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343 lines (243 loc) · 14 KB

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343 lines (243 loc) · 14 KB

Version 1.2.0

  • FEAT #388: Allow Sequence of Hyperparameter to instantiate a ConfigurationSpace.

Version 1.1.4

  • FIX #386: Fix __contains__ of Configuration to check if a value could be retrieved from a Configuration.
  • FIX #385: Make Categorical and Ordinal more backwards compatible!

Version 1.1.3

  • FIX #63c963b: Remove stray print statements

Version 1.1.2

  • FIX #382: Fix to_value of Cateogorical, Constant and Ordinal hyperparameters when they contain nested objects.

Version 1.1.1

  • FIX #ebb89f4: Prevent infinite recursion when checking "key" in Configuration.

Version 1.1.0

  • FIX #377: Make rounding a constant value of 13 decimal places for floats and their boundaries.
    • Previously this was different in arbitrary places.
    • Why 13? This was relatively stable across our test suite and allowed json to serialize/deserialize without loss of precision.
  • FEAT #376: Allow arbitrary values for Categorical, Ordinal, and Constant hyperparameters.
  • FIX #375: Use object dtype for Constant np.array of values to prevent numpy type conversions of values.

Version 1.0.1

  • FIX #373: Fix ForbiddenEqualsRelation when evaluating on vectors of values.

Version 1.0.0

  • REFACTOR #346: Please see PR #346 for a full log of changes

Version 0.7.2

  • MAINT #671465e2: Make loading json files from earlier versions backwards compatible

Version 0.7.1

  • MAINT #321: De-cythonize main modules, add deprecation wranings

Version 0.7.0

  • Many bugfixes, please see Github

Version 0.6.1

  • MAINT #286: Add support for Python 3.11.
  • FIX #282: Fixes a memory leak in the neighborhood generation of integer hyperparameters.

Version 0.6.0

  • ADD #255: An easy interface of Float, Integer, Categorical for creating search spaces.
  • ADD #243: Add forbidden relations between two hyperparamters
  • MAINT #243: Change branch master to main
  • FIX #259: Numpy runtime error when rounding
  • FIX #247: No longer errors when serliazing spaces with an InCondition
  • FIX #219: Hyperparamters correctly active with diamond-or conditions

Version 0.5.0

  • FIX #231: Links to the pcs formats.
  • FIX #230: Allow Forbidden Clauses with non-numeric values.
  • FIX #232: Equality == between hyperparameters now considers default values.
  • FIX #221: Normal Hyperparameters should now properly sample from correct distribution in log space
  • FIX #221: Fixed boundary problems with integer hyperparameters due to numerical rounding after sampling.
  • MAINT #221: Categorical Hyperparameters now always have associated probabilities, remaining uniform if non are provided. (Same behaviour)
  • ADD #222: BetaFloat and BetaInteger hyperparamters, hyperparameters distributed according to a beta distribution.
  • ADD #241: Implements support for PiBo, you can now embed some prior distribution knowledge into ConfigSpace hyperparameters.
    • See the example here.
    • Hyperparameters now have a pdf(vector: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray to get the probability density values for the input
    • Hyperparameters now have a get_max_density() -> float to get the greatest value in it's probability distribution function, the probability of the mode of the distriubtion.
    • ConfigurationSpace objects now have a remove_parameter_priors() -> ConfigurationSpace to remove any priors

Version 0.4.21

  • Add #224: Now builds binary wheels for Windows/Mac/Linux, available on PyPI.
  • Maint #227: Include automated testing for windows and mac.
  • Maint #228: #226: Account for test differences with i686 architectures.
  • Maint #213, #215: Prevent double trigger of github workflows.
  • Fix #212: Equality (==) on CategoricalHyperparameter objects are now invariant to ordering.
  • Add #208: ConfigurationSpace::estimate_size() to get the size of a configuration space without considering constraints.
  • Add #210: print(config) is now produces a string representation of a valid python dictionary that is suitable for copy and paste.
  • Fix #203: Parser for pcs files now correctly coverts types for forbidden clauses, checking for the validaty as well.
  • Maint #f71508c: Clean up in and fix link for new SMAC example docs.
  • Fix #202: Fix numerical underflow when performing quantization of log sampled UniformFloat.
  • Add #188: Support for a truncated NormalIntegerHyperparameter or NormalFloatHyperparameter by providing lower and upper bounds.
  • Fix #195: Sampling configurations to perform validity checks for during get_one_exchange_neighborhood is now deterministic w.r.t. a seed.

