diff --git a/cmd/nodecmd/create.go b/cmd/nodecmd/create.go
index 7c8543d81..29eb6caef 100644
--- a/cmd/nodecmd/create.go
+++ b/cmd/nodecmd/create.go
@@ -386,7 +386,10 @@ func runAnsible(inventoryPath string, network models.Network, avalancheGoVersion
 	); err != nil {
 		return err
-	return ansible.RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupMonitoring(app.GetAnsibleDir(), inventoryPath, ansibleHostIDs)
+	if !separateMonitoringInstance {
+		return ansible.RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupMonitoring(app.GetAnsibleDir(), inventoryPath, ansibleHostIDs)
+	}
+	return ansible.RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupSeparateMonitoring(app.GetAnsibleDir(), inventoryPath, ansibleHostIDs, app.GetMonitoringScriptFile(), "\\'localhost:9650\\',\\'\\'", "\\'localhost:9100\\',\\'\\'")
 func setupBuildEnv(inventoryPath, ansibleHostIDs string) error {
diff --git a/pkg/ansible/ansible.go b/pkg/ansible/ansible.go
index 43b4ded05..666da55d1 100644
--- a/pkg/ansible/ansible.go
+++ b/pkg/ansible/ansible.go
@@ -576,3 +576,21 @@ func RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupMonitoring(ansibleDir, inventoryPath, ansibleHostIDs
 	return cmdErr
+// RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupSeparateMonitoring sets up monitoring in a separate cloud server
+// targets all hosts in ansible inventory file
+func RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupSeparateMonitoring(ansibleDir, inventoryPath, ansibleHostIDs, monitoringScriptPath, arg1, arg2 string) error {
+	fmt.Printf("running RunAnsiblePlaybookSetupSeparateMonitoring %s %s %s \n", monitoringScriptPath, arg1, arg2)
+	playbookInputs := "target=" + ansibleHostIDs + " monitoringScriptPath=" + monitoringScriptPath + " arg1=" + arg1 + " arg2=" + arg2
+	cmd := exec.Command(constants.AnsiblePlaybook, constants.SetupNodeSeparateMonitoringPlaybook, constants.AnsibleInventoryFlag, inventoryPath, constants.AnsibleExtraVarsFlag, playbookInputs, constants.AnsibleExtraArgsIdentitiesOnlyFlag) //nolint:gosec
+	cmd.Dir = ansibleDir
+	stdoutBuffer, stderrBuffer := utils.SetupRealtimeCLIOutput(cmd, true, true)
+	cmdErr := cmd.Run()
+	if err := displayErrMsg(stdoutBuffer); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if err := displayErrMsg(stderrBuffer); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return cmdErr
diff --git a/pkg/ansible/playbook/setupSeparateMonitoring.yml b/pkg/ansible/playbook/setupSeparateMonitoring.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae6aedf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/ansible/playbook/setupSeparateMonitoring.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+- hosts: "{{ target }}"
+  gather_facts: no
+  tasks:
+    - name: copy monitoring script to cloud server
+      copy:
+        src: "{{ monitoringScriptPath }}"
+        dest: /home/ubuntu/
+    - name: modify permission for monitoring script
+      shell: chmod 755 monitoring-separate-installer.sh
+    - name: set up Prometheus
+      shell: ./monitoring-separate-installer.sh --1
+    - name: install Grafana
+      shell: ./monitoring-separate-installer.sh --2
+#    - name: set up node_exporter
+#      shell: ./monitoring-separate-installer.sh --3 {{ arg1 }} {{ arg2 }}
+#    - name: set up dashboards
+#      shell: ./monitoring-separate-installer.sh --4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/application/app.go b/pkg/application/app.go
index 2aac12924..96ade1866 100644
--- a/pkg/application/app.go
+++ b/pkg/application/app.go
@@ -132,6 +132,10 @@ func (app *Avalanche) GetAnsibleDir() string {
 	return filepath.Join(app.GetNodesDir(), constants.AnsibleDir)
