If you're contemplating to use Atomic-Server in a production environment, you'll want to know to what extent you could rely on this project. Some features are prone to change, whilst others are already fully working as intended. See Changelog for a historical overview of (breaking) changes. This document describes the current status of Atomic-Server, and specifically which features are stable, and which are not.
These features are very unlikely to be significantly altered until V1.0. They will also not be dropped.
- HTTP Resource fetching.
- JSON-AD serialization / parsing.
- TLS / HTTPS setup.
- WebSockets. Some features may be added, but for most use cases the current implementation works great.
- Commits. There may be changes in the signature algorithm or the likes, but I don't expect much changes.
- Storage + migration system. Upgrading your Atomic-Server should not lead to data loss. Migrations are fully automated.
- Endpoint API. Currently only supports GET requests.
- Collections / Queries. Relatively stable, but still lacks some important features (like having multiple filters in one Query).
- Cookie Authentication.
- Document editor, see milestone.
- Table editor, see milestone.
- URL requirements for new URLS, see issue
- Full text search. Improvements to sorting algorithm and adding more filter options is likely.
- Plugin system. All APIs related to this are very likely to change. See issue
- Chat rooms. They work, but expect serious changes.