From e3ac47702825819daa03268f9e654bfc07b0c535 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jake Hamilton
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 13:17:23 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] refactor: update goals and roadmap
public/locales/en/translations.json | 40 ++++++++++-------------------
src/components/home/Goals.astro | 13 +++-------
src/components/home/Roadmap.astro | 15 -----------
3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public/locales/en/translations.json b/public/locales/en/translations.json
index 5ef1825..e1e6b6c 100644
--- a/public/locales/en/translations.json
+++ b/public/locales/en/translations.json
@@ -1,40 +1,28 @@
"root.description": "An alternative to the Nix ecosystem",
"": "Community",
"goals.title": "Goals",
"goals.independent.title": "Independent",
- "goals.independent": "We will fork and maintain Nix, NixPkgs, and NixOS. Additional support for projects such as Nix Darwin and Home Manager will be considered.",
+ "goals.independent": "We will create an alternative to NixPkgs and NixOS. We will also provide our own Continuous Integration and Binary Cache along with necessary services for the ecosystem. Additional support for projects such as Nix Darwin and Home Manager will be considered.",
"": "Governance",
+ "": "Learn about Aux's governance structures.",
"": "A democratic model of governance with elected positions will be used to manage the project. A steering committee will provide direction with additional committees handling specific logistical tasks. Features or individual projects will be owned by Special Interest Groups. SIGs will collaborate within Working Groups to achieve their goals. Each committee and group will have its goals, requirements, and management process clearly defined.",
- "goals.stabilization.title": "Stabilization",
- "goals.stabilization": "User-friendly features such as the Nix v3 CLI will be enabled by default. Nix Flakes are used too heavily to remove or change and will instead be stabilized as a v0 in its current state with any future work being handled by a Special Interest Group.",
- "goals.infra.title": "Infrastructure",
- "goals.infra": "We will build and maintain the tools and infrastructure necessary to keep the ecosystem healthy, including Continuous Integration and Binary Caching.",
"": "Education",
"": "Unified documentation, tutorials, guides, and examples will provide a better onboarding experience for newcomers and a faster iteration cycle for experts.",
"roadmap.title": "Roadmap",
- "roadmap.soft_fork.title": "Soft Fork",
- "roadmap.soft_fork.1": "This initial phase will involve an ad-hoc management structure due to its bootstrapping nature. As such, the project's stated Values, Goals, and Roadmap serve to keep all contributors aligned and safe knowing that the work they have committed to will not change.",
- "roadmap.soft_fork.2": "The initial forking off of Nix and NixPkgs will be performed in this phase and new contributors will be given roles for handling package maintenance and pulling changes from upstream. We intend to move on from this phase once enough contributors have joined for the project to be capable of transitioning into a hard fork.",
- "roadmap.hard_fork.title": "Hard Fork",
- "roadmap.hard_fork.1": "Like the Soft Fork phase, management structure will still be ad-hoc, but Committees, Special Interest Groups, and Working Groups may start to be formed. Due to there being necessary bootstrapping steps for each, elections will only begin once the Alignment phase has been reached.",
- "roadmap.hard_fork.2": "At this point we will have enough contributors to safely maintain NixPkgs (or a reasonable subset) and Nix ourselves. We will begin allowing divergence from the upstream repository and changes to the repository structure to improve development can be introduced.",
- "roadmap.hard_fork.3": "An initial release of the packages repository will be created and migration from `nix` to `aux` naming will begin to reduce confusion and errors now that the two projects have diverged.",
- "roadmap.organization.title": "Organization",
- "roadmap.organization.1": "The packages repository will have sets extracted to allow for Special Interest Groups to more easily manage their lifecycles. For example, `pythonPackages` will be moved to a separate repository that will be the reponsibility of a Python SIG if there is interest.",