+func (app *Avalanche) GetMonitoringDir() string {
+	return filepath.Join(app.GetNodesDir(), constants.MonitoringDir)
 func (app *Avalanche) CreateAnsibleDir() error {
 	ansibleDir := app.GetAnsibleDir()
 	if _, err := os.Stat(ansibleDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
@@ -739,6 +743,10 @@ func (app *Avalanche) GetBootstrappedJSONFile() string {
 	return filepath.Join(app.GetAnsibleStatusDir(), constants.IsBootstrappedJSONFile)
+func (app *Avalanche) GetMonitoringScriptFile() string {
+	return filepath.Join(app.GetMonitoringDir(), constants.MonitoringScriptFile)
 func (app *Avalanche) GetHealthyJSONFile() string {
 	return filepath.Join(app.GetAnsibleStatusDir(), constants.IsHealthyJSONFile)
diff --git a/pkg/constants/constants.go b/pkg/constants/constants.go
index 4b45b54a6..fb2df6931 100644
--- a/pkg/constants/constants.go
+++ b/pkg/constants/constants.go
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ const (
 	NodeCloudConfigFileName      = "node_cloud_config.json"
 	TerraformDir                 = "terraform"
 	AnsibleDir                   = "ansible"
+	MonitoringDir                = "monitoring"
 	AnsibleHostInventoryFileName = "hosts"
 	StopAWSNode                  = "stop-aws-node"
 	CreateAWSNode                = "create-aws-node"
@@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ const (
 	BuildEnvGolangVersion                        = "1.21.1"
 	IsHealthyJSONFile                            = "isHealthy.json"
 	IsBootstrappedJSONFile                       = "isBootstrapped.json"
+	MonitoringScriptFile                         = "monitoring-separate-installer.sh"
 	AvalancheGoVersionJSONFile                   = "avalancheGoVersion.json"
 	SubnetSyncJSONFile                           = "isSubnetSynced.json"
 	AnsibleInventoryDir                          = "inventories"
@@ -153,30 +155,33 @@ const (
 	OldMetricsConfigFileName     = ".avalanche-cli/config"
 	DefaultConfigFileName        = ".avalanche-cli/config.json"
-	AWSCloudService             = "Amazon Web Services"
-	GCPCloudService             = "Google Cloud Platform"
-	AnsibleSSHUser              = "ubuntu"
-	AWSNodeAnsiblePrefix        = "aws_node"
-	GCPNodeAnsiblePrefix        = "gcp_node"
-	CustomVMDir                 = "vms"
-	GCPStaticIPPrefix           = "static-ip"
-	AvaLabsOrg                  = "ava-labs"
-	AvalancheGoRepoName         = "avalanchego"
-	SubnetEVMRepoName           = "subnet-evm"
-	CliRepoName                 = "avalanche-cli"
-	UpgradeAvalancheGoPlaybook  = "playbook/upgradeAvalancheGo.yml"
-	UpgradeSubnetEVMPlaybook    = "playbook/upgradeSubnetEVM.yml"
-	StopNodePlaybook            = "playbook/stopNode.yml"
-	StartNodePlaybook           = "playbook/startNode.yml"
-	GetNewSubnetEVMPlaybook     = "playbook/getNewSubnetEVMRelease.yml"
-	SubnetEVMReleaseURL         = "https://github.com/ava-labs/subnet-evm/releases/download/%s/%s"
-	SubnetEVMArchive            = "subnet-evm_%s_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
-	SubnetEVMBinaryPath         = "/home/ubuntu/.avalanchego/plugins/%s"
-	AvalanchegoMonitoringPort   = 9090
-	AvalanchegoGrafanaPort      = 3000
-	SetupNodeMonitoringPlaybook = "playbook/setupMonitoring.yml"
-	AvalancheGoInstallDir       = "avalanchego"
-	SubnetEVMInstallDir         = "subnet-evm"
+	AWSCloudService                     = "Amazon Web Services"
+	GCPCloudService                     = "Google Cloud Platform"
+	AnsibleSSHUser                      = "ubuntu"
+	AWSNodeAnsiblePrefix                = "aws_node"
+	GCPNodeAnsiblePrefix                = "gcp_node"
+	CustomVMDir                         = "vms"
+	GCPStaticIPPrefix                   = "static-ip"
