A wrapper around the Partner API calls. Allows post, priority post and get calls.
gem install 'al_papi'
With bundler
gem 'al_papi', '~> 1.0.5'
Set configuration options to be used on requests:
require 'al_papi'
AlPapi.configure do |config|
config.api_key = 'yR43BtBDjadfavMy6a6aK0'
Account endpoint lets you get basic info about your account, current queue times and any system messages.
# Pass your account ID into the info method
res = AlPapi::Account.info '1'
# Response body will be JSON response
# You can use the parsed_body method for convenience to access data
account_info = res.parsed_body
account_info.user.current_balance # 500.00
account_info.queue.bing_time # 15
account_info.messages.system # ['The system is back online!']
Example response in JSON
"messages": {
"system": ['The system is back online!']
"queue": {
"bing_time": 15,
"google_time": 3,
"yahoo_time": 2
"user": {
"current_balance": 500.00,
"current_get_count": 2000,
"current_post_count": 1000,
"hourly_get_limit": 2000,
"hourly_post_limit": 1000
Keywords endpoint allows you to POST keywords you want SERPs for and to GET those results when they are ready.
Post your keyword-engine-locale combination to the API:
res = AlPapi::Keyword.post keyword: "Centaur Love'n", engine: 'google', locale: 'en-us'
if res.success?
p 'Centaur High Hoof'
p 'PAPI Fail'
Post your keyword to the priority queue if you need results in a more timely manner:
res = AlPapi::Keyword.priority_post keyword: "Mad Scientist", engine: 'bing', locale: 'en-ca'
if res.success?
p 'Canadian Bing Scientist Time'
p 'PAPI Fail'
When you are ready to get your results you can do a GET request for your keyword-engine-locale combo:
res = AlPapi::Keyword.get keyword: "Mad Scientist", engine: 'bing', locale: 'en-ca'
if res.success?
p 'Canadian Bing Scientist Time'
res.body # Hash of your results for that keyword-engine-locale
p 'PAPI Fail'
When making an API request a response object is returned with any errors, http response code and http reponse body.
res = req.get keyword: "Mad Scientist", engine: 'bing', locale: 'en-ca'
# Errors:
# Returns an array of error objects.
if res.errors.present?
res.errors.each do |error|
p error.code # http repsonse code
p error.message # error message
p error.params # params of request
p error.path # path of request
# Success:
# Returns true or false if request was successful or not.
# Body:
# Returns body of response.
# On GET requests the body will be a hash of your results if successful.
# Parsed Body:
# Returns the parsed JSON body, if present, as a Hashie::Mash object.
# This can be useful to get an object with methods to call instead of
# indexing into nested hashes.
# Code:
# Returns http response code.
# 204: On GET requests when no data is available yet
# 200: Successful
# 401: Invalid api key
# 500: Server Error
# Over Limit:
# Returns true or false if over hourly limit
# Suspended:
# Returns true or false if your account has been suspended
Web Insight queue takes a URL for the Partner API to scrape and parse out high level insight about the page and return the results to your callback URL passed in or set for your account.
Post the URL of the page you want to gain insight into and the callback URL knowing when your results are ready to get.
res = AlPapi::WebInsight.post url: 'http://www.qwiki.com', callback: 'http://your-callback-url.com'
When your results are ready to get you will receive a callback that contains the information on how to get the insight on your URL. In the callback you should receive a date_created and time_created to use in your get request. You will also use your original URL posted.
res = AlPapi::WebInsight.get url: 'http://www.qwiki.com', date_created: '2012-06-14', time_created: '01:50'
Supported engines are Google, Yahoo and Bing. To get a list of supported engines run the following:
Supported locales differ by the engine being used. In order to make sure you are using a supported locale for the engine you are posting a keyword to there is a locales class to help you:
A way to see all the supported locales for a specified engine
AlPapi::Locales.supported # defaults to google
Example response
engine: google
locales: {
ko-kr: {
description: Korea - Korean
tld: http://www.google.co.kr
el-gr: {
description: Greece - Greek
tld: http://www.google.gr
supported: true
You can query the API to see if a specific locale is supported for an engine and get a description of that locale.
AlPapi::Locales.description 'google', 'ko-kr'
Example response
locale: ko-kr
description: Korea - Korean
supported: true
engine: google