- PHP 5.5+
- PSR-7 middleware layer based on zend-expressive
- IoC Container: zend-servicemanager v2.6+ with container-interop support
- Routing: Aura.Router
- Templates: zend-view
- Separate write and read model following the CQRS approach by Greg Young
- Communication from and to the domain layer is handled by prooph/service-bus
- Event sourced write model is powered by prooph/event-sourcing
- Domain events are persisted in a prooph/event-store using one of the adapters:
- Read model persistence is managed with the help of Doctrine DBAL
- Value Object implementations are graped from nicolopignatelli/valueobjects
- Interop. factories using sandrokeil/interop-config
- Assertions - well, you know it
- Layout is graped from http://bootswatch.com which is based on bootstrap
- User interaction is handled with riot.js
- User input is validated with validate.js
- Commands are sent to the server using jQuery.ajax
- Server messages are presented by notify.js
- Datetime objects are handled with moment.js
- Datetime picker support provided by bootstrap-datetimepicker
- JavaScript UUID generator taken from https://gist.github.com/duzun/d1bfb5406a362e06eccd
- Little helpers: lodash.js and undersocre.string.js