+	AvaLabsOrg                          = "ava-labs"
+	AvalancheGoRepoName                 = "avalanchego"
+	SubnetEVMRepoName                   = "subnet-evm"
+	CliRepoName                         = "avalanche-cli"
+	UpgradeAvalancheGoPlaybook          = "playbook/upgradeAvalancheGo.yml"
+	UpgradeSubnetEVMPlaybook            = "playbook/upgradeSubnetEVM.yml"
+	StopNodePlaybook                    = "playbook/stopNode.yml"
+	StartNodePlaybook                   = "playbook/startNode.yml"
+	GetNewSubnetEVMPlaybook             = "playbook/getNewSubnetEVMRelease.yml"
+	SubnetEVMReleaseURL                 = "https://github.com/ava-labs/subnet-evm/releases/download/%s/%s"
+	SubnetEVMArchive                    = "subnet-evm_%s_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
+	SubnetEVMBinaryPath                 = "/home/ubuntu/.avalanchego/plugins/%s"
+	AvalanchegoMonitoringPort           = 9090
+	AvalanchegoGrafanaPort              = 3000
+	MetricsLocalHost                    = "localhost:9090"
+	AvalancheGoLocalHost                = "localhost:9100"
+	SetupNodeMonitoringPlaybook         = "playbook/setupMonitoring.yml"
+	SetupNodeSeparateMonitoringPlaybook = "playbook/setupSeparateMonitoring.yml"
+	AvalancheGoInstallDir               = "avalanchego"
+	SubnetEVMInstallDir                 = "subnet-evm"
 	SubnetEVMBin = "subnet-evm"
diff --git a/pkg/monitoring/monitoring-installer.sh b/pkg/monitoring/monitoring-installer.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9a555e432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/monitoring/monitoring-installer.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+# Does a multi-step installation of Prometheus, Grafana, node_exporter and Avalanche dashboards
+# Intended for non-technical validators, assumes running on compatible Ubuntu.
+#stop on errors
+set -e
+#running as root gives the wrong homedir, check and exit if run with sudo.
+if ((EUID == 0)); then
+    echo "The script is not designed to run as root user. Please run it without sudo prefix."
+    exit
+#helper function that prints usage
+usage () {
+  echo "Usage: $0 $1 $2 [--1|--2|--3|--4|--5|--help]"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Options:"
+  echo "   --help   Shows this message"
+  echo "   --1      Step 1: Installs Prometheus"
+  echo "   --2      Step 2: Installs Grafana"
+  echo "   --3      Step 3: Installs node_exporter"
+  echo "   --4      Step 4: Installs AvalancheGo Grafana dashboards"
+  echo "   --5      Step 5: (Optional) Installs additional dashboards"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Run without any options, script will download and install latest version of AvalancheGo dashboards."
+#helper function to check for presence of required commands, and install if missing
+check_reqs () {
+  if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null
+  then
+      echo "curl could not be found, will install..."
+      sudo apt-get install curl -y
+  fi
+  if ! command -v wget &> /dev/null
+  then
+      echo "wget could not be found, will install..."
+      sudo apt-get install wget -y
+  fi
+#helper function to check for supported environment
+get_environment() {
+  echo "Checking environment..."
+  check_reqs
+  foundArch="$(uname -m)"                         #get system architecture
+  foundOS="$(uname)"                              #get OS
+  if [ "$foundOS" != "Linux" ]; then
+    #sorry, don't know you.
+    echo "Unsupported operating system: $foundOS!"
+    echo "Exiting."
+    exit
+  fi
+  if [ "$foundArch" = "aarch64" ]; then
+    getArch="arm64"                               #we're running on arm arch (probably RasPi)
+    echo "Found arm64 architecture..."
