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BERT: Pre-trained models and downstream applications

This is a Texar implementation of Google's BERT model, which allows to load pre-trained model parameters downloaded from the official release and build/fine-tune arbitrary downstream applications with distributed training (This example showcases BERT for sentence classification).

Texar provides ready-to-use modules including BERTEncoder, and BERTClassifier. This example shows the use of BERTClassifier for sentence classification tasks.

In sum, this example showcases:

  • Use of pre-trained Google BERT models in Texar
  • Building and fine-tuning on downstream tasks
  • Distributed training of the models
  • Use of Texar TFRecordData module for data loading and processing

Quick Start

Download Dataset

We explain the use of the example code based on the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MRPC) corpus for sentence classification.

Download the data with the following command:

python data/ --tasks=MRPC

By default, it will download the MRPC dataset into the data directory. FYI, the MRPC dataset is part of the GLUE dataset collection.

Prepare data

We first preprocess the downloaded raw data into TFRecord files. The preprocessing tokenizes raw text with BPE encoding, truncates sequences, adds special tokens, etc. Run the following command to this end:

    python --task=MRPC
  • --task: Specifies the dataset name to preprocess. BERT provides default support for {'CoLA', 'MNLI', 'MRPC', 'XNLI', 'SST'} data.
  • --max_seq_length: The maxium length of sequence. This includes BERT special tokens that will be automatically added. Longer sequence will be trimmed.
  • --pretrained_model_name: The name of pre-trained BERT model. See the doc for all supported models.
  • --tfrecord_output_dir: The output path where the resulting TFRecord files will be put in. Be default, it is set to data/{task} where {task} is the (upper-cased) dataset name specified in --task above. So in the above cmd, the TFRecord files are output to data/MRPC.

Outcome of the Preprocessing:

  • The preprocessing will output 3 TFRecord data files {train.tf_record, eval.tf_record, test.tf_record} in the specified output directory.

  • The command also prints logs as follows:

      INFO:tensorflow:Loading data
      INFO:tensorflow:num_classes:2; num_train_data:3668 has been updated
      INFO:tensorflow:Data preparation finished

    Note that the data info num_classes and num_train_data, as well as max_seq_length specified in the cmd, are required for BERT training in the following. They should be specified in the data configuration file passed to BERT training (see below).

  • For convenience, the above cmd automatically writes num_classes, num_train_data and max_seq_length to

Train and Evaluate

For single-GPU training (and evaluation), run the following cmd. The training updates the classification layer and fine-tunes the pre-trained BERT parameters.

    python --do_train --do_eval


  • config_downstream: Configuration of the downstream part. In this example, config_classifier configures the classification layer and the optimization method.
  • config_data: The data configuration. See the default for example. Make sure to specify num_classes, num_train_data, max_seq_length, and tfrecord_data_dir as used or output in the above data preparation step.
  • output_dir: The output path where checkpoints and TensorBoard summaries are saved.
  • pretrained_model_name: The name of pre-trained BERT model. See the doc for all supported models.

For Multi-GPU training on one or multiple machines, you may first install the prerequisite OpenMPI and Hovorod packages, as detailed in the distributed_gpu example.

Then run the following cmd for training and evaluation. The cmd trains the model on local with 2 GPUs. Evaluation is performed with the single rank-0 GPU.

mpirun -np 2 \
    -H  localhost:2\
    -bind-to none -map-by slot \
    -mca pml ob1 -mca btl tcp,self \
    -mca btl_tcp_if_include ens3 \
    python --do_train --do_eval --distributed

The key configurations of multi-gpu training:

  • -np: total number of processes
  • -H: IP addresses of different servers and the number of processes used in each server. For example, -H,

Please refer to distributed_gpu example for more details of the other multi-gpu configurations.

Make sure to specifiy the --distributed flag as above for multi-gpu training.

After convergence, the evaluation performance is around the following. Due to certain randomness (e.g., random initialization of the classification layer), the evaluation accuracy is reasonable as long as it's >0.84.

INFO:tensorflow:dev accu: 0.8676470588235294

Restore and Test

python --do_test --checkpoint=output/model.ckpt

The output is by default saved in output/test_results.tsv, where each line contains the predicted label for each sample.

Use other datasets/tasks also support other datasets/tasks. To do this, specify a different value to the --task flag when running data preparation.

For example, use the following commands to download the SST (Stanford Sentiment Treebank) dataset and run for sentence classification. Make sure to specify the correct data path and other info in the data configuration file.

python data/ --tasks=SST
python --task=SST
python --do_train --do_eval --config_data=config_data