- "roadmap.organization.2": "Flakes will be standardized with its current implementation as a v0. While not ideal, the feature is used far too widely to be changed or removed without breaking the ecosystem. Instead, this v0 implementation will be enabled and future work for Flakes that addresses its shortcomings may be handled by a Flakes SIG.",
- "roadmap.organization.3": "The `aux` CLI will be modified to provide more ergonomic management of packages and systems. Additional subcommands such as `aux system switch` and `aux system build` will be added to make onboarding and ongoing maintenance easier.",
- "roadmap.infra.title": "Infrastructure",
- "roadmap.infra.1": "Now that the project has significantly diverged from upstream, we will need to provide our own Continuous Integration and Binary Cache services. Existing governance structures will be used to manage the adoption of these technologies.",
- "roadmap.infra.2": "Documentation will be included as a part of the Continuous Integration process and will have Continuous Deployment configured to keep it up to date, making it easier for contributors to create educational materials.",
- "roadmap.infra.3": "Search infrastructure for packages and options will also be created.",
- "roadmap.alignment.title": "Alignment",
+ "roadmap.soft_fork.title": "Setup & Planning",
+ "roadmap.soft_fork.1": "This initial phase will involve an ad-hoc management structure due to its bootstrapping nature. As such, the project's stated Values, Goals, and Roadmap serve to keep all contributors aligned and safe knowing that the work they have committed to will not change. Groups will start forming to address the separate domains of the project, but will not be properly functioning governance structures yet.",
+ "roadmap.soft_fork.2": "Creation of community spaces, organization, and planning for the following phases are key points of this phase. Before technical work can be done, a well thought out solution and proof of concept must exist to drive the following implementation phase.",
+ "roadmap.hard_fork.title": "Implementation",
+ "roadmap.hard_fork.1": "Like the previous phase, this phase will involve loosely-formed groups which do not fully adhere to the standards of our envisioned governance structures yet. However, as the project progresses to the next phase, these groups will be transitioned to proper governance units.",
+ "roadmap.hard_fork.2": "This phase involves the creation of an alternative to NixPkgs and NixOS using the plan created from the Setup & Planning phase. In addition to technical implementation we will also be creating Continuous Integration infrastructure. Depending on availability and funding, a Binary Cache may also be created.",
+ "roadmap.hard_fork.3": "The project may move to the next phase once a core set of packages are created and stabilized.",
+ "roadmap.organization.title": "Solidification",
+ "roadmap.organization.1": "Implementation continues during this phase alongside structural changes to governance. Committees, Special Interest Groups, and Working Groups are now expected to establish charters defining their responsibilities and memberships. Group members will remain the same as the previous phases until reaching the last phase of this roadmap.",
+ "roadmap.organization.2": "This phase is complete once a usable OS and package set are available.",
+ "roadmap.alignment.title": "Polish",
"roadmap.alignment.1": "By this point, we've done it. We have created a sustainable, independent fork of the Nix ecosystem. Now that the initial work has been completed we will begin the governance rotation process with our first elections and education as to how project governance works.",
- "roadmap.alignment.2": "Documentation, project branding, and packages will be polished and presented as a fully stable release. From this point forward the Steering Committee will be managing the creation of Special Interest Groups and other necessary Committees. All enhancements will be suggested in Aux Enhancement Proposals which encourage existing SIGs to implement features or encourage the formation of a new SIG to be created for such a purpose.",
+ "roadmap.alignment.2": "Documentation, project branding, and packages will be polished and presented as a fully stable release. From this point forward the Steering Committee will be managing the creation of Special Interest Groups and other necessary Committees. All future enhancements will be suggested in Aux Enhancement Proposals which encourage existing SIGs to implement features or encourage the formation of a new SIG to be created for such a purpose. This is not the end, this is only the beginning for Aux.",