+  elif [ "$foundArch" = "x86_64" ]; then
+    getArch="amd64"                               #we're running on intel/amd
+    echo "Found amd64 architecture..."
+  else
+    #sorry, don't know you.
+    echo "Unsupported architecture: $foundArch!"
+    echo "Exiting."
+    exit
+  fi
+install_prometheus() {
+  echo "AvalancheGo monitoring installer"
+  echo "--------------------------------"
+  echo "STEP 1: Installing Prometheus"
+  echo
+  get_environment
+  check_reqs
+  mkdir -p /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/prometheus
+  cd /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/prometheus
+  promFileName="$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/prometheus/prometheus/releases/latest | grep -o "http.*linux-$getArch\.tar\.gz")"
+  if [[ $(wget -S --spider "$promFileName"  2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK') ]]; then
+    echo "Prometheus install archive found: $promFileName"
+  else
+    echo "Unable to find Prometheus install archive. Exiting."
+    exit
+  fi
+  echo "Attempting to download: $promFileName"
+  wget -nv --show-progress -O prometheus.tar.gz "$promFileName"
+  mkdir prometheus
+  tar xvf prometheus.tar.gz -C prometheus --strip-components=1
+  echo "Installing..."
+  id -u prometheus &>/dev/null || sudo useradd -M -r -s /bin/false prometheus
+  sudo mkdir -p /etc/prometheus /var/lib/prometheus
+  sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
+  cd prometheus
+  sudo cp {prometheus,promtool} /usr/local/bin/
+  sudo chown prometheus:prometheus /usr/local/bin/{prometheus,promtool}
+  sudo chown -R prometheus:prometheus /etc/prometheus
+  sudo chown prometheus:prometheus /var/lib/prometheus
+  sudo cp -r {consoles,console_libraries} /etc/prometheus/
+  sudo cp prometheus.yml /etc/prometheus/
+  #creating the service file
+  {
+    echo "[Unit]"
+    echo "Description=Prometheus"
+    echo "Documentation=https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/"
+    echo "Wants=network-online.target"
+    echo "After=network-online.target"
+    echo ""
+    echo "[Service]"
+    echo "Type=simple"
+    echo "User=prometheus"
+    echo "Group=prometheus"
+    echo "ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID"
+    echo "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus   --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml   --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus   --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles   --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries   --web.listen-address=   --web.external-url="
+    echo ""
+    echo "SyslogIdentifier=prometheus"
+    echo "Restart=always"
+    echo ""
+    echo "[Install]"
+    echo "WantedBy=multi-user.target"
+  }>>prometheus.service
+  sudo cp prometheus.service /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service
+  echo "Creating Prometheus service..."
+  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+  sudo systemctl start prometheus
+  sudo systemctl enable prometheus
+  echo
+  echo "Done!"
+  echo
+  echo "Prometheus service should be up and running now."
+  echo "To check that the service is running use the following command (q to exit):"
+  echo "sudo systemctl status prometheus"
+  echo
+  echo "You can also check Prometheus web interface, available on http://your-node-host-ip:9090/"
+  echo
+  echo "If everything looks ok you can now continue with installing Grafana. Refer to the tutorial:"
+  echo "https://docs.avax.network/nodes/maintain/setting-up-node-monitoring#grafana"
+  echo
+  echo "Reach out to us on https://chat.avax.network if you're having problems."
+  exit 0
+install_grafana() {
+  echo "AvalancheGo monitoring installer"
+  echo "--------------------------------"
+  echo "STEP 2: Installing Grafana"
+  echo
+  wget -q -O - https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
+  echo "deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list
+  sudo apt-get update -y
+  sudo apt-get install grafana -y
+  echo "Starting Grafana service..."
+  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+  sudo systemctl start grafana-server
+  sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service
+  echo
+  echo "Done!"
+  echo
+  echo "Grafana service should be up and running now."
