This repository contains the software and design files for my custom smartwatch thing. The system is built on an ESP32, and the software is written in C++, using ESP-IDF and Arduino. The software includes a few "apps", which are shown below.
The device uses a custom PCB that holds the ESP32, and all the other electronics that make the system work. The PCB was designed in KiCad, and the enclosure for the device was made in OpenSCAD.
The system isn't as powerful as existing smartwatches, but it was a really great way for me to learn a lot of electronics and programming concepts and tools. This isn't supposed to be a marketable product, but a proof of concept thing, and a way for me to develop my skills. This repository is here as a kind of archive to show the level my skills are at at time of writing, and hopefully as a thing to look back on and learn from.
ESP-IDF componentsdesign_files
KiCad files for the schematic and PCBdocs
documentation for the system (seedocs/
for more detail)extras
other stuff like icons, data files, and pinout for the original breadboard prototypemain
where all the code livesspiffs
data and images for the SPIFFS partition
These are some rough instructions for installing and flashing the software on to an ESP32 board. These steps are mainly aimed for Linux systems.
- make sure the latest commit of ESP-IDF is installed and setup (this software is currently using commit 1d7068e)
git clone
this repository somewhere -git clone
into the project directory- then run these commands:
chmod +x ./
- this script automatically clones all of the submodules that the system depends on, then makes any neccessary modifications
- use menuconfig
to tell ESP IDF the flash size of the ESP32 you are using- go to
Serial flasher config → Flash size
and select the right flash size (i've only created partition files for 8MB and 16MB at the minute) - go to
Partition table → Custom partition CSV file
and enter eitherpartitions_8mb.csv
- go to
- to build the software, run build
, and to write the built firmware to an ESP32 board, flash
(see the ESP-IDF documentation for more detail on these commands) - next, flash an SPIFFS image to the device
- to do that from the root of the repository, call one of these commands depending on what flash size your ESP32 has:
# if you're using an 8 MB flash --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x340000 spiffs/spiffs_8mb.bin # if you're using a 16 MB flash --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0xE20000 spiffs/spiffs_16mb.bin
- more info on how SPIFFS is used can be found at spiffs/
- lots of external libraries are used. the details of these libraries can be found at
- Most app icons are part of the Papirus Icon Theme
- Some icons made by Icongeek26 from Flaticon.
- The weather icons were designed by Ian Amaral.
- The settings icon used in the IR Remote app is the one used by the Windows 10 Settings app.
- The icon used for the internet time button is time zone by Delwar Hossain from the Noun Project.
- The default font used is HelvetiHand by Billy Snyder. It is modified slightly to add a ™ symbol.
- Playing Cards by byronknoll