"values.title": "Values",
"values.rep.title": "Representation",
"values.rep": "Contributors should have their views represented and organizational structure should be established democratically.",
diff --git a/src/components/home/Goals.astro b/src/components/home/Goals.astro
index b821825..78f2848 100644
--- a/src/components/home/Goals.astro
+++ b/src/components/home/Goals.astro
@@ -21,17 +21,10 @@ const translation = useTranslations(lang);
- {translation("goals.stabilization.title")}
- {translation("goals.stabilization")}
- {translation("goals.infra.title")}
- {translation("goals.infra")}
+ {translation("")}
diff --git a/src/components/home/Roadmap.astro b/src/components/home/Roadmap.astro
index 76b1d1c..15ddfe3 100644
--- a/src/components/home/Roadmap.astro
+++ b/src/components/home/Roadmap.astro
@@ -38,21 +38,6 @@ const translation = useTranslations(lang);
- {translation("roadmap.organization.3")}
- {translation("roadmap.infra.title")}
- {translation("roadmap.infra.1")}
- {translation("roadmap.infra.2")}
- {translation("roadmap.infra.3")}
From 22dda75136d95a71154bf6f0f8de5f12525b6760 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jake Hamilton
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 13:21:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] fix: add governance wiki link text
public/locales/de/translations.json | 5 +----
public/locales/dk/translations.json | 5 +----
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public/locales/de/translations.json b/public/locales/de/translations.json
index 266bde9..fdcadac 100644
--- a/public/locales/de/translations.json
+++ b/public/locales/de/translations.json
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
"root.description": "Eine Alternative zu dem Nix Ökosystem",
"": "Gemeinschaft",
"goals.title": "Unsere Ziele",
"goals.independent.title": "Unabhängigkeit",
"goals.independent": "Wir werden Nix, NixPkgs und NixOS forken und betreuen. Zusätzliche Unterstützung für Projekte wie Nix Darwin und Home Manager wird in Betracht gezogen.",
"": "Gesellschaftliche Organisation",
+ "": "Learn about Aux's governance structures.",
"": "Zur Verwaltung des Projekts wird ein demokratisches Modell mit gewählten Positionen eingesetzt. Ein Lenkungsausschuss ('steering committee') entscheidet über den Kurs, während weitere Ausschüsse spezifische oder logistische Aufgaben übernehmen. Features oder einzelne Projekte werden von 'Special Interest Groups' (SIG) umgesetzt. SIGs werden in Arbeitsgruppen ('Working Groups') zusammenarbeiten, um ihre Ziele übergreifend zu erreichen. Für jedes Komitee und jede Gruppe sind die Ziele, Anforderungen und Managementprozesse klar definiert.",
"goals.stabilization.title": "Stabilisierung",
"goals.stabilization": "Benutzerfreundliche Funktionen wie die 'Nix v3 CLI' werden standardmäßig aktiviert. Nix 'Flakes' werden bereits zu häufig verwendet, um sie zu entfernen oder zu ändern, stattdessen werden diese als 'flake v0' in ihrem aktuellen Zustand vereinheitlicht. Zukünftige Arbeiten werden von einer Special Interest Group gesteuert.",
@@ -14,7 +13,6 @@
"goals.infra": "Wir werden die Tools und die Infrastruktur aufbauen und betreuen, welche erforderlich sind, um das Ökosystem stabil zu halten, einschließlich 'Continous Integration' und 'Binary Caching'.",
"": "Dokumentation",
"": "Einheitliche Dokumentation, Anleitungen, Leitfäden und Beispiele sorgen für ein besseres Onboarding-Erlebnis für Neulinge und einen schnelleren Iterationszyklus für Experten.",
"roadmap.title": "Die Roadmap",
"roadmap.soft_fork.title": "Soft Fork",
"roadmap.soft_fork.1": "Während der Anfangsphase wird eine einfache Ad-hoc-Organisationsstruktur genutzt. Die erklärten Werte, Ziele und Roadmap des Projekts dienen dazu allen Mitwirkenden die Sicherheit zu geben, dass sich die Arbeit, zu der sie sich verpflichtet haben, nicht verändern wird.",
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@
"roadmap.alignment.title": "Unabhängigkeit",
"roadmap.alignment.1": "Wir haben es geschafft. Wir haben einen nachhaltigen und unabhängigen 'Fork' des Nix-Ökosystems geschaffen. Nachdem die ersten Arbeiten nun abgeschlossen sind, werden die ersten demokratischen Wahlen abgehalten und gemeinsam werden wir neue Organisationsstrukturen aufbauen.",