Version 0.4.20

  • MAINT #185: Drop support for Python 3.6
  • FIX #190: Remove old files with old GPL-3.0 license
  • ADD #191: Configuration and ConfigurationSpace can now act as mappings

Version 0.4.19

  • ADD #184: Wheels.
  • FIX #176: copy meta field in add_configuration_space
  • MAINT #181: Run Flake8 on Cython code
  • MAINT #182: Replace rich comparisons by __eq__ in Cython code
  • MAINT #183: Cleanup warnings.

Version 0.4.18

  • ADD #164: New method rvs for hyperparameters to allow them being used with scikit-learn's hyperparameter optimization tools.
  • FIX #173: Fixes a numpy ABI incompatibility problem with numpy 1.20

Version 0.4.17

  • MAINT #168: Support for Python. 3.9.X

Version 0.4.16

  • FIX #167: fix a broken equal comparison in forbidden constraints.

Version 0.4.15

  • Add pyproject.toml to support wheel installation as required in PEP518

Version 0.4.14

  • ADD new argument config_id to Configuration which can be set by an application using the ConfigSpace package (None by default).
  • FIX #157 fix a bug in get_random_neighbor where the last hyperparameter value was never changed.
  • MAINT #136 remove asterisk in version identifier in
  • MAINT #156 add ConstantHyperparameter to the API documentation.
  • MAINT #159 document that None is a forbidden value for CategoricalHyperparameter and OrdinalHyperparameter.

Version 0.4.13

  • ADD Python3.8 support, drop Python3.5 support (#144, #153)
  • FIX copy weights of CategoricalHyperparameter (#148)
  • FIX store weights of CategoricalHyperparameter, raise an error message for the other output writers (#152).
  • FIX correct types in util function fix_types (#134)
  • MAINT unit test of the source distribution (#154)

Version 0.4.12

  • ADD #135: Add weights to the sampling of categorical hyperparameters.
  • MAINT #129: Performance improvements for the generation of neighbor configurations.
  • MAINT #130: Test the installability of a distribution on travis-ci.
  • FIX #140: Fixes a bug which led to samples lower than the lower bound of UniformFloatHyperparemeter if the lower bound was larger than zero and quantization was used.
  • FIX # 138: Fixes a bug in which the readme wasn't read correctly on systems not using UTF8 as their default encoding.

Version 0.4.11

  • MAINT #115: install numpy during installation if it is not already installed.
  • MAINT #124: add section on what to cite to the readme file.
  • MAINT via #127: speed improvement for neigborhood generation of integer hyperparameters.
  • FIX: Neighborhood of an integer hyperparameter does no longer contain duplicate values.
  • FIX #117: Fix sampling of OrCondition.
  • FIX #119: Allow sampling of multiple quantized integers.
  • FIX via #118: Fix error message.

Version 0.4.10

  • DOC: improved documentation and plenty of new docstrings.
  • FIX #114: Checking categorical hyperparameters for uniqueness.
  • MAINT #110: temporarily disable categorical value None
  • MAINT #112: improved unit tests and compilation; new pep8 checks

Version 0.4.9

  • Fixes an issue where adding a new forbidden for an unknown hyperparameter did not result in an immediate exception.
  • Add a new argument vector to util.deactivate_inactive_hyperparameters
  • Make the number of categories a public variable for categorical and ordinal hyperparameters

Version 0.4.8

  • Fixes an issue which made serialization of ForbiddenInCondition to json fail.
  • MAINT #101: Improved error message on setting illegal value in a configuration.
  • DOC #91: Added a documentation to

Version 0.4.7

  • Tests Python3.7.
  • Fixes #87: better handling of Conjunctions when adding them to the configuration space.
  • MAINT: Improved type annotation in which results in improved performance (due to better Cython optimization).
  • MAINT: util.get_one_exchange_neighborhood now accepts two arguments num_neighbors and stdev which govern the neighborhood creation behaviour of several continuous hyperparameters.
  • NEW #85: Add function to obtain active hyperparameters
  • NEW #84: Add field for meta-data to the configuration space object.
  • MAINT: json serialization now has an argument to control indentation

Version 0.4.6

  • Fixes a bug which caused a KeyError on the usage of tuples in InCondition.

