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Lalalambda is one package that doubles as 1. a hapi plugin and 2. a Serverless framework plugin. These two plugins work together to allow you to define lambda functions in hapi that can be packaged and deployed using the Serverless framework to AWS Lambda.

We are open to expand support for providers other than AWS with your help!

The hapi plugin

The hapi plugin is responsible for the interface to,

  1. Configure an entire hapi server for deployment as a lambda function using plugin registration options.
  2. Configure individual hapi routes for deployment as lambda functions using route configuration.
  3. Configure arbitrary lambda functions triggered by cloud events using server.lambda().


Lalalambda may be registered multiple times—it should be registered in any plugin that would like to use any of its features.

It only has one plugin registration option, which is used to configure the entire hapi server as a lambda function. Although lalalambda may be registered multiple times, it may only be registered once using this option.

  • lambdaify - a lambda configuration as described in server.lambda(lambda) below. Alternatively, may be a string serving as the lambda config id. Note that the lambda config events may also be a function that receives the default configuration and returns the desired configuration. When this option is set to true it defaults to the lambda config { id: 'server' }.


await server.register({
    plugin: require('lalalambda'),
    options: {
        lambdaify: true

Route configuration

Individual hapi routes can be configured as lambda functions.


A lambda configuration as described in server.lambda(lambda) below. Alternatively, may be a string serving as the lambda config id. Note that the lambda config events may also be a function that receives the default configuration and returns the desired configuration. When this option is set to true it defaults to the lambda config with id matching the hapi route's


    method: 'get',
    path: '/hello/{name?}',
    options: {
        id: 'hello',
        plugins: {
            lalalambda: true
        handler: ({ params }) => {

            return {
                hello: || 'world'


Defines a lambda function to be merged into the project's Serverless functions config where,

  • lambda - a lambda configuration object or an array of configuration objects where each object contains:
    • id - (required) the lambda id.
    • handler - (required when options.handler is not set) an alternative to using options.handler, described below.
    • options - the lambda configuration:
      • events, runtime, etc. - any configuration item described in the Serverless functions config.

      • handler - (required) the lambda function's handler async function(event, context):

        • The event and context arguments are described in the AWS Lambda docs. The context object also contains context.server referencing the hapi server in which the lambda was defined. If server.bind() was called, the handler will be bound to the provided context via this. Note that handlers never use callbacks.


const Wreck = require('@hapi/wreck');

    id: 'earthquakes',
    options: {
        events: [{
            schedule: 'rate(1 minute)'
        handler: async (event, context) => {

            const { payload } = await Wreck.get('');

            const { features: [earthquake] } = JSON.parse(payload.toString());

            if (earthquake) {
                // You have access to the server on the event's context

The Serverless plugin

Lalalambda takes no options when used as a Serverless plugin. Currently the plugin only supports the aws Serverless provider, and each function deployed via lalalambda must use the nodejs8.10 runtime or newer. The plugin is responsible for:

  1. Configuring the project's Serverless service based upon relevant lambda and route configurations made within hapi.

  2. Writing lambda handler files during packaging, deployment, local invocation, etc., and later cleaning them up. These files will be written in your project root's _lalalambda/ directory.

In order to interoperate with your hapi server, it is expected that server.js or server/index.js export an async function named deployment returning your configured hapi server. This server should have the lalalambda hapi plugin registered.

A minimal Serverless config utilizing lalalambda will look like this:

# serverless.yml
service: my-service

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10

  - lalalambda