+  echo "To check that the service is running use the following command (q to exit):"
+  echo "sudo systemctl status grafana-server"
+  echo
+  echo "You can also check Grafana web interface, available on http://your-node-host-ip:3000/"
+  echo
+  echo "Now you need to set up Prometheus as a data source for Grafana. Refer to the tutorial:"
+  echo "https://docs.avax.network/nodes/maintain/setting-up-node-monitoring#exporter"
+  echo
+  echo "Reach out to us on https://chat.avax.network if you're having problems."
+  exit 0
+install_exporter() {
+  echo "AvalancheGo monitoring installer"
+  echo "--------------------------------"
+  echo "STEP 3: Installing node_exporter"
+  echo
+  get_environment
+  mkdir -p /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/exporter_archive
+  cd /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/exporter_archive
+  echo "Dowloading archive..."
+  nodeFileName="$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/prometheus/node_exporter/releases/latest | grep -o "http.*linux-$getArch\.tar\.gz")"
+  echo $nodeFileName
+  wget -nv --show-progress -O node_exporter.tar.gz "$nodeFileName"
+  tar xvf node_exporter.tar.gz -C /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/exporter_archive --strip-components=1
+  sudo mv /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/exporter_archive/node_exporter /usr/local/bin
+  echo "Installed, version:"
+  node_exporter --version
+  echo
+  echo "Creating service..."
+  {
+    echo "[Unit]"
+    echo "Description=Node exporter"
+    echo "Documentation=https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter"
+    echo "Wants=network-online.target"
+    echo "After=network-online.target"
+    echo ""
+    echo "[Service]"
+    echo "Type=simple"
+    echo "User=prometheus"
+    echo "Group=prometheus"
+    echo "ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID"
+    echo "ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node_exporter \\"
+    echo "    --collector.cpu \\"
+    echo "    --collector.diskstats \\"
+    echo "    --collector.filesystem \\"
+    echo "    --collector.loadavg \\"
+    echo "    --collector.meminfo \\"
+    echo "    --collector.filefd \\"
+    echo "    --collector.netdev \\"
+    echo "    --collector.stat \\"
+    echo "    --collector.netstat \\"
+    echo "    --collector.systemd \\"
+    echo "    --collector.uname \\"
+    echo "    --collector.vmstat \\"
+    echo "    --collector.time \\"
+    echo "    --collector.mdadm \\"
+    echo "    --collector.zfs \\"
+    echo "    --collector.tcpstat \\"
+    echo "    --collector.bonding \\"
+    echo "    --collector.hwmon \\"
+    echo "    --collector.arp \\"
+    echo "    --web.listen-address=:9100 \\"
+    echo "    --web.telemetry-path=\"/metrics\""
+    echo ""
+    echo "[Install]"
+    echo "WantedBy=multi-user.target"
+  }>>node_exporter.service
+  sudo cp node_exporter.service /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service
+  sudo systemctl start node_exporter
+  sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
+  echo "Finishing configuration..."
+  cp /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml .
+  {
+    echo "  - job_name: 'avalanchego'"
+    echo "    metrics_path: '/ext/metrics'"
+    echo "    static_configs:"
+    echo "      - targets: [$2]"
+    echo "  - job_name: 'avalanchego-machine'"
+    echo "    static_configs:"
+    echo "      - targets: [$3]"
+    echo "        labels:"
+    echo "          alias: 'machine'"
+  }>>prometheus.yml
+  sudo cp prometheus.yml /etc/prometheus/
+  sudo systemctl restart prometheus
+  echo
+  echo "Done!"
+  echo
+  echo "Node_exporter service should be up and running now."
+  echo "To check that the service is running use the following command (q to exit):"
+  echo "sudo systemctl status node_exporter"
+  echo
+  echo "Now you need to set up Grafana dashboards next. Refer to the tutorial:"
+  echo "https://docs.avax.network/nodes/maintain/setting-up-node-monitoring#dashboards"
+  echo
+  echo "Reach out to us on https://chat.avax.network if you're having problems."
+install_dashboards() {
+  #check for installation
+  if test -f "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini"; then
+    echo "AvalancheGo monitoring installer"
+    echo "--------------------------------"
+  else
+    echo "Node monitoring installation not found!"
