Course project for Interactive Computer Graphics.
Part of code is done by professors on FER. © 2012-2021 Marko Čupić, Željka Mihajlović and Hrvoje Nuić
- Lab1
- Drawing lines on raster units
- Drawing and filling a polygon
- Lab2
- OpenGL program
- 3D objects
- Model, view and projection matrices
- Lab3
- Removing hidden polygons
- Shading
- Constant shading
- Gouraud shading
- Phong shading
- Lab4
- Textures
- Shadow mapping
Implementation of Bresenham's algorithm. Lines are drawn in the center of screen and lines cutting is implemented using Cohen Sutherland's algorithm. With left mouse button you determine two points and with right mouse button lines are drawn only in the screen center.
Create a polygon with left mouse button and fill it with right mouse button.
Drawing filled triangles using OpenGL VAO, VBO and EBO.
Implementation of model, view and projection matrices. User can move his eye vector using keys Q, W, E, A, S, D.
Removing hidden polygons
Backface culling. Three different algorithms used for shading. Constant, Gouraud, Phong.
Eye is moving on Bezier's curve. User can set polygon's points using left mouse button and moving with Q,W,E,A,S,D.
Usage of minimaps, interpolation using nearest neighbour...
Scene is first drawn from light's perspective and with this we get depth's map. Then second time it's drawn from observer's position for obtaining correct shadow position. Bias of 0.005 is used for removing effect called shadown acne.