom wall - Lose
+ if (ball.y + ball.size > canvas.height) {
+ showAllBricks();
+ score = 0;
+ }
+// Increase score
+function increaseScore() {
+ score++;
+ if (score % (brickRowCount * brickRowCount) === 0) {
+ showAllBricks();
+ }
+// Make all bricks appear
+function showAllBricks() {
+ bricks.forEach(column => {
+ column.forEach(brick => (brick.visible = true));
+ });
+// Draw everything
+function draw() {
+ // clear canvas
+ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ drawBall();
+ drawPaddle();
+ drawScore();
+ drawBricks();
+// Update canvas drawing and animation
+function update() {
+ movePaddle();
+ moveBall();
+ // Draw everything
+ draw();
+ requestAnimationFrame(update);
+// Keydown event
+function keyDown(e) {
+ if (e.key === 'Right' || e.key === 'ArrowRight') {
+ paddle.dx = paddle.speed;
+ } else if (e.key === 'Left' || e.key === 'ArrowLeft') {
+ paddle.dx = -paddle.speed;
+ }
+// Keyup event
+function keyUp(e) {
+ if (
+ e.key === 'Right' ||
+ e.key === 'ArrowRight' ||
+ e.key === 'Left' ||
+ e.key === 'ArrowLeft'
+ ) {
+ paddle.dx = 0;
+ }
+// Keyboard event handlers
+document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDown);
+document.addEventListener('keyup', keyUp);
+// Rules and close event handlers
+rulesBtn.addEventListener('click', () => rules.classList.add('show'));
+closeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => rules.classList.remove('show'));
diff --git a/style.css b/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01a437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+body {
+ background-color: #0095dd;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+ min-height: 100vh;
+ margin: 0;
+canvas {
+ background: #f0f0f0;
+ display: block;
+ border-radius: 5px;