File tree
3,166 files changed
lines changed- arduino_comm
- arduino_comm
- launch
- resource
- test
- arduino_comm_cpp
- include/arduino_comm_cpp
- src
- carla-scenario-runner
- .github
- workflows
- Docs
- img
- srunner
- autoagents
- data
- examples
- catalogs
- roar
- metrics
- examples
- tools
- openscenario
- 0.9.x
- scenarioconfigs
- scenariomanager
- actorcontrols
- scenarioatomics
- scenarios
- tools
- utilities
- central_arduino
- include
- src
- components
- test
- control_converter
- config
- include/control_converter
- launch
- src
- core
- src
- control
- control_interfaces
- action
- controller_manager
- include/controller_manager
- launch
- params
- src
- plugins
- pid_control
- config
- include/pid_control
- launch
- src
- misc
- mapping
- config
- include/mapping
- launch
- src
- roar-urdf
- launch
- meshes
- gokart
- rviz
- src
- description
- gokart
- roar_manual_control
- launch
- params
- resource
- roar_manual_control
- test
- vehicle_state_manager
- include/vehicle_state_manager
- launch
- params
- src
- waypoint_recorder
- launch
- resource
- test
- waypoint_recorder
- planning
- behavior_planning
- include/behavior_planning
- base
- bt_nodes
- action_nodes
- condition_nodes
- common
- launch
- param
- src
- base
- bt_nodes
- action_nodes
- condition_nodes
- common
- costmap_node_manager
- config
- include/costmap_node_manager
- launch
- src
- global_planning
- include/global_planning
- planners
- launch
- param
- carla
- src
- global_planners
- interfaces
- action
- msg
- srv
- local_planning/local_planner_manager
- include/local_planner_manager
- launch
- params
- src
- plugins
- roar_msgs
- msg
- srv
- roar_rviz_plugin
- include/roar_rviz_plugin
- src
- fusion-engine-client
- gazebo
- learning
- assets
- maps
- neighborhood_world
- warehouse_world
- 002
- 005
- media
- frames
- gps
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- node_graph
- meshes
- cafe
- gokart
- office
- models
- AdjTable
- meshes
- thumbnails
- AnesthesiaMachine
- meshes
- thumbnails
- BMWCart
- meshes
- thumbnails
- BPCart
- meshes
- thumbnails
- BedTable
- meshes
- thumbnails
- BedsideTable
- meshes
- thumbnails
- BloodPressureMonitor
- meshes
- thumbnails
- Box
- BoxesLargeOnPallet
- materials/scripts
- BoxesLargeOnPallet_2
- BoxesLargeOnPallet_3
- CGMClassic
- meshes
- thumbnails
- Chair
- meshes
- thumbnails
- Drawer
- meshes
- thumbnails
- ElderLadyPatient
- meshes
- thumbnails
- ElderMalePatient
- meshes
- thumbnails
- FemaleVisitor
- meshes
- thumbnails
- FemaleVisitorSit
- meshes
- thumbnails
- IVStand
- meshes
- thumbnails
- InstrumentCart1
- meshes
- thumbnails
- InstrumentCart2
- meshes
- thumbnails
- KitchenSink
- meshes
- thumbnails
- MalePatientBed
- meshes
- thumbnails
- MaleVisitorOnPhone
- meshes
- thumbnails
- MaleVisitorSit
- meshes
- thumbnails
- MetalCabinet
- meshes
- thumbnails
- MopCart3
- meshes
- thumbnails
- OfficeChairBlack
- meshes
- thumbnails
- meta
- ParkingTrolleyMax
- meshes
- thumbnails
- ParkingTrolleyMin
- meshes
- thumbnails
- PatientFSit
- meshes
- thumbnails
- PatientWheelChair
- meshes
- thumbnails
- PotatoChipChair
- meshes
- thumbnails
- Scrubs
- meshes
- thumbnails
- Shower
- meshes
- thumbnails
- StorageRack
- meshes
- thumbnails
- StorageRackCoverOpen
- meshes
- thumbnails
- StorageRackCovered
- meshes
- thumbnails
- SurgicalTrolley
- meshes
- thumbnails
- SurgicalTrolleyMed
- meshes
- thumbnails
- TrolleyBed
- meshes
- thumbnails
- TrolleyBedPatient
- meshes
- thumbnails
- VendingMachine
- meshes
- thumbnails
- VisitorKidSit
- meshes
- thumbnails
- WhiteChipChair
- meshes
- thumbnails
- XRayMachine
- meshes
- thumbnails
- amazon_robot2
- meshes
- ambulance
- materials/textures
- meshes
- apartment
- materials/textures
- meshes
- asphalt_plane
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- aws_robomaker_hospital_curtain_closed_01
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_curtain_half_open_01
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_curtain_open_01
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_elevator_01_car
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_elevator_01_door
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_elevator_01_portal
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_floor_01_ceiling
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_floor_01_floor
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_floor_01_walls
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_floor_02_ceiling
- materials
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_floor_02_floor
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_floor_02_walls
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_hospitalsign_01
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_nursesstation_01
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_hospital_ramp_01
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_AirconditionerA_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_AirconditionerB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_BalconyTable_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Ball_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Bed_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Board_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Carpet_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_ChairA_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_ChairD_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Chandelier_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_CoffeeTable_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_CookingBench_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Curtain_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitA_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitA_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitB_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitC_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitD_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitD_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitD_03
