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ADR004: An Effect System for Quint

Revision Date Author
3 26.09.2022 Gabriela Moreira


Reasoning about state changes in a system is difficult. It is even tricky to try to automate analysis of the aggregate state updates and reads that are specified by a set of operators. We would like to have an elegant way of ensuring specifications are valid before we hand them to the model checker, and a way of providing users with clear feedback on when they are making invalid updates (or failing to make required updates).

This is the proposal of a simple read & update effect system for Quint, with two objectives:

  1. Check that Quint modes are respected regarding their effects,
  2. Check that each variable is updated exactly once at next.


Towards being more explicit about different components of a specification, each Quint definition has a mode. Because there's also the possibility of higher order operators, we thought it would be wise to define modes in terms of effects in a system that is independent of the type system and much simpler. With a read & update effect system, we can also check whether a composition of actions in next is enough to define updates to all variables and ensure that is not re-defining any variable.


We considered a unified system that accounted for effects in the types versus a type-and-effect system, where the types and effects are analyzed separately. As far as the initial exploration went, there's no evidence of a need to correlate both systems, so we chose a standalone effect system for the isolation simplicity.


Quint expressions and definitions can be assigned both a type and an effect, which are independent of each other. Here are some examples of inferred effects for some definitions:

var x: int
var y: int

pure P(a) = a + 1 // (Pure) => Pure
state S(a) = x + a // (Pure) => Read['x']

action<x> A1(a) = x <- x + a // (Pure) => Read['x'] & Update['x']
action<x> A2(a) = x <- S(a) // (Pure) => Read['x'] & Update['x']

action<x, y> A3(a) = x <- x + a // (Pure) => Read['x', 'y'] & Update['x', 'y']

In these examples, keywords pure, state and action are providing effect information to be checked against the inferred effect. This information is not used for inference. Note that information between <...> is not part of the effect system, but actually syntax sugar for unchanged assignments (and assignments do have influence on effects).

How restrictive should pure definitions be?

This is an open question. We have two alternatives for the pure keyword:

  1. Only allow Pure parameters and Pure result
  2. Allow parameters with Read effects as long as the resulting effect doesn't Read any other variables

Option 1 may be too restrictive and barely used, since, for most operators, it's desirable that they can be applied to state variables (i.e. + in x + 1 if x is a state variable).

PS: alternative names for pure are static and stateless.


Identifiers v, c, op
Effects E, Ei ::= Read[vars] | Update[vars] | Pure | E & E | (E0, ..., EN) => E
Expressions e, ei ::= any Quint expression
Contexts Γ ::= { kind: 'var' | 'const' | 'param', identifier: v } | { kind: 'def', identifier: op, effect: E } | Γ ∪ Γ
Substitutions S, Si ::= {v ↦ E} | {v ↦ c} | S ∪ S

Normal form

A normalized effect takes only one of two forms:

Effects E ::= Read[vars] & Update[vars] | (E0, ..., EN) => E

Other forms are actually sugaring for these two. Effects like Update['x'] & Update['y'] are in an invalid format and should be simplified before applying any other transformation. See equivalence rules below.

The motivation for this form is to help writing effect signatures for operators that care only about the read or the update part of some effect. For example, the or operator representing disjunction in Quint takes expressions with the identical updates, but doesn't have any restrictions on the read part. Ensuring this normal form allows us to write its signature as (Read[r1] & Update[u], Read[r2] & Update[u]) => Read[r1 ∪ r2] & Update[u].

Equivalence rules

These are some equivalence rules to be used alongside unification, but that don't require any substitution. These are applied in a simplification process with the goal of reaching the normal form. Equivalence between E1 and E2 is expressed by E1 ≡ E2, and the equivalence symbol has the lowest precedence on this system.

E1 ≡ Ex & Read[x0, ..., xn]   E2 ≡ Ey & Read[y0, ..., yn]
---------------------------------------------------------- (READ)
E1 & E2 ≡ Ex & Ey & Read[x0, ..., xn, y0, ..., yn]

E1 ≡ Ex & Update[x0, ..., xn]   E2 ≡ Ey & Update[y0, ..., yn]
             {x0, ..., xn} ∩ {y0, ..., yn} ≡ ∅
-------------------------------------------------------------- (UPDT)
E1 & E2 ≡ Ex & Ey & Update[x0, ..., xn, y0, ..., yn]

Pure ≡ Read[] ≡ Update[] ≡ Read[] & Update[]
E & Pure ≡ E
E1 & E2 ≡ E2 & E1
E1 & (E2 & E3) ≡ (E1 & E2) & E3

One might be inclined to treat Read[vars] & Update[vars] and Update[vars] as equivalent, reasoning that one must be able to read a variable in order to update it. However, in Quint we can update a variable without reading it's current value: x <- x + 1 is different from x <- 2. We anticipate there may be utility in differentiating these cases, such as being able to partition transitions that only read a variable on the current state from transitions that only update a variable (that is, its value on the next state).


