When you begin applying to opportunities, you will need to create and manage a lot of files. Files such as your essays, Resume, scanned copy of your college ID, copy of your mark lists and so on.
So how do you easily manage your files?
The traditional way of managing files is by saving them on your Desktop. Sometimes you have designated folders where you keep these files safe.
But today, there are online file storage systems associates with your email ID available for you. Such systems help you save your files in the cloud and access them wherever you are, just by logging in to your email ID.
Sharing these files from cloud storage is way easier than our traditional sharing method of attaching them as well.
There are a number of options available to you - Google Drive, DropBox, Microsoft OneDrive, ICloud and so on. Which service you wish to use is entirely up to you.
What we will also look at in this segment is how you can manipulate your files to change their size or formats. Different opportunity application portals require you to share your documents in different formats and sizes. That’s where this skill comes into play.
Let’s begin exploring some useful file-management and manipulation techniques.
You are sometimes required to scan a copy of your college ID, photo identification ID or marklists.
To scan files, you can either use the inbuilt scan document option available in Google Drive or use apps such as Camscanner.
A key feature of Google Drive is the ability to create documents quickly using templates. Google Docs offers quick templates to create a resume and comes pretty handy.
You can also use the templates to write a cover letter or a letter of recommendation.
Here’s a blog on using google docs to create a Resume.
Earlier, we used to create files and save them in folders for us to easily locate them. But today, with the ability to search for files coming in, it is much easier to locate files by searching for its name. This is where using relevant file names become important.
It is good to include your name in your files, especially while saving documents such as your Resume and sharing them along with your applications. Having your name in can be significantly helpful to the reviewers in quickly understanding that the file is yours.
Most cloud storage systems give you the option to locate files included using search. This is a quick and easier way of locating your files. Practicing to properly name your files and find them by searching can be a good skill to acquire.
Sometimes, you are required to resize your files and images before you upload them onto the application portal. There are multiple tools online to resize files.
Here’s one such tool for resizing images: https://www.reduceimages.com/
Here’s a tool to resize pdf files: https://pdfresizer.com/resize
There are lots of tools online that allow you to merge pdf documents, edit them, convert files to various formats. https://www.ilovepdf.com/ is one such helpful tool.