my shell snippets
BASH script to generate a shuffled list of files in a given directory
4 options are available.
-d, --directory: directory to search. default is working directory
-r, --recursive: recursively shuffle the given directory. default is off
-e, --extension: only shuffle files with the given extension. default is all files
-f, --folders: only shuffle folders
shuffle all files found recursively in memes directory
> piando -r -d ~/memes
shuffle all png files found recursively in memes directory
> piando -r -d ~/memes -e png
shuffle all folders found recursively in music directory. play them with mpv
> piando -r -d ~/music -f | mpv --playlist=- --loop-playlist
script to generate the current moonphase
1 option is available
-s, --southern: are you in the southern hemisphere? default is no
> ./moonphases
🌘 Waning Crescent
> ./moonphases -s
🌒 Waning Crescent
script to generate sunrise and sunset times
1 option is available
-l, --location: location code from for current location. default is bay area
get sunrise and sunset for boston
> ./suntimes -l USMA0046
🌄 05:55 🌇 20:15
get sunrise and sunset for agra
> ./suntimes -l INXX0203
🌄 05:17 🌇 20:04
script to center a string by padding with whitespace to the left and right
center 'hi' between whitespace where total character count is 28
> ./center_string hi 28