+    echo
+    echo "Please refer to the tutorial:"
+    echo "https://docs.avax.network/nodes/maintain/setting-up-node-monitoring"
+    echo
+    usage
+    exit 0
+  fi
+  if test -f "/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/avalanche.yaml"; then
+    echo "STEP 4: Installing Grafana dashboards"
+    provisioningDone=true
+    echo
+    echo "Dashboards already provisioned, switching to upgrade mode."
+  else
+    provisioningDone=false
+  fi
+  echo
+  echo "Downloading..."
+  mkdir -p /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/dashboards-install
+  cd /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/dashboards-install
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/c_chain.json
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/database.json
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/machine.json
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/main.json
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/network.json
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/p_chain.json
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/x_chain.json
+  if test -f "/etc/grafana/dashboards/subnets.json"; then
+    wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/subnets.json
+  fi
+  sudo mkdir -p /etc/grafana/dashboards
+  sudo cp *.json /etc/grafana/dashboards
+  if [ "$provisioningDone" = "false" ]; then
+    echo
+    echo "Provisioning dashboards..."
+    {
+      echo "apiVersion: 1"
+      echo ""
+      echo "providers:"
+      echo "  - name: 'Avalanche official'"
+      echo "    orgId: 1"
+      echo "    folder: ''"
+      echo "    folderUid: ''"
+      echo "    type: file"
+      echo "    disableDeletion: false"
+      echo "    updateIntervalSeconds: 30"
+      echo "    allowUiUpdates: true"
+      echo "    options:"
+      echo "      path: /etc/grafana/dashboards"
+      echo "      foldersFromFilesStructure: true"
+    } >>avalanche.yaml
+    sudo cp avalanche.yaml /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards/
+    echo "Provisioning datasource..."
+    {
+      echo "apiVersion: 1"
+      echo ""
+      echo "datasources:"
+      echo "  - name: Prometheus"
+      echo "    type: prometheus"
+      echo "    access: proxy"
+      echo "    orgId: 1"
+      echo "    url: http://localhost:9090"
+      echo "    isDefault: true"
+      echo "    version: 1"
+      echo "    editable: false"
+    } >>prom.yaml
+    sudo cp prom.yaml /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/
+    sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
+  fi
+  echo
+  echo "Done!"
+  echo
+  echo "AvalancheGo Grafana dashboards have been installed and updated."
+  echo "It might take up to 30s for new versions to show up in Grafana."
+  echo
+  echo "Reach out to us on https://chat.avax.network if you're having problems."
+install_extras() {
+  #check for installation
+  if test -f "/etc/grafana/grafana.ini"; then
+    echo "AvalancheGo monitoring installer"
+    echo "--------------------------------"
+  else
+    echo "Node monitoring installation not found!"
+    echo
+    echo "Please refer to the tutorial:"
+    echo "https://docs.avax.network/nodes/maintain/setting-up-node-monitoring"
+    echo
+    usage
+    exit 0
+  fi
+  echo "STEP 5: Installing additional dashboards"
+  echo
+  echo "Downloading..."
+  mkdir -p /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/dashboards-install
+  cd /tmp/avalanche-monitoring-installer/dashboards-install
+  wget -nd -m -nv https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ava-labs/avalanche-monitoring/master/grafana/dashboards/subnets.json
+  sudo mkdir -p /etc/grafana/dashboards
+  sudo cp subnets.json /etc/grafana/dashboards
+  echo
+  echo "Done!"
+  echo
+  echo "Additional Grafana dashboards have been installed and updated."
+  echo "It might take up to 30s for new versions to show up in Grafana."
+if [ $# -ne 0 ] #arguments check
+  case $1 in
+    --1) #install prometheus
+      install_prometheus
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    --2) #install grafana
+      install_grafana
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    --3) #install node_exporter
+      install_exporter $*
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    --4) #install AvalancheGo dashboards
+      install_dashboards
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    --5) #install extra dashboards
+      install_extras
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+    --help)
+      usage
+      exit 0
+      ;;
+  esac
+exit 0