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_DeskPortraitD_04
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Door_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Dumbbell_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_FitnessEquipment_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_FloorB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_FoldingDoor_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_FoldingDoor_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Handle_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_HouseWallB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_KitchenCabinet_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_KitchenTable_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_KitchenUtensils_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_LightC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_NightStand_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Pillow_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitA_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitA_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitB_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitB_03
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitD_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitD_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitE_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_PortraitE_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Quilt_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Rangehood_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_ReadingDesk_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Refrigerator_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_RoomCeiling_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_RoomWall_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_RoomWindow_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_SeasoningBox_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_SecurityCamera_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_ShoeRack_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_SofaB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_SofaC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Sofa_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_TVCabinet_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_TV_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_TV_02
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Tablet_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Tableware_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Trash_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Vase_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_residential_Wardrobe_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_retail_BookshelfB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_retail_Computer_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_Bucket_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_ClutteringA_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_ClutteringC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_ClutteringD_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_DeskC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_GroundB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_Lamp_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_PalletJackB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_RoofB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_ShelfD_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_ShelfE_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_ShelfF_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_TrashCanC_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- aws_robomaker_warehouse_WallB_01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- bathroom_sink
- materials/textures
- meshes
- beer
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- big_box
- materials/textures
- meshes
- big_box2
- materials/textures
- meshes
- big_box3
- materials/textures
- meshes
- big_box4
- materials/textures
- meshes
- big_plant
- mesh
- bin_4_dropping_task
- meshes
- blue_target
- meshes
- blue_tray
- meshes
- bookshelf
- bowl
- meshes
- box_target_green
- materials/textures
- meshes
- box_target_red
- materials/textures
- meshes
- bus
- materials/textures
- meshes
- cabinet
- cafe
- materials/textures
- meshes
- cafe_counter
- materials/textures
- meshes
- cafe_table
- materials/textures
- meshes
- camera
- cardboard_box
- materials/textures
- meshes
- casual_female
- materials/textures
- meshes
- casual_male
- materials/textures
- meshes
- casual_male2
- materials/textures
- meshes
- cessna
- meshes
- coffee_maker
- materials/textures
- meshes
- coke_can
- materials/textures
- meshes
- computer
- materials/textures
- meshes
- conference_table_large
- meshes
- conference_table_small
- materials/textures
- meshes
- construction_barrel
- materials/textures
- meshes
- conveyor
- meshes
- cubicle_corner
- materials/textures
- meshes
- cubicle_island
- materials/textures
- meshes
- cubicle_wall
- materials/textures
- meshes
- desk
- materials/textures
- meshes
- desk_chair
- materials/textures
- meshes
- dishwasher
- materials/textures
- meshes
- door
- materials/textures
- meshes
- dumpster
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- elegant_female
