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Yoann edited this page May 10, 2016 · 16 revisions


Update Site

The simplest way to install NeoEMF is to use the update site that is available here. Install the Base compenent, which provides NeoEMF core classes and utils. Select the backend specific implementation(s) you want to plug in NeoEMF (currently Blueprints and MapDB are available).

Specific Backend Setup

Backend specific implementations may need configuration files or require other plugins to work properly. These requirements are available in the root of the related subprojects.

Local Build

You can build locally NeoEMF by following the instructions in th Build section. It is then possible to install NeoEMF from the local built update site, or by importing the generated plugins.


To build NeoEMF first download the latest release here and unzip it (you can also download the development version here). Then go to the root of the extracted directory and run mvn clean install. This will build NeoEMF core components and database specific implementations. You can also run the tests by using "mvn test (-pl <core|map|graph>)".

To build NeoEMF Eclipse plugins you need to perform the following steps:

  • Move to eclipse folder cd plugins/eclipse
  • Run maven mvn clean install
  • NeoEMF plugins and update site are built and stored in your local m2 repository (.m2/fr/inria/atlanmod/neoemf)

Import Git repository in Eclipse

In order to import NeoEMF Git repository in Eclipse, you will need the following plugins in your installation (installable from the software repository of your Eclipse release):

  • EGit - version 3.4.2 or later
  • m2e - version 1.5.1 or later

And the following m2e connectors (installable through "Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery / m2e Marketplace"):

  • Maven SCM Handler for EGit (m2e-egit) - version 0.14 or later
  • Tycho Project Configurators (Tycho configurator) - version 0.8.0 or later


  • Import the project using File->import->Maven->Check out Maven Projects from SCM
  • Select "git" in the SCM URL field and paste the repository address (
  • Choose your workspace and working sets setting and finish

The projects project, parent, core, graph, graph.blueprints and map will be imported and built If you want to import the projects generating eclipse specific plugins (features, update site), you have to import them by hand using File->import->maven->Existing Maven Projects, and select the projects under the "plugins" folder in your local repository.

Known issues

  • Only Luna plugins are fetched (the compatibility is not ensured for previous eclipse versions)
  • The Eclipse plugins can not be built if maven can not access internet (it is needed to fetch Luna p2 repositories)
  • Sometimes the plugin build crashes and/or freezes during p2 index fetching from Luna repositories. It is generally sufficient to cancel the build (ctrl-c) and to relaunch it.


If you experience issues installing or using NeoEMF, you can submit an issue on github or contact us at [email protected]