Should be pretty straightforward variable substitution for both effect variables and variables inside Read and Update statements.

Inference rules

Inferring names: variables have effect Read[v] (unless they are used in as targets of assignment, where their resulting effect will be inferred correctly as Update[v]), constants have no effect (Pure), values used as parameters can read variables (the read variables are introduces as a new quantification over variables with the parameter name prefixed by r_) operators resolve to the effect of their respective bodies.

{ kind: 'var', identifier: v } ∈ Γ
------------------------------------ (NAME-VAR)
      Γ ⊢ v: Read[v]

{ kind: 'const', identifier: c } ∈ Γ
------------------------------------- (NAME-CONST)
      Γ ⊢ c: Pure

 { kind: 'param', identifier: p } ∈ Γ
------------------------------------ (NAME-PARAM)
         Γ ⊢ v: Read[r_p]

{ identifier: op, effect: E } ∈ Γ
-------------------------------------- (NAME-OP)
          Γ ⊢ op: E

Inferring operator application: find its signature and try to unify with the parameters. Assume freshVar always returns unused names, and unify returns a substitution unifying the two given effects. S(E) applies said substitution to an effect E.

{ identifier: op, effect: E } ∈ Γ    Γ ⊢ p0:E0 ... Γ ⊢ pn:EN
Eres <- freshVar   S = unify(E, (E0, ...,  EN) => Eres)
------------------------------------------------------ (APP)
          Γ ⊢ op(p0, ..., pn): S(Eres)

Operator definitions (top-level or inside let-in's): infer signature and add it to context

                       Γ ⊢ e: E
------------------------------------------------------------- (OPDEF)
Γ ∪ { identifier: op, effect: E } ⊢ (def op(params) = e): Pure

Lambda parameters can have any shape since we allow high order operators.

                 Γ ⊢ e: E
---------------------------------------------- (LAMBDA)
Γ ⊢ (p0, ..., pn) => e: (E0, ..., En) => E

Let-in expressions assume the effect of the expression in its body.

    Γ ⊢ e: E
----------------------- (LET)
Γ ⊢ <opdef> { e }: E

Literals are always Pure.

Examples of built-in operator signatures

exists: (Read[r1], (Read[p]) => Read[r2]) => Read[r1, p, r2]
+(iadd): (Read[r1], Read[r2]) => Read[r1, r2]
assign: (Read[r1], Read[r2] & Update[u2]) => Read[r2] & Update[r1, u2]

Some operators support different arity, and therefore are defined as functions that take the number of arguments as parameter and returns the signature for that arity. Some examples for arity 2:

andAction: (Read[r1] & Update[u1], Read[r2] & Update[u2]) => Read[r1, r2] & Update[u1, u2]
orAction: (Read[r1] & Update[u], Read[r2] & Update[u]) => Read[r1, r2] & Update[u]


Table testing a simple expression with conflicting effects (x is updated twice):

def A = {
  & x <- x + 1
  & x <- x + 2
} => should raise error

First expression in the andAction application:

x: Read['x'] -- by (NAME)
1: Pure
x + 1: Read['x'] -- by (APP)
x <- x + 1: Update['x'] & Read['x'] -- by (APP), see below
  S = unify(
         (Read['x'], Read['x']) => E0
         (Read[v]  , E        ) => Update[v] & E
  ) = {v ↦ 'x', E ↦ Read['x'], E0 ↦ Update['x'] & Read['x']}
  S(E0) = Read['x'] & Update['x']

Second expression in the andAction application is analogous:

x <- x + 2: Read['x'] & Update['x']-- by (APP)

Applying (APP) to the andAction operator, a unification error is found:

  (Update['x'] & Read['x'], Update['x'] & Read['x']) => E0
  (E1                     , E2                     ) => E1 & E2
) => Error simplifying Update['x'] & Update['x']

  & x <- x + 1
  & x <- x + 2
}: Error

Implementation Plan

  1. Implement unification system for effects, including simplification, checks and substitution application
  2. Define effect signatures for all built-in operators
  3. Extend name resolution to provide interfaces for obtaining a definition's body from its name
  4. Write visitor to infer effects and report errors when found.