ms.assetid | description | title | author | | | ms.topic | | keywords | ms.custom |
89ac711a-78ff-4219-8dc3-2bad2099cf49 |
See an example of a Microsoft Edge JSON manifest to see possible field values. |
Extensions - JSON manifest example |
MSEdgeTeam |
msedgedevrel |
01/15/2020 |
article |
microsoft-edge |
edge, web development, html, css, javascript, developer |
seodec18 |
[!INCLUDE deprecation-note]
The following snippet provides an example of a Microsoft Edge JSON manifest file.
"name" : "Sample extension manifest",
"version" : "",
"author" : "Microsoft Corporation",
"browser_action" :
"default_icon" :
"20" : "icon_20.png",
"40" : "icon_40.png"
"default_title" : "Sample extension",
"default_popup" : "popup.html"
"content_scripts" : [{
"js" : ["content_script.js"],
"matches" : ["*://*/*"]
"content_security_policy" : "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'",
"default_locale" : "en",
"description" : "This is a sample extension that illustrates the JSON manifest schema",
"options_page" : "options.html",
"permissions" :
"*://*/*", "notifications", "cookies", "tabs", "storage", "contextMenus", "background"
"background" :
"page" : "background.html",
"persistent" : false
"icons" : {
"128" : "icon_128.png",
"16" : "icon_16.png",
"48" : "icon_48.png"
"minimum_edge_version" : "33.14281.1000.0",
"web_accessible_resources" : ["icon_48.png"]