- Use R in a container to run the conformity tests for a ready-to-use stable (reproducible) environment? E. g. similar to https://github.com/ruaridhw/dockerfiles/tree/master/rsqlserver/rstudio https://www.r-bloggers.com/fragment-running-multiple-services-such-as-jupyter-notebooks-and-a-postgres-database-in-a-single-docker-container/
- Better docker automation (installation, updates, version management of DBMSes...)? See package "harbor": https://github.com/wch/harbor
- Could a docker-enabled CI service support automatic updates of the reports? https://yutani.rbind.io/post/2017-10-18-circleci/
- Create RMarkdown report for summarized and detailled results and plots (comparing all tested databases)
- store historical results to show a time series of test results
- Support consistent comparisson: Order the result groups to keep the same order over time in the plots and summary tables
- result details shall show per single test case: Passed, Failed, Skipped with green, red, yellow background + personal notes + link to open ticket(s)...
- Refactor code to allow better reuse for different DBI drivers and databases
- use "validation" instead of "compliance" ("item of validation", "validation result"...) to
reduce the felt severity of the results (which must be interpreted in the context of the planned usage)?
! Improve
by opening feature requests: Annotate test cases with description (could already be done by Kirill, see "textual DBI specification" in https://www.r-dbi.org/blog/dbi-1-final/), functions under test, link to test code, annotate each checked expectation with a good name, add a severity class to each test {fatal, err, warn, info} ... Make spec_() public to be able to see the available test names and test code (without looking into the DBItest source code) + being able to compare the number of executed test cases against the number of available test case (since the DBItest::test_ functions have a skip parameter that skips tests that are not counted as skipped in testthat => let testthat do the skip instead of skip the test within DBItest [see run_test() in run.R] to allow testthat a consistent report of all skipped tests) - Option to mark tests as irrelevant + reason (to avoid false positives for unsupported features). Could use skipping.
- Extend DBItest to get a list of all tests to check the up-to-date available tests against performed tests in old results (e. g. which one are missing due to newly added tests)?
- add a better reporter for testthat that returns the most granular results (e. g. one row per expectation + support for the number of skipped tests instead of a logical flag)
- List known DBI driver packages in the readme (reverse dependency of CRAN may help but it ignores new packages at github...)
- store results as CSV file to be read again for comparing the results of different set-ups
- also check odbc:RODBC bridge driver to show differences in implementations (RODBCDBI::ODBC())
- call test_all + specify the skip param instead of calling every single test case group (for a correct skip summary)
- fix or minimize transaction testing problem (e. g. via skip until the bug is fixed in
) Bug was fixed, see: r-dbi/odbc#138
- centralize used color scheme (color codes) to support changing it in one place (currently spreaded in the report)
- rename testhat reporter column names in result.raw for consistent names in reports (no more renamings in reports)
- result.raw: logical columns should be converted to Y/N (nicer in reports than true/false)
- define terminology with DBItest team and use it consistent allover the source code and reports
- test case: A call of
- assertion: A call of
- test environment (or: platform?): The client-side operating system, R version and package versions
- test configuration: A combination of a database, DBI driver and connection properties (the DB-Server OS is ignored here!)
- test run
- maturity = level of DBI compliance
- test case: A call of
- Test the package
that usesrClr
and the .Net namespaceSystem.Data.SqlClient
. This could be done using a Docker container: https://github.com/agstudy/rsqlserver - Add
DBI package to the supported test configuration: https://github.com/r-dbi/RMariaDB - Add all other "native" (non-ODBC) driver to the supported test configuration (e. g. google bigquery, RODBCDBI::ODBC()): https://github.com/r-dbi https://github.com/agstudy/rsqlserver https://github.com/imanuelcostigan/RSQLServer
- How about other (No)SQL databases? https://www.r-bloggers.com/database-interfaces/ http://db.rstudio.com/databases/
- rename project into "compliance" or "maturity"
- Find a way to stop long running or blocking tests after a defined grace period (e. g. caused by dead-locks or implementation problems with transactions)
- Test runs on different client-side platforms and with different odbc drivers
must be considered, e. g.
- for a unique file name for results
- showing the odbc driver from the connection string - or the whole connection string without credentials
- in the comparative report by giving each test configuration a unique name
- translation of internal database version numbers into "public" versions (e. g. postgresql 100001 = version 10.x)
- SELECT current_setting('server_version_num')
- https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/New_in_postgres_10#Change_in_Version_Numbering
- As of Version 10, PostgreSQL no longer uses three-part version numbers, but is shifting to two-part version numbers. A six-digit integer version number which will be consistently sortable and comparable between versions 9.6 and 10
- Normale DBMS names (column "DB.name") for consistent grouping per DBMS in comparative reports
- replace data.table column indices with column names in the single test config report
- consider most popular databases (MongoDB, Redis: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018/#technology-databases https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018/#technology-most-loved-dreaded-and-wanted-databases
- Reference https://www.r-dbi.org in readme.md
- improve aggregation: count number of rows (= test_that test cases) instead of "nb" column (= number of expectations)?
- log version numbers of R, odbc and DBItest
- store results as Excel files too (e. g. using the package
to avoid the java dependency ofxlsx
) - Use LibreCalc or Excel file format to maintain the test configurations (R code is not really pretty)