- materials/textures
- meshes
- elegant_female2
- materials/textures
- meshes
- elegant_male
- materials/textures
- meshes
- europallet
- materials/textures
- meshes
- fast_food
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- fire_hydrant
- materials/textures
- meshes
- garden
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- gas_station
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- gimbal_small_2d
- meshes
- green_target
- meshes
- green_tray
- meshes
- grey_wall
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- grocery_store
- materials/textures
- meshes
- ground_plane
- hangout_chair
- materials/textures
- meshes
- house_1
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- house_2
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- house_3
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- iris_with_standoffs
- meshes
- iris_with_standoffs_demo
- irobot_hand
- meshes
- jersey_barrier
- materials/textures
- meshes
- kitchen_dining
- materials/textures
- meshes
- lamp_post
- materials/textures
- meshes
- marker00
- materials/textures
- meshes
- marker01
- materials/textures
- meshes
- marker10
- materials/textures
- meshes
- marker11
- materials/textures
- meshes
- marker_infini2
- materials/textures
- meshes
- marker_infini_logo
- materials/textures
- meshes
- microwave
- materials/textures
- meshes
- mini_fridge
- materials/textures
- meshes
- mud_box
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- oak_tree
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- office_box
- materials/textures
- meshes
- office_cafe_table
- materials/textures
- meshes
- office_chair
- materials/textures
- meshes
- office_couch
- materials/textures
- meshes
- office_desk
- materials/textures
- meshes
- office_lamp
- materials/textures
- meshes
- office_table
- materials/textures
- meshes
- osrf_first_office
- materials/textures
- meshes
- pallet_full
- parking_garage
- materials/textures
- meshes
- person_standing
- materials/textures
- meshes
- person_walking
- materials/textures
- meshes
- pine_tree
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- pioneer2dx
- materials/textures
- meshes
- playground
- materials/textures
- meshes
- post_office
- materials/textures
- meshes
- pr2
- materials/textures
- meshes
- base_v0
- forearm_v0
- gripper_v0
- head_v0
- sensors/kinect_prosilica_v0
- shoulder_v0
- tilting_laser_v0
- torso_v0
- upper_arm_v0
- prius_hybrid
- materials/textures
- meshes
- radio_tower
- materials/textures
- meshes
- reception_desk
- materials/textures
- meshes
- red_target
- meshes
- refrigerator
- materials/textures
- meshes
- robonaut
- materials/textures
- meshes
- robotbase
- school
- materials/textures
- meshes
- servicebot
- materials/textures
- meshes
- shelves_high
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- shelves_high2
- materials/textures
- meshes
- shelves_high2_no_collision
- materials/textures
- meshes
- simple_arm
- simple_gripper
- small_box
- materials/textures
- meshes
- small_plant
- mesh
- speed_limit_sign
- materials/textures
- meshes
- stopW
- meshes
- stop_light
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- stop_light_post
- materials/textures
- meshes
- stop_sign
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- submarine
- submarine_buoyant
- submarine_sinking
- sun
- suv
- materials/textures
- meshes
- table_marble
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- meshes
- target_4x4
- meshes
- target_table
- meshes
- thrift_shop
- materials/textures
- meshes
- toilet
- materials/textures
- meshes
- thumbnails
- tv_stand
- materials/textures
- meshes
- two_wheeled_robot_description
- meshes
- warehouse_pallet
- warehouse_walls
- materials
- scripts
- textures
- washer
- meshes
- wastebasket
- materials/textures
- meshes
- water_tower
- materials/textures
- meshes
- whiteboard
- materials/textures
- meshes
- willowgarage
- materials/textures
- meshes
- workcell
- materials/textures
- meshes
- workcell_bin
- materials/textures
- meshes
- yellow_target
- meshes
- yellow_tray
- meshes
- autocar
- meshes
- gokart
- gokart_manual_controller
- gokart_manual_controller
- launch
- params
- resource
- test
- hardware
- src
- gokart_hardware_launches
- include
- launch
- param
- src
- livox_ros2_driver
- images
- livox_interfaces
- msg
- livox_ros2_driver
- cmake
- common
- FastCRC
- comm
- rapidjson
- error
- internal
- msinttypes
- rapidxml
- config
- launch
- livox_ros2_driver
- include
- timesync
- user_uart
- livox_sdk_vendor
- cmake/Modules
- point_one_gps_driver
- point_one_gps_driver
- include/point_one_gps_driver
- fusion_engine
- param
- src
- roar-base-station
- config
- launch
- src
- roar-carla-scenario-runner
- roar-gokart-ws
- docs
- repos
- scripts
- carla
- parking
- racing
- gokart
- racing
- tools
- roar-launches
- config
- carla
- parking
- racing
- core
- gokart/racing
- launch
- carla
- core
- gokart
- visualization
- roar-scenario-runner
- roar-urdf
- launch
- meshes
- gokart
- rviz
- src
- description
- gokart
- roar_gokart_interface
- include
- launch
- param
- src
- roar_gokart_msgs
- msg
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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| 1 | + | |
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| 4 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
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| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
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| 26 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
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| 18 | + | |
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| 21 | + | |
| 22 | + |
Whitespace-only changes.
0 commit comments