Version 0.4.5

  • Stricter typechecking by using a new Cython features which automatically transfers type annotations into type checks at compilation time.
  • New attribute of the ConfigSpace object: name
  • Added JSON as a new, experimental serialization format for configuration spaces.
  • Fixed a bug writing AND-conjunctions in the pcs writer.
  • Fixed a lot of hash functions which broke during the conversion to Cython

Version 0.4.4

  • Fixes issue #49. The Configuration object no longer iterates over inactive hyperparameters which resulted in an unintuitive API.

Version 0.4.3

  • Fix a memory leak when repeatedly sampling a large amount of configurations.

Version 0.4.2

  • Fix a bug which caused a segfault when trying to sample zero configurations.

Version 0.4.1

  • Rewrite of major functions in Cython
  • Attribute default of class Hyperparameter is renamed to default_value.
  • Package io is renamed to read_and_write.

Version 0.3.10

  • Fix issue #56. The writer for the new pcs format can now write correct conjunctions of forbidden parameters.
  • The class Configuration now raises an exception if trying to instantiate it with an illegal value for a hyperparameter

Version 0.3.9

  • Fix issue #53. Functionality for retrieving a one exchange neighborhood does no longer create illegal configurations when hyperparameters have extreme ranges.
  • New functionality __setitem__ for Configuration. Allows dictionary syntax to change the value of one hyperparameter in a configuration.

Version 0.3.8

  • Fix issue #25. Parents and children are now sorted topologically in the underlying datastructure.
  • The reader and writer for the new pcs format can now handle Constants.
  • Speed improvements for one exchange neighborhood

Version 0.3.7

  • Faster checking of valid configurations
  • Fixes a bug in sampling configurations for SatenStein
  • Fixes a bug getting neighbors from OrdinalHyperparameter
  • Fixes a bug getting neighbors from a UniformIntegerHyperparameter
  • Utility function to deactivate inactive, but specified hyperparameters
  • Fixes a bug in retrieving the one exchange neighborhood, i.e. it could not change the value of parent parameters

Version 0.3.6

  • Minor speed improvements when checking forbidden clauses

Version 0.3.5

  • Even more speed improvements for highly conditional configurations
  • Speed improvements for retrieving neighbor configurations

Version 0.3.4

  • Further improve sampling speed for highly conditional configuration spaces

Version 0.3.3

  • Improve sampling speed for highly conditional configuration spaces

Version 0.3.2

  • FIX: do not store None when calling populate_values on a Configuration
  • FIX #26: raise Exception if argument has the wrong type.
  • FIX #25: a bug related to sorting hyperparameters when reading them from a PCS files.

Version 0.3.1

  • MAINT: fix endless loop in get_one_exchange_neighborhood.

Version 0.3

  • MAINT: improve speed of get_one_exchange_neighborhood. This changes the return value of the function from a list to a generator.

Version 0.2.3

  • FIX: allow installation via python install
  • MAINT: drop python2.7 support, add python3.6 support
  • MAINT: improve performance of add_configuration_space
  • FIX: a bug in add_configuration_space which changed the names of the hyperparameters of a child configuration space
  • MAINT: new helper functions add_hyperparameters and add_conditions.

Version 0.2.2

  • ADD: two convenience functions to improve working with HPOlib2
  • MAINT: default seed of ConfigurationSpace is now None instead of 1. This makes the package behave like other scientific programming packages.
  • FIX: improve bounds checking for log-space hyperparameters
  • FIX: version information is now in a separate file.
  • MAINT: improve sampling speed by breaking the sampling loop earlier when possible

Version 0.2.1

  • FIX: bug which changed order of hyperparameters when adding new hyperparameter. This was non-deterministic due to the use of dict instead of OrderedDict.
  • FIX: compare configurations with == instead of numpy.allclose.
  • FIX: issue 2, syntax error no longer present during installation
  • FIX: json serialization of configurations and their hyperparameters can now be deserialized by json and still compare equal

Version 0.2

  • FIX: bug which made integer values have different float values in the underlying vector representation.
  • FIX: bug which could make two configuration spaces compare unequal due to the use of defaultdict
  • FEATURE: new feature add_configuration_space, which allows to add a whole configuration space into an existing configuration space
  • FEATURE: python3.5 support
  • FIX: add function get_parent() to Conjunctions (issue #1)
  • Added this Changelog.