"roadmap.alignment.2": "Dokumentation, Projekt-Branding und Pakete werden auf Vorderman gebracht und als stabile Version veröffentlicht. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an wird der Lenkungsausschuss ('steering committee') die Einrichtung von 'Special Interest Groups' und weiteren erforderlichen 'Committees' verwalten. Alle Verbesserungvorschläge werden in der Form von 'Aux Enhancement Proposals' eingebracht, welches die bestehende SIGs zur Implementierung von Funktionen ermutigt oder die Gründung neuer SIGs zu diesem Zweck fördert.",
"values.title": "Unsere Werte",
"values.rep.title": "Repräsentation",
"values.rep": "Die Ansichten der Mitwirkenden sollen vertreten sein und die Organisationsstruktur soll demokratisch ausgerichtet sein.",
diff --git a/public/locales/dk/translations.json b/public/locales/dk/translations.json
index a70a249..73c1689 100644
--- a/public/locales/dk/translations.json
+++ b/public/locales/dk/translations.json
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
"root.description": "Et alternativ til Nix økosystemet",
"": "Community",
"goals.title": "Mål",
"goals.independent.title": "Uafhængighed",
"goals.independent": "Vi vil vedligeholde en fork af Nix, NixPkgs, og NixOS. Yderligere understøttelse af projekter såsom Nix Darwin og Home Manager overvejes.",
"": "Ledelsesform",
+ "": "Learn about Aux's governance structures.",
"": "Projektet ledes via demokratiskt valgte stillinger. Overordnet retning gives af en styringsgruppe, med yderligere grupper til at håndtere specifikke opgaveområder. Af disse vil Special Interest Groups have ansvaret for specifikke features og projekter, eksekveret igennem egne Working Groups. Samtlige grupper vil klart udspecificere hver deres mål, krav, og styringsprocess.",
"goals.stabilization.title": "Stabilisering",
"goals.stabilization": "Brugervenlige features såsom Nix v3 kommandolinjen vil som udgangspunkt være aktive. Nix Flakes er for udbredt en feature til at kunne fjernes eller substantielt ændres, hvorfor den i stedet stabiliseres i sin nuværende form som v0. Yderligere arbejde her håndteres af ansvarshavende Special Interest Group.",
@@ -14,7 +13,6 @@
"goals.infra": "Hvor nødvendigt for opretholdelse af et sundt økosystem vil vi bygge og vedligeholde redskaber og infrastruktur - inklusive Continuous Integration og Binary Caching.",
"": "Læring",
"": "Igennem samlet dokumentation, tutorials, guides, og eksempler, vil vi sikre forbedret onboarding for nytilkommere samt hurtigere udviklingsprocess for eksperter.",
"roadmap.title": "Roadmap",
"roadmap.soft_fork.title": "Blød Fork",
"roadmap.soft_fork.1": "I opstartsfasen vil en mere ad-hoc ledelsesstruktur anvendes. Projektets målsætninger, værdier, og roadmap fungerer derfor som rettesnor for alle deltagere, samt garanti for at målstolperne for det arbejde de har meldt sig til ikke rykkes.",
@@ -34,7 +32,6 @@
"roadmap.alignment.title": "Justering",
"roadmap.alignment.1": "Vi er i mål. På dette tidspunkt i processen har vi en stabil, uafhængig fork af Nix økosystemet. Med opstartsfasen afsluttet, starter arbejdet med dokumentation af hvordan den nuværende ledelsesform fungerer og rotation påbegyndes med første valg til ledende stillinger.",
"roadmap.alignment.2": "En fuldt ud stabil udgivelse af dokumentation, branding, og pakker pudses af og lanceres. Fra nu af tilfalder ansvaret for oprettelse og styring af alle grupper styringsgruppen. Alle forslag til forbedringer bringes op under Aux Enhancement Proposals, hvilke anbefaler feature implementering til eksisterende SIGs eller oprettelse af nye til eksekvering af samme.",
"values.title": "Værdier",
"values.rep.title": "Repræsentation",
"values.rep": "Deltageres synspunkter bør repræsenteres og ledelsesstruktur skal etableres demokratiskt.",
From 051dcf96178e40c3f4dd6356c4afc7e1b507be83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jake Hamilton
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 13:31:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] fix(formatting): run prettier
src/components/home/Goals.astro | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/components/home/Goals.astro b/src/components/home/Goals.astro
index 78f2848..c70d687 100644
--- a/src/components/home/Goals.astro
+++ b/src/components/home/Goals.astro
@@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ const translation = useTranslations(lang);