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-title: "Integration Example"
-In this article, we will go through the development of a simple [Web3Modal](https://docs.walletconnect.com/web3modal/about) example to use Aurora Pass in a DApp.
-### Create a simple React app
-To start, let's create a React application by using `create-react-app`. Of course, you can use your existing codebase instead. We're doing this just for demonstration purposes.
-You will need to run in your terminal:
-npx create-react-app aurora-pass-example
-cd aurora-pass-example
-npm start
-Your React app will be running now at `http://localhost:3000`. Just open that link in your browser to see the UI.
-You can read more about the `create-react-app` [here](https://create-react-app.dev/docs/getting-started/) for more details.
-### Add Aurora Promo Widget
-We have discussed the Promo Widget [before](/onboard/promo-widget), but now it is time to try it in practice.
-You need to look at the code [here](/onboard/promo-widget) to add the Promo Widget popup to your DApp.
-After this, we can add Web3Modal to the project.
-### Adding Web3Modal
-We will closely follow the [Web3Model Wagmi v2 documentation](https://docs.walletconnect.com/web3modal/react/about?platform=wagmi) here.
-#### Import libraries and get projectId
-First, let's add some new packages to the project:
-npm install @web3modal/wagmi@4.0.0-alpha.0 wagmi viem @tanstack/react-query
-Now, sign up at [WalletConnect Cloud](https://cloud.walletconnect.com/sign-in) to get a WalletConnect `projectId`. You will get some random string like `4aee871f7a80f1ff5c7892226bd3ascd`.
-#### Add Web3Modal component
-Now, let's create a file with a Web3Modal component:
-```jsx title="aurora-pass-example/src/Web3Modal.js"
-import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react'
-import { WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi'
-import { aurora, mainnet } from 'wagmi/chains'
-import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
-// Setup queryClient
-const queryClient = new QueryClient()
-// Get projectId at https://cloud.walletconnect.com
-const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID_GOES_HERE';
-// Create wagmiConfig
-const metadata = {
- name: 'Web3Modal',
- description: 'Web3Modal Example',
- url: 'https://web3modal.com',
- icons: ['https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886']
-const chains = [mainnet, aurora]
-const wagmiConfig = defaultWagmiConfig({
- chains,
- projectId,
- metadata
-// Create modal
-createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains})
-// Export component
-export default function Web3Modal({ children }) {
- return (
- {children}
- )
-Now, we can use the Web3Modal component in our app. First, notice that we need to wrap the part of the app into it using the `wagmi` hooks. In this case, we are wrapping it fully into it:
-```jsx title="aurora-pass-example/src/App.js"
-function App() {
- ...
- return (
- );
-But we still need to display the popup. How can we do it?
-#### Displaying Web3Modal
-To open the wallets popup, let's use the `useWeb3Modal` hook inside the App component, to be more specific – the `open` function it provides.
-We also need to edit a bit our old `openWidget` function to accept the `onComplete` argument and pass there the `open` function:
-```jsx title="aurora-pass-example/src/App.js"
-import { useWeb3Modal } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react';
-const openWidget = (onComplete) => {
- window.openPromo
- ? window.openPromo({ onComplete: onComplete, config: {hideUpdateAppBlock: true} })
- : onComplete()
-function App() {
- ...
- const { open } = useWeb3Modal()
- return (
- );
-You can also safely remove the `openWeb3Modal` function we previously had with just a placeholder alert.
-If you go into your App now, you will be able to see the WalletConnect popup appearing after you click the 'Skip' button in the AuroraPass widget:
-But it will still need to contain the AuroraPass. Let's add it there.
-### Add AuroraPass to your wallet list
-To do this, we need to modify the `Web3Modal.js` file a bit and add some options to it:
-```jsx title="aurora-pass-example/src/Web3Modal.js
-let options = {
- defaultChain: aurora, // we can set it to make sure we are using Aurora mainnet by default
- includeWalletIds: [
- 'c57ca95b47569778a828d19178114f4db188b89b763c899ba0be274e97267d96', //Metamask
- '76260019aec5a3c44dd2421bf78e80f71a6c090d932c413a287193ed79450694', //AuroraPass
- ]};
-// pass the 'options' here as the last argument
-createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains, ...options})
-If we re-open the Web3Modal now, we will see the AuroraPass wallet there:
-Now, we can try connecting our wallet via the QR code:
-But we won't see if the connection was successful yet because we need something to display that. The popup will close, and we will see the App's initial screen:
-### Displaying the connection status in DApp
-Let's fix it by replacing the 'Edit src/App.js and save to reload' label with a simple `Account` component showing us if we have connected to the DApp already.
-We can do that inside the App component file right away by using `useAccount` wagmi hook:
-```jsx title="aurora-pass-example/src/App.js
-import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
-function Account () {
- const { address, isConnecting, isDisconnected } = useAccount();
- if (isConnecting) return Connecting...
- if (isDisconnected) return Disconnected
- return {address}
-function App